
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 135 – Fate, Destiny, Probability, Causality

What is space-time? Well, more specifically, what is time?

Time, a thing that is known as the 4th-dimensional plane. A place where everything to ever existed in history exists at the same time, or something like that.

Basically, a flat plane where the concept of time is handled. To control time is to control that flat plane. To move through time is to go to a different coordinate in that flat plane. So, you're not really going upstream from the river of time, you're simply moving either left or right in a flat plane where those events in time have already happened in the same frame, basically.

The tomorrow has already existed, and you are only moving to that coordinate and experiencing it yourself. So, a 4th-dimensional entity means they exist in every coordinate of that mystical plane, existing in every point of history, kinda terrifying, right?

Well, it is only in the aspects of time, a 4th-dimensional entity also exists in every coordinate in space, so they're essentially omnipresent in the universe those planes of space-time exist in.

Why am I talking about space-time? Well, it's because I'm too busy fucking a certain someone who holds the same power as mine, so I kinda got into a deep contemplative mindset to busy myself with the feeling of pain and pleasure.

Now that I think about it, space-time manipulation just doesn't mean I manipulate those planes of existence. It means I control gravity too, which is just the curvature of space-time, meaning I technically can control it. And I've already been subconsciously doing it since long ago, now that I think about it more clearly.

Huh… I think I'm actually kind of stupid.

Time, what is time?

What is fate? Destiny? Probability? Causality?

If I were to really think about it, I can perhaps control something far greater than I originally thought.

For example, if I were to choose the timeline I want to exist in, then aren't I manipulating destiny? Any possible choices can and will exist, resulting in different timelines to be born. So, I can perhaps, nay, I can choose a timeline where I planted a potato on the ground and it caused the world to explode, in fact, I'm viewing that timeline as I speak!

Huh, so as long as it is not zero, then I can force a certain outcome to happen with absolute certainty if I increase my mastery over controlling space-time.

Destiny? Luck? Fate? I can control it all!

Just think about it, I can control what timeline will render, meaning I can choose what outcomes and events will happen.

Possibility, causality, I can also control those too.

So many concepts fall under space-time, and now I am finally realizing the true extent of my powers. Was it perhaps due to the epiphany gained from fucking that I am finally realizing my true potential? Or was it due to the fact that I'm fucking another space-time manipulator that a mysterious power allowed me to attain a higher understanding of my abilities?

Or… Is father invoking enlightenment upon me forcefully? Hmm, that is the most likely reason now that I think about it. Sigh, my father really is amazing, losing his real body and turning into a different entity altogether so fast, when will I reach my Embodiment Stage?

Welp, less thinking, more practical testing.

"Activate Testing Grounds."

As I feel my body going on autopilot from years of training I've done inside accelerated time along with my father's help, I slowly lost control over my body and opened my eyes to the dark void. No light, no sound, no air, only the dark void in my astral body.

Where am I exactly? I'm inside a fake reality my father constructed where I can train myself to the utmost limit as if I was actually doing it in real life. It's similar to the Immersive Virtual Reality this world holds to train young hunters without incurring any real risks, but mine is obviously better because Dada made it, hehe.

The only downside is that you can't train your physical body to grow muscle inside here, hence my slim physique even though I've done rigorous training in this fake world where my muscles were torn down constantly over many months of training. Any 11-year-old child like me would have achieved a hint of muscle already, yet none formed on mine.

Anyways, enough complaining, let's do some testing.

As I wave my arm in the air, a screen popped up in front of me. A series of choices can be seen, and I chose the simple grassy plains map. With a burst of white light, I could feel my body turning physical, along with the entire dark void around me becoming grassy plains.

A blue sky hung above me, showing the bright sun covered by white fluffy clouds. The grass around me swayed with the soft breeze of the wind, while my clothes fluttered in response. I took a deep breath, feeling refreshed as the burden of my mortal coil vanish while inside this fake reality.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention, but I can actually manipulate space-time already without relying too much on my Demon Core? That's what spending many months of training inside this fake reality will let you achieve, ugh, so many months of hard work really does pay off.

Okay, let's talk about how I can achieve the aforementioned luck, destiny, fate, probability, etc. manipulation. First, we need to observe space-time as more of a plane where everything that can exist, will exist.

So, basically, I only need to use that to my advantage. For example, the previously mentioned throwing a stone to cause a tornado to form.


As Raiden looks out into the field of grass in front of him, a small pebble suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. Closing his fist, he reared back his arm and squinted his eyes which glowed crimson.

'First, change the way you perceive reality. Imagine that throwing this stone is divided between two outcomes. One, it just lands on the ground. Or two, it causes a tornado to form. Pretty absurd, I know, but that's pretty much how it happens. I choose what outcome will happen and that outcome I personally picked will indeed happen.' Raiden thought to himself, a small smirk adorning his face as exhilaration and excitement coursed through him.

A new almighty power that can dictate the outcome, the ability to control what the future will become, that is simply another part of the wide concept of space-time. And with that, Raiden thrusts out his arm, causing the pebble to fly into the air, and…

The air whooshed with force, and a small vortex of air started to form. A path to the heavens seemed to connect to the grassy ground. The clouds gathered and slowly but surely descended down to the ground to invoke its wrath.

And yet, as if a mistake happened, the air suddenly stopped, causing the slowly forming tornado to dissipate away. Looking back at Raiden, he simply chuckled with excitement, not a hint of disappointment can be seen on his face.

How can he be disappointed? This is simply the start, failure is the mother of learning is what his father always says to him, and that lesson was ingrained into his very mind.

"Hmm, it seems like that oversimplification is the problem. Instead of directly picking the outcome I want to happen, I should instead guide destiny to my desired outcome slowly, instead of forcefully. A small stream is more consistent than a burst of water. Slowly, I'll learn how to do this effectively without an overreliance on choosing the desired timeline and using future vision."

So with that, Raiden picked another pebble from the ground and started to experiment to his heart's content.

*** (A Few Weeks Later)

"Ahhh! My left arm! It's being swallowed by the sealed Ancient Dragon of Abyssal Flames!" Raiden screamed, his left arm slowly turning charcoal black with crimson flames spewing out of it from the cracks that formed.

He grunted and felt throbbing pain emanating from his cursed left arm. He kneeled down to the ground, the abyssal crimson flames spewing out of his left arm scorched the fields of grass around him, turning it into a burning hellscape with no signs of life anywhere.

The fire continued to spread, dying the sky crimson red while gray ash littered the ground.

'Ehh, too lame. So I can already pretty much warp reality through causality. What is causality? It is the cause and effect. Through my ability to alter both past and future, I can pretty much alter the cause and effect. Well, I still haven't mastered it yet, and can only do silly little things like this by altering my one-year-old self to have been accidentally used as a host to an ancient dragon and other bullshit reasons. Ha, it's been fun, but Dada would nag me if I alter the past too much. I really should find a way to become more proficient in causality manipulation.' Raiden thought before reality around him suddenly changed in an instant.

The sealed dragon in his left arm? When did that ever happen? There was no dragon sealed in his left.

Grinning lightly, Raiden waved his arm, causing the ground below him to rapidly shrink down until he found himself floating in the void of space with the planets floating around the solar system he was in the size of his fists.

"This is the power of a god! KAKAKAKAKA!" Raiden laughed loudly, before flying through the void of space and arriving at the star of the solar system he was in. Snapping his fingers, the star shrunk down to the size of a small marble, which he swallowed in one bite and felt power coursing through his celestial body.

"Oho? I didn't know my son has become this strong that fast. Was your father's forced enlightenment effective?"

Turning his eyes in shock, Raiden suddenly found himself standing inside a white void, where his father—Lute—was standing. His eyes were deep purple, while his hair was void black. One glance alone from him caused butterflies to flutter inside Raiden's stomach.

"Dada!" Raiden ran up to his father and took him into a tight hug. Lute laughed, and Raiden suddenly felt another pair of arms hugging him from the back.

Opening his eyes, he suddenly sees another man standing behind him. Eyes colored black and white, a featureless white mask, raven black hair, it was his other father, Kira.

"Papa!" Raiden shouted once more, and also took Kira into a tight hug. As a cozy warmth spread throughout his body from the sense of touch between father and son, Raiden let go because he knew they were here to inform him of something important.

"Good job in dealing with Tima Fawker, Raiden."

"Hehe, you're welcome, Dada," Raiden rubbed his nose with a bashful smile.

"Mmm. I and your other father here have already finished our part in the mission too. Now, you just need to head back outside and acquire the fruits of your labor. With that, you'll gain a huge power boost in terms of your ability to control space-time."

"Mmm!" Raiden nodded his head.

"Sigh, I really wish I can spend more time with you, Raiden. But we still have more objectives to accomplish, so work hard for your fathers!" Lute grinned and patted Raiden on the head.

"Yes!" Raiden smiled and waved goodbye.


I am cum. Cum is me. Semen is my first name, and cum is my last.

Upon opening my eyes, I found myself in my bedroom with the cum riddled body of mine and Tima Fawker greeting me. It felt sticky throughout my entire body, and the cum was disgusting. Yet, I held back my disgust and was instead entranced by the two dark purple spheres floating over the chest of the sleeping Tima Fawker.

One glance alone gave me countless insights regarding the field of space-time. As if hypnotizing me, my body subconsciously went to grab hold of those two spheres, and they rapidly shoot forward, piercing through my temple and feeding an influx of knowledge into my very mind.

As my consciousness slowly faded away from the influx of knowledge, countless rapid thoughts riddled my mind.

I guess my time in school is short-lived.

Perhaps I'll have Tima Fawker as my cum dumpster when feeling stressed?

It's a good thing he didn't die and prevented myself from committing necrophilia.

Random thoughts they truly were, and with that, I said goodbye and fell asleep.

AN: This chapter has 2215 words.

Let me explain how Space-Time Manipulation can evolve into Causality Manipulation to those with small brains. Time is directly tied to concepts such as destiny, fate, and such so that's easy to explain, the interesting part is the 'effect' or the 'outcome'.

Cause can be considered the past, while the effect is the present/future. Change the past to a desired future, doesn't that sound similar to change the cause for a desired effect?

So, we just connect the dots and Space-time = fate = destiny = probability = causality.

There, are you satisfied now you fucking nerd?

And on the topic of time and space, I just realized that the literal start of Volume 7 is a hint to Braun's behind the scenes schemes. When we finally get to a few years into the future, you'll notice the discrepancy of events and how the timeline doesn't seem to add up. Yes, I'm author from the future here.

(August 26, 2022 – 275th day of writing)

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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