
Figure Of Space

You’re a naturally heroic and quick-thinking space captain flying a starship from world to world while keeping your hair groomed to perfection. It’s your duty to keep the engine running, the scotch flowing, the crew happy, and your outfit looking fabulous. There’s carnivorous flora, deceptive aliens, space anomalies, horrifying creatures, and too many arch enemies to keep track of them all! Can you survive?

Senhor_do_gamer · History
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11 Chs


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The following broadcast contains satire of scifi seen in the early years of television, parodying tropes from that era. It contains mild violence and mature themes. Parental guidance is recommended for younger viewers.

Your mission should you choose to accept it: To heroically pilot your spaceship through the galaxy, exploring strange new worlds, meeting new life forms and civilizations...while most importantly of all: keeping your hair groomed to perfection and the bottle of scotch in one piece.

At the end of each episode, you will have the option to visit the special features which include author commentary, draft versions, and cheat modes.

WARNING: Although you can come back into the story from the Special Features, they are packed with spoilers throughout.

Where to, Captain?