
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 129 – The True History of Terra

Inside a certain kingdom that resides in the Southern Continent where demons and devils reside, a flash of purple light appeared in a certain humble room. The room in question only contained a set of couches not flashy in appearance, some bookshelves with a series of books inside them, a wooden table in the middle of the room, ivory white walls, a floating ball of light to illuminate the room, its appearance wasn't eye-catching for the most part.

Yet, as Lute opens his eyes, he smirked lightly upon being greeted by a shadowy silhouette sitting on the couch opposite to him. Its figure was tall, with long legs and an athletic build even though its appearance consisted of wispy shadows. One can see two long horns atop the figure's head, along with a swishing shadowy tail by the side. On the figure's lap, one can see a closed book with a dark purple cover, the title was written: 'Tales of a Foolish God'.

"Demon Lord, it truly is a pleasant surprise for you to invite me into your humble abode."

As Lute sat down with a smile, he looks at the shadowy figure of the Demon Lord and noticed the distinct purple eyes of the Demon Lord, causing him to smile lightly.

"I must say the same to you, Lute Stolas. I have heard many of your achievements and was surprised to hear that you have been my foolish daughter's secret teacher."

"Oh, no, no. I was more than happy to be your daughter's teacher. In fact, she's my first ever official student, if I don't take into account my chef disciple."

"Hmm, that must mean you're quite the good cook."

"Thank you, your Majesty," Lute laughed lightly before his eyes turned cold. The atmosphere in the room turned tense in an instant, as if a fight can break out at any moment.

"Hmm, it seems like you're very much ready for business. But first, would you like to hear a story of mine?" Demon Lord asked.

Lute laughed brightly after hearing the Demon Lord's request, and answered politely, the tense atmosphere in the room hastily dissolved like melting snow in blooming spring, "Of course, your Highness. I would love to hear what you might have in store for this ignorant one."

"Good, good. Then, we shall start this story of mine about a foolish god."

There once existed a God named Ordo, the embodiment of Order who keeps the peace and prosperity of the world he ruled over. The world holds five continents and blue oceans, with rolling white clouds from above, vibrant habitats, and ecology ranging from desert hills and flat plains.

The world was called Terra, a world of peace with no dangers to be found for its residents. There existed plenty of sentient races in the world. The Elves who protect the World Tree in the Western Continent; Animal Spirits—sentient animals who wield magical abilities—who roamed free in the Southern Continent; the Elementals of the Northern Continent; the Beast Men of the Eastern Continent; the ocean dwellers of the large blue ocean; many races lived in harmony throughout the world.

Yet, one race unified them all, a race that can be considered the children of the God—Ordo. They were called the Ordonians, a powerful race that can uphold the peace of the world.

They consisted of 72 Pillars and wielded a special magic that only belonged to that race, Order Magic. With their might and good nature, the thought of chaos brewing in the world was close to null. Each of the 72 Pillars wielded special Order Magic that only belonged to them, 72 Pillars that uphold the order of the world through their support.

Yet, everything changed when the foolish God met a woman of dazzling beauty and kind nature. Her hair was gold like the sun, her eyes were as deep as the ocean blue, her skin was similar to pure white snow, and she had a bright smile that brightens the entire world around them.

The foolish God instantly fell in love with the woman, just one glance from her made him smitten with unknown emotions he has never felt before. He treated her as his queen, the goddess who can stand beside him.

The whole world also treated her as the Goddess, eventually giving her the name Angelica, the Goddess of Light. If one were to think of the word 'beauty', she'll pop up to mind. If one were to think of the word 'kind', she'll be the first thing people would think of.

Her influence and power rivaled her husband, the foolish God in question. Yet, how come a woman such as her caliber remained unknown and is as strong as the very God who controlled the entire world? That's a question the foolish god will come to question later when it was too late.

As decades passed, the two got closer to one another. Until finally, the foolish god learned of the goddess' lowly but unique origins.

Her words were as followed:

"You see, I actually came from another world other than your own. That planet was called Earth, a world without the existence of magic, and instead relied upon science and technology. A single sentient race exists in that world, the Human Race, and I too, am a human. Husband, I wish for humans to also exist in this world."

And such, under his lovestruck mind, the foolish God went above his limit to open a dimensional rift between two different worlds. With his power weakened and the existence of humans barging into his own land, the world slowly fell into ruin.

What was originally a perfect world of Order, slowly got influenced by the new existence called Chaos. The existence of humans itself signed the doom this world shall go through.

With new inhabitants came new concepts.

Racism, poverty, segregation, nobility, foreign concepts invaded his world like a virus, plaguing the originally innocent inhabitants of his world into degradation.

The Elves were divided between the pure and impure Elves and Dark Elves. Ancestral Spirits slowly turned into a new race called Demihumans who faced discrimination, paving the path to the existence of slavery. The Beast Men of the Southern Continent slowly turned into monstrous and mindless beings, which later turned into beings called Monsters. The Elementals of the Northern Continent went extinct, for the terrain of the Northern Continent faced the harmful toxins brought by the humans which degraded the environment.

And the worst of all, the foolish god's children died one by one, slowly getting corrupted by the radical changes of his damaged world. Dimensional rifts opened up one by one, storms brewed and earthquakes destroyed the ground, as if the whole world is slowly turning into a mess with no order.

Influenced by their god's and creator's current messy state, the Ordonians changed. What was once a race of Order turned into harbingers of Chaos and destruction. Jagged horns, sharp claws, and teeth, deformed tails, tainted wings, the once prosperous Ordonians turned into the existence of Devils.

And, in the end, the foolish god was betrayed by Angelica. A new concept tainted his orderly self, bringing forth the existence of Chaos within him.

His power degraded further than it was before, and his hold of the world he once controlled slowly slipped away. The influence of Angelica further expanded, slowly turning herself into the one true god of Terra.

In the end, the Devils and Demons were shunned to the Southern Continent as many of the original 72 Pillars went extinct, bringing forth more chaos to the world. Yet, Angelica also knew the worth of the world, so she slowly consolidated the world with her newfound power, and brought forth Order, the very same thing the foolish god once did.

Now, with his power sealed and stuck onto a feeble form, the foolish god turned into the existence known as the Demon Lord.

The whole world shunned the originally valiant race, condemning them for the evil deeds they were forced to partake in. Yet, even under those circumstances, the foolish god turned wise, the experience helped him grow into a true Demon Lord, nay, a Demonic God.

The previous connection he once made between two different worlds still existed, and he set out a new plan. To not just become the god of one world, but two. The very same goal Angelica is working upon.

The foolish god consolidated his kingdom's problems and studied the new god of this world slowly for hundreds of years. Her powers, her want, no, need for more and more followers to her religion, it was as if she needed the prayers and faith. Slowly, but surely, the Demon Lord in question concocted plans and schemes.

Yet, those plans went in an unexpected direction when the existence of nine shining beacons of light appeared in this world. Nine beings from other worlds, each holding a power called a 'cheat', it finally enlightened the foolish god turned Demon Lord.

The reason why the new god gained power so quickly, the reasons for her actions and reactions, everything became clear to him. The more he learned, the wiser he became.

And yet, he learned of a certain being whose power made the Demon Lord fearful. A being coming from another world, just like the other beings he has examined that stemmed from the world called Earth. Yet, this one was different.

The being held intelligence far beyond anything the Demon Lord has seen before, wisdom that far surpasses him. It was a terrifying existence, who was able to constantly scheme against the Demon Lord from the very start.

Even now, the Demon Lord was only able to learn a partial truth after spending hundreds of years of contemplation using his god-like powers. It was strange, the being was one full of mysteries and anonymity.

What was he? Who is he? Where did he come from?

Many questions flooded the Demon Lord's mind, and he continued to watch the being's story unfold, one full of lies and underlying secrets that the Demon Lord remained ignorant till the end.

The being… The Demon Lord was sure he could die at any moment with just a mere thought from the unknown entity.

What was his goal? What is he planning to do?

Even his answer to the Demon Lord's daughter when they met face to face for the first time with their true identity in the lake reflecting the moon, the Demon Lord was unable to believe it.

And so, the Demon Lord finally gets to meet the being in question.

"Oho, I didn't know you were such a peeping tom, Demon Lord."

"Please forgive me for my blatant invasion of your privacy. But, I simply assumed that you already knew of my existence from the very start when you became the human named Lute."

"Kukuku, indeed. Did you have fun watching my theatrics? From the very start, I've already been plotting against potential all-knowing existences, and color me surprised, the existence was indeed real."

"Have you perhaps already confirmed my existence from the very start?"

"Who knows? I clearly won't answer that question. Now, what does your Majesty who has been watching me wants to say?" Lute asked, this time, the atmosphere in the room was light and free, yet the Demon Lord felt like he was facing a being far above him at that moment.

"Please, just call me Ordo."

"Well, Ordo, what do you wish to tell me?"

"Am I wrong that you already know why I requested your presence?" Ordo asked, he smiled lightly and Lute chuckled in response.

"Well, that isn't wrong. But first, are you sure you want to become my pawn?" Lute asked, this time, his smile disappeared.

"Of course, my foolish dream of wanting to become the ruler of two worlds was already evaporated upon meeting you, Freidrich Braun."

"Kukuku, it seems like you only know of the name I took upon my reincarnation into Eldia. Very well. Ordo, do you wish to become a vessel of mine? To become a scholar and researcher of both known and unknown?" Lute asked, his voice seemingly holding a magical pressure to it that warped the entire area around them.

"Yes," Ordo responded lightly.

"You've picked the right choice, Ordo."

As bright purple light erupted from Ordo's eyes, a twist of events led to new discoveries, but only for more mysteries to be revealed.

AN: This chapter has 2086 words.

Dun dun dun, big brain fucking 5d chess plays?! Oh mah gah, author is so fucking big brain!

Man, I don't know how I am still able to make Braun do some 5d chess moves, but eh, this scheme can't compare to what will happen in Volume 7 when Braun is directly plotting against the Goddess.

Scheming is hard, and power stones could help motivate me to make my schemes better.

(August 19, 2022 – 268th day of writing)