
chapter 34

The old man spoke,"It is very common for our kind to power up when we suffer loss or danger beyond our control. It is supposed to only be used sparingly and not to the point where we are too dependent on it. Growth is supposed to something that gradually comes day after day. Our kind do get stronger until we grow nearer our deaths. Strength is our greatest ally, but it can cause us to retard our other skills."

Tenlong spoke,"That is nice to know but why did you taken me here against my will?"

The old man spoke,"Your power was running loose and it could had destroyed you! You were extending yourself beyond your capabilities! Let me some just a little taste of what I can do."

The old giant transformed into a twenty foot tall giant that weighed over one ton of pure muscle. The man's face grows to that of a young man and not of old age. The man's powerful aura begins to emit around to the point where the hallway begins to rattle like a tin can in the wind.

Tenlong falls to the ground on all fours as he grows very weak just being in fellow giant's presence. The lad then falls face first unto the ground as if he was being pressed to the ground. The boy tries to beg the old man to stop but his breath had left him as he struggled to even breathe in the same area of the old Gigantos.

The lad's ki forms around as he attempts to return to his feet as his body starts to change into a larger form as it had back in the woods.

This was a safety mechanism that had been ingrained to each and every Gigantos.

Tenlong managed to stand on one knee in front of the enormous Gigantos as he fought for every

breath of air.

The old man spoke,'Do you not see to what I am saying?"

Tenlong looked down to see his larger body that he was now in. The old Gigantos powered back down to his normal old body. Then Tenlong returned back to his normal seven foot form as well."

Tenlong spoke,"Yeah I see that I did transformed as you said but I do not remember it happening in the woods as you said."

The old man spoke," You had must had blocked out but I will explain it better later. We must first eat breakfast before it grows cold! Come eat with me!"

Tenlong was led into a large dining room by the old man and found a large table covered in all sorts of breakfast meats and many other breakfast foods.

The giant set down and said,"I know that you are hungry after your battle so let us eat. Us Gigantos need a lot of food to be able to fight so much and keep up our large size."

Tenlong sit at the table and waited.

The old man spoke,"Why the wait? What is the problem?"

Tenlong spoke,"We need to bless the table before we eat our meals!"

The old man prayed over the food and immediately begin to tear into the breakfast food.

The man spoke with some food in his mouth,"It is not poisoned. If I wanted to kill you then I would have done it already. You know all too well how strong I truly am and that power I showed you was just a sliver of my strength!"

Tenlong knew that the old man was unrelentingly strong and was not bluffing in the least. That man had the boy where he wanted and the lad could do little to change that fact. He had some purpose for him but the old man would not let him in on it just yet.

The two Gigantos ate unil they both had gotten extremely full. The two had eaten every scrape of food that was there to be eaten.

The old man spoke,"I will tell you why I had taken you here but first do you want to hear about the story of our people? You asked me a loaded question so I need to put some context to the matter."

Tenlong spoke,"Yeah, I would like that but who is going to do the dishes?"

The old man chuckled at the comment, "It will take care of itself because one as strong as I is beyond simple housekeeping."

Tenlong just accepted the answer since he knew that would not probably get an answer anyway.

The old man only told what he wanted the boy to know and not one thing more.

The old man pulled out a large glass orb from a nearby shelf and displayed it to the lad.

The boy asked,"What is that? Is that a crystal ball? Are you going to tell me my fortune?"

The old man spoke,"It is an image orb where it better shows the listener to what the talker is trying to express. It is something that was made by those long since dead centuries ago. It will help you to better understand my reasoning for you being here today and my motives."

The white orb lights up by itself and hovers in front of the face of the ever curious Tenlong.

The boy was doing all he could to keep himself from smiling at the thought of hearing some more about his people. The old man was ignoring such eagerness from the boy to not effect to what he was doing.


Several millennium ago there lived the Gigantos on the world of Violio, which was in a state of growth. Many different kinds of people were starting to develop more unmistakable to those around them. There was one group of people that was trying to obtain complete control over the large planet. It was a group of people called the Solarians and not the Gigantos. This group of people were bigots of the worst kind that believed that all other races were inferior to them. The Solarians were taught from toddlers that they were truly the master race.

The Solarians attempted to make slaves of all other races and the main group of their slaves

were the Gigantos. All slaves treated like mindless drones and were forced to worked to the death. Rebellion of any kind was punished by immediate death.

The boy interrupted,"I thought the Gigantos were once rulers of the world but you are telling me that they were slaves instead?"

The old man spoke,"Yes they were the rulers of this world and they can be again. But they were slaves before that. It will make sense later on so let me finish."

The old man continued his tale as Tenlong listened on eagerly.

The Solarians were the best fighters on the planet of their time and they hid their abilities very secretly. This kept the self professed rulers a much needed edge over all that opposed them openly or in secret.

Rebellion against the Solarians went on form time to time but it was always stopped by the ever powerful rulers. The group had some hidden ability that they kept hidden from all outsiders that allowed them such control over others. They were not as strong as the Gigantos slaves that they had kept so close to them were but they still had some sort of edge that remained concealed to them. No one could find the Solarians' source of power no matter what they did to search.