
chapter 9

Meanwhile, in another troll hall, sat upon a golden throne an immense troll king with a bar of gold and

Gemstone filled crown. The troll had several halves necked women entrapped with chains wrapped to a leather neck collars. The slave women were feeding the oversize troll, when some trolls were running into the hall, like chickens with their heads ripped off.

The troll king grabbed the slaves' chains out of anger, causing the woman to fall face first with the food trays unto each side of a troll.

The troll king yelled, "How dare you enter my domain without announcing your coming!"

The troll stood to his feet, while still holding tight on the slaves' chains. The women were

struggling to escape the collars to no avail, while being hanging several feet up in the air.

The visiting trolls bowed as they struggled to speak.

The king spoke, "My troll brothers, why are you coming before me in such a worry?"

The slave woman was nearly strangled to death by the inattentive troll king.

One of the trolls spoke, "Our whole clan has been killed by three overworlders. We are the only ones that managed to escape!"

The troll King slammed the women down to the ground as they foam out their mouths.

"You dare to leave our brothers behind to die. You shall be with them shortly!"

Guards raced towards the visiting trolls and gored them with various bladed weapons. The Troll

king had expected the trolls to die protecting their troll brethren.

The whole hall was covered in trolls so that the floor has completely vanished from sight. The escaping troll was butchered like a pig.

The troll king shouted, "These cowards had to die and so must the three that killed one of our

fellow troll clans! We must have revenge for our brothers!"

The trolls put their fists up in the air as they shout, "Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!"

The troll king spoke, "Trolls go find any outsider and murder them! Bring me back their heads as proof! Any that do so will be given a mighty reward! Go, my servants!"

The trolls shouted as the trolls raced out of the hall.

The troll king looked down at the mess that he had made at each side of the throne. The harlots were covered in spilled food and vomit.

"You harlots are nasty! Clean up this mess before I kill you as well."

The women endeavored to awake, so they struggled to clean up the mess.


Tenlong and others had eaten and were now on a trek into the unknown. They knew that there would be blood to spill if there were any remaining trolls. The trio knew that there had more danger coming there way.

A week goes by and still, there were no foes.

Tenlong spoke, "Boy, I could use a mighty battle after ten days of no battles."

Lin smacked Tenlong's thigh.

"Shut up you battle addict!"

Rin spoke, "Ask and you shall receive."

Lin spoke, "What are you rambling about brother?"

Tenlong let out a wicked smile under his bearded face

He spoke, "We have eyes looking upon us. Get ready for this!"

The twins see over one hundred trolls racing towards them.

The trio released their ki into their battle state and begun fighting the foes.

The trolls were getting punched cleanly through the trolls, like hole filled cheese. Tenlong was laughing uncontrollably like he was a mad man.

Rin was slicing trolls into pieces, like a hot knife through butter. He was moving in circles

around the troll warriors.

Lin was using pyrokinesis to burn trolls alive, while she levitated boulders to finish the job.


In under thirty minutes, the trio of Tenlong, Rin, and Lin had completely disseminated over

one hundred trolls that were stronger than the ones that they had fought in the past.

Tenlong spoke, "These guys were easier to kill than the last group of regular trolls. They must have been much weaker."

Lin corrected, "No, they were head and shoulders above the last troll grunts. We just had a power boast after our recent battles."

Rin spoke, "Master J said that we will get much stronger after we get more battle experience. He had also said that we would not anymore be training from him for a couple of years. We needed to bring out the talents he helps us develop over those thirty years."

Tenlong spoke, "We all must have gotten stronger since we had started to battle as a unit. It doesnot hurt that my kind gets stronger every day just sitting on a couch. I had gotten stronger after every battle, no matter how big or small."

Lin jumped unto Tenlong's shoulders to smack him in the face with her foot.

She spoke, "Keep humble you braggart!"

Tenlong smiled at the strike as a baby striking its parent.

Tenlong spoke with his head tilted towards Lin that was seated on his right shoulder, "I do as you ask, but I am still excited for the battles ahead. I wonder if these trolls have a boss troll as the last

ones did. One can only hope and pray."

The twins started to fret a little since the large Tenlong was like an overgrown mastiff. These dogs can be very gentle nature but can be very aggressive when enraged.

Rin spoke, "Lin, you have the best ki detection of the group, so why don't you find where the next group of foes."

Lin focused hard on trying to find the next battle, while on the giant's shoulders.

Tenlong was yelling, "I can't wait, hurry it up, Lin."

Lin's face turned red as an apple.

She spoke, "Shut up Ten, or no battles for you! I need to focus without any interruptions from loud mouths!"

Tenlong pouted like a scolded child and did as he was commanded by Lin.

Lin spoke, "I got some more troll-like ki deep in the south. There is someone stronger ki than the troll king from last battle."

Tenlong spoke with glee, "Really? I can't wait!"

Lin spoke, "Shut up Ten! There are a few others with significant levels of ki as well near the strongest one. About one hundred miles out from the strongest ki lays several hundred warriors stronger than the grunts, we had just faced."