

At a tender age I already concluded that life is hard, that no matter what I say or do, I will never be appreciated and this thought about life begins to kill my confidence. I couldn't defend myself at any place and I feel like my opinion or suggestions doesn't matter even in class or among my friends. I so much hated myself that I was praying for death to come. I choose to be alone and not talk to anyone most of the time because I have been rejected by my own mother. If she is truly my mother, she might have gone through some things when I was still growing in her stomach, but do you guys think that should amount to such hatred from her towards me? I will leave that for you guys to answer. Her face hunt me everywhere I go and I decided not to go out or have friends again. Have you ever thought of your condition and begins to laugh instead of crying because you don't know why you have to face so much problems at that age? This was my case, sometimes am tired of crying so I just switch to laughing mood, I just couldn't concentrate on anything than the pain she is causing me. It's funny despite all this I have never thought of killing myself, I just prayed death comes itself. Now let's moves to what I actually faced with her. Are you ready to this guys, please comment below and let me know what you think about this.