
Filler Character Must Survive

He sleeps from the flu and transmigrates into the body of the character destined to die in the plot of the novel with the dumb protagonist.  Li Ye dies after a flu, he goes to the novel that her younger sister wrote and the dumbest protagonist she has ever met and hates, luckily for him, he is not the protagonist's teacher.  No. He is the most hated character in the novel and destined to die in the first arc.  Li Ye: "..."  System: [Change your destiny and stop loitering_(:3」∠)_.]  Li Ye: “Of course, I will be the best martial uncle for the villain and the protagonist.  I will change his fate."  Passerby: “The Immortal Hero leveled up thanks to dirty dealings.”  Li Ye: "This lowly must survive, I will do the impossible."  System: [Read the manual.  Dual cultivation will not be done alone.(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)]  Li Ye: “Exactly!”  Protagonist: “Martial Uncle, I want to know about Dual cultivation.”  Li Ye: “This martial guy will help you.  I will give you the best manuals.”  Protagonist: “Will he help me practice?”  Li Ye: "..."

haishui_paomo_8 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

7. Things That Are Remembered

With the lack of worries, with the lack of the reminder with the words; 'You must go to work', Huang Jue slept very late, in the original work the owner of the house supposedly slept, the truth was, he does not sleep or rest. Cultivators don't need sleep, only meditation to increase the cultivation of the body, in the novel it was described what it was like to be in meditation, Huang Jue didn't want to try it because her character wasn't relevant yet.

So, he lives like an idler at Orchid Summit, eats a lot, sleeps late from reading the books the original owner stores in his room, you'll wake up with the sun at its highest. Huang Jue was in his third dream, the previous night the system had jumped with the announcement that he had failed the daily mission, he doesn't remember what the punishment was but he slept very early the night before.

[Player, did you enjoy his dreams?]

And speaking of the King of Rome.

'Do not'

[( ̄□ ̄;)!!]

When he was alive, he remembers that he never dreamed or had nightmares again, Huang Jue associated with that, he was very tired and his brain was not ready to get tired with a dream.

'The punishment was nightmares?'


Huang Jue:…

But currently the body of the owner of the house is also that of a tired person, he is not a man with a heavy sleep, it is estimated that the training makes him sensitive to small stimuli, such as the noise of the door when the maid shouts his name...

The maid yells for him?! Was it late or was it early? Huang Jue sits up in bed before his soul realizes that he is no longer in bed, as usual, someone would always come to wake him up, but they came too fast and he was still sleepy.

[Six in the morning.]

'What, he is very early.'

Huang Jue lamented turning to lie down, the pain came when his head hit the porcelain pillow, he cried silently and even heard a hollow blow to his head, more tears ran not only because of the pain, but also because he understood that he did not have brain.

"Master Huang!" More knocking on the door, the woman in green, Duan Zihan, could now remember his name.

Although this woman was never mentioned in the novel, she was not part of the protagonist's harem or someone who was relevant, after all the Orchid Summit was forgotten when its Guardian died, probably the 'waste' was expelled by everyone. Most of the 'wastes' were those who didn't advance due to injuries to their core, leaving a useless core, or were cowards in the immortal world.

Huang Jue picks up the porcelain pillow next to his men's tears, not bothering to wear the outer robe when he opens the door.

And it's Miss Duan Zihan with a worried face ruining her beautiful face, Huang Jue is watched for a moment, Duan Zihan was looking at him as if he was an extra head, looking at himself he doesn't see anything.


Huang Jue handed over the porcelain pillow, to Duan Zihan.

"The pillow tried to kill me, I don't want it around." Duan Zihan completely helpless nodded in full agreement. And she agrees to find another.

And since the miss didn't open her mouth again, Huang Jue came back and asked, "What's the fuss?"

Duan Zihan walked over and whispered in her ear.

"You'd better see for yourself." The woman in green insisted.

Huang Jue a little confused and internally blushing because being close to a beautiful woman was the most fantastic thing that could have happened to him, he nodded asking to be guided to what his eyes should see.

Duan Zihan not very convinced, first of all because Huang Jue was still in white silk inner robes and prepared to go in such clothes as if he had no shame that the Great Guardian was seen in those conditions; she couldn't say anything to him and led him to the main entrance of the residence.

Crossing a corridor to the outside not far from the room of the Guardian of the mountain, the main entrance would be that exclusive place where few could cross the threshold, it is estimated that only the oldest servants were welcome, while the people who inhabited the summit externally they would be retained by security.

Huang Jue who was walking a step in front of the woman, as soon as he set foot in the main entrance her body froze. The entrance to the Guardian was guarded by foolproof security, in the novel little and nothing was described about that security, the words used for it were.

'The Guardian has his own guardian'

To both readers and sect disciples, that mechanism was a mystery.

There are two beasts of stone and jade, with the appearance of a lion, with a chain adorned with a bell, the green jade beast glows and vibrates; while the other beast that was stone crunched like stones colliding.

At the entrance there are two Rui Shi¹ made of jade and stone, when the cute little sister wrote about statues that came to life, it became clear that the protagonist got two Rui Shi after obtaining the golden core, which he used to protect and in battle; was the protagonist his beast-taming skills were Liu Zhuang's strongest gift. Huang Jue had no idea that those Rui Shi at the entrance were moving, he had seen them before and unhappily thought they were decorations; however now they had moved only to stop the intruder.

The intruder was Liú Zhuang, the boy was being bullied by two Rui Shi, the protagonist's personality is that of a shy boy, according to Liú Zhuang's file he will have big changes as he grows up, but for the moment he would only see a short-legged boy or something should be. Liu Zhuang stands as motionless as Mount Tai while Rui Shi of jade and stone surrounds him, in previous moments he had shown his shyness even in difficult moments, now he was frowning.

Huang Jue does not know how the owner of the house controlled Rui Shi.

"Hey! "His voice changes for a moment, Huang Jue feels lost for a moment, he never heard himself being so bossy.

Rui Shi of stone and jade, who between growls stop and walk up to a Huang Jue with furrowed eyebrows; Rui Shi surrounds the angry man.

In Liu Zhuang's perspective, he watched as the martial uncle is caught by the two beasts, he looks confused because Huang Jue seemed to be having a conversation with the statues, the man rebukes the two figures.

Few Rui Shi have the ability to speak, these were one of those special cases, their way of communicating was different, Rui Shi of jade communicated between melodious sounds, as if it were the sound of a harp, while Rui Shi of stone communicated between with sounds like leaves crashing in the wind. Huang Jue isn't sure how he manages to understand them even when they just make noises.

"Return to your post." He threatened, Huang Jue has no experience with animals, these creatures looked rough but were like kittens. "That kid might come back so don't attack anymore.

And with their tails between their legs, the two creatures purr around Huang Jue like two cats, glancing sideways at Liú Zhuang and snorting in warning, then in a gust of wind the statues disarm in the air and return to their original position. original form; posing on the pillars at the entrance to the Mountain Guardian's residence. Huang Jue lets out the breath he had held, wipes the sweat from his forehead, he is not good with animals, he is pretty sure animals hate him and having huge beasts surrounding him was something to piss on.

If he wasn't an immortal cultivator, he would probably have had an accident in his pants.

"Master Huang!" Duan Zihan worriedly approaches the man. "How can those beasts just attack? "

"They are there to protect me, be understandable miss." Huang Jue prefers to end the conversation with a response between smiles, a woman as beautiful as her should not be close to his person, all women are for the protagonist.

'Don't look at any beauty that is close to the protagonist! Dying a virgin doesn't hurt.'

The cute little sister placed the protagonist as someone who was passionate about her lovers, a great jealousy even though he had twenty wives, Liu Zhuang eliminated the competition like pine trees.

poor nephew

"Xiao Zhuang, he is very early." She approached the boy who was still motionless and taciturn.

Liu Zhuang, when he realized something, looked away and gave a handshake.

"Greetings to master uncle." He hastened to say. "Teacher said that he should be here early in the morning, that teacher uncle will take care of me today. I am under the care of Master Uncle."

Huang Jue: "…"

When he said that he would go to visit Lady Xu, her words 'I will go tomorrow' were even worse for Fei Yanlin that she hated short and inexact answers; Pushing for more information, Huang Jue turned a deaf ear when he became more upset, avoiding the topic until Fei Yanlin grew tired and declared.

Fei Yanlin with the ugly expression: "Then, I will leave that child to you."

"Don't bother, the little brother should train him together with Xiao Cheng." Deny exhausted.

"Why should he?"

"He has three students, teach them all and exclude none." She demanded, Huang Jue was tired and upset to the point of stomping his feet. This Fei Yanlin was sometimes very hard to bear, when he read the novel and if he had to throw stones at one of the characters, he would be this one. "He has great talent, so he took him as his disciple and is under his care."

"The older brother doesn't understand, that boy may have had talent but now he's just a..."

"Do not." He interrupted. He only calmed down when he realized that he was acting like himself and not like the original work. "Let's make a deal, the younger brother will train him, and this older brother will give him his high-quality pills."

"So that?"

'I'm being generous, you little ungrateful! Can you be more intransigent?

Huang Jue expressed his indignation: "…"

Fei Yanlin now with a hard-to-read expression, looking away: "Train with me and I'll do what big brother says."

"It's okay!" Huang Jue was quick to agree, he had already convinced him, and he must also set up the business well. "I will visit Lady Xu tomorrow, walk after class and visit me to see Xiao Cheng and Xiao Zhuang's progress."

Fei Yanlin's face twisted, he didn't nod or say anything else after that.

He did not expect him to be angry and send Liu Zhuang to Orchid Peak as a symbol that he had not accepted the deal, it was a very dirty move by the Fire Peak Tiger. Only the note with the word: 'Zoquete' was missing.

And then he would be complete, Fei Yanlin's title would be that of 'a swindler', he screwed him up, he really screwed him up. Huang Jue won't admit that he would also cheat Fei Yanlin with the training between them, lying about some health problem wouldn't be difficult, he just feigns pain and cries; however it was not justification.

Liu Zhuang returned to his shy stance, with his hands clasped together with his index fingers bumping into each other, now that Huang Jue was looking at him directly it was enough to feel embarrassed. What's more, he couldn't look at the martial uncle and even less so when he was in inner robes, seeing him would be disrespectful.

On the other hand, he still had a bit of confusion. Liú Zhuang is uncertain as to why this man is still alive, the poison must have been strong enough to kill him. Ever since he can remember him, he had watched how the people around him died, his older sister said that it was a gift from God for him, to see the deaths of people before they happened; That would certainly be very helpful, avoiding the deaths of those people. Would they believe a child everything he had to say? At first the predictions were only small accidents like drinking soup and choking on it, Liu Zhuang and his older sister began to warn everyone in the village where they lived, to prevent the people dying at first started out as a good thing.

Until things got out of control, the predictions became uncontrollable, Liú Zhuang began to see how the inhabitants died even when they were warned, people began to point out as guilty of the misfortunes, until one day they disappeared so soon how they appeared; he failed to see when the village would be attacked and how everyone would die, where he lost his parents and older sister. When he entered the Heavenly Sect, it had been a long time since he saw people die in his dreams, leaving his worries behind so he could focus on the sect entrance tests, until the last test was done. Present.

Amongst the immortal cultivators who sat looking at the new disciples, there was the Mountain Guardian sitting looking stoic, Liu Zhuang only had to look at him once to get a vision even when he was awake, even though he promised not to intervene in the actions. people's lives, Liu Zhuang ran up to that person and warned him.

"Immortal Lord, I saw his future! You will die because of a disciple!" he yelled, grabbing the Mountain Guardian's sleeves.

The Guardian of the Mountain only stops in his tracks looking back, the man's expression is like glacier like ice, Liu Zhuang mechanically released the man's gray sleeves, the Guardian of the Mountain turns on his heel and started off in March.

That was the last time he saw him, so he joined the sect over time, then the news about the poison circulated in the sect, Liu Zhuang resigned himself to helping people and preventing them from dying; however, the news that the Guardian of the Mountain was still alive made him lay eyes on that person who was saved.



Jade Rui Shi: "The guardian is very kind, wow."

Stone Rui Shi: "You have to protect him from everyone."

Liu Zhuang surrounded: "I am not a threat."



1 Rui Shi 瑞獅, They are powerful mythical animals with the appearance of lions that have their origin in the Buddhist tradition and that, consequently, are quite widespread in the Far East.