
Chapter 39: Four Elements 1.

Four Elements Captured By A Witch 1.

Isaac: Where is she?

Isaac an elf was waiting for her girlfriend, Perpetual (Earth Element) came to Isaac

Perpetual: I'm here, sorry I'm late

Perpetual's hair was green, her lace dress was also green and her lips were also painted green and her heels were green too

Isaac: It's okay, so do we still have to keep our relationship a secret

Perpetual: We must, I don't want my sisters or my mom to find out

Isaac: Okay, give me a kiss

Perpetual: I don't want anyone to see us

Isaac: Just one kiss

Perpetual: Okay, Fine

Perpetual kissed Isaac on the lips. Just then, Joel came eating chocolates

Joel: Isaac, Have u told Perpetual that thing?

Joel was also an elf

Perpetual: What thing?

Joel: The Witch is not your real mom

Perpetual: What? Isaac and you didn't tell me?

Isaac: I'm sorry, I wanted to tell u at the perfect time

Perpetual: I'm so mad at u

Perpetual left

Isaac: Joel, this is all your fault

Joel: I just told her the truth. Do u want a chocolate?

Isaac was about to take a chocolate but Joel pulled away

Joel: No, it's all mine

Perpetual angrily went to her sisters

Perpetual: Joel told me something surprising today

Ann(Water element): What was it?

Ann's hair was blue, her blue halter dress was also blue and her lips were also painted blue and her heels were blue too

Perpetual: The Witch is not our real mom

The Girls except Perpetual: What?

Nancy(Air element): Who told u?

Nancy's hair was purple, her skirt was purple and her top was purple and her jacket were purple and her lips were painted purple, her heels were purple too

Perpetual: It was that idiot, Joel

Favour(Fire Element): So, now who are our real parents?

Favour's hair was orange, her trousers was red and her top was orange and her lips were painted red, her heels were red too

Ann: We have to find a way to get out of here

Nancy: I think we should leave right now

Favour: I think that's a good idea

The girls wore jackets and began to run away

Favour: Girls be quick

Ann: It's so hard to run in these heels

Nancy: Yeah, totally

Perpetual: Let's be quick

Suddenly, the Witch came across them

The Witch (Amanda): Where do u think you're going to?

The Girls: Oh No

Would The Girls Be Able To Escape? We Would See On The Next Chapter Of Totally Friends 🔥💧🍃🌊