
chapter 32

Tenlong was being dragged unconscious by one of his leg by some sort of large figure with a massive back. The figure was more than twice the size of Tenlong.

He was being dragged further and further away from the home of Mary and her son Jimmy for what seemed to be several miles. The boy even if he had awoke, he would be at a lost to find his way back home.

The large figure picks up the boy unto his left shoulder and carries him into the mouth of a nearby cave.

The figure went down a long series of tunnels that it seemed that he was going in circles.


Then the figure stops right in front of a stone wall inside the cave system and it suddenly opens. Tenlong is carried through the door while on top of the massive entity's shoulders.

The cave door shuts immediately after the pair enter the new lighted cave area. It was if there was never a door there.

The figure walks in with the boy, revealing his gigantic body. The man was over fifteen foot tall and all over fifteen hundred pounds. He was completely muscle, but his sides had grown thicker over the years as the rest of his body. He had a long black beard with a skunk stripe on the left third of beard and nowhere else. The beard had a large ponytail that stretched down to huge man's knees with shorter loose stands of hair laying in front of the old man's chest. This was totally different to the short buzzed hair that covered the elder's head. The man was wearing a long sleeve coat that stretched down to just above the ankles of the man but was exposed at both sides of the figure's legs.

The new found area was let by the flames of an enormous fire that sits under a huge metal pot. The smell coming from the pot was something beyond delicious. It was almost beyond words. Also, several wall mounted lanterns turn themselves on as if by an unspoken command.

The man carries the boy over to a huge bed and covers him in a fur pelt blanket.

The old man then walked over to the huge pot and checked to see if the food was done. To the old man's enjoyment, it was done.

The flames of the fire was then put out and the man grabbed the immense pot with both of his callused hands. The burning pot did not even slow down the huge man as he chugged down the entire pot of soup in one hungered go.

The man sets the pot back down and sits down in a vast padded chair. He caved into the desire to sleep and fell right to sleep.


The next morning, Tenlong awakes to find himself in a strange bed. He exits the bed to find himself in the clothes that he left to fight with the attackers while on his hunting trip.

He thought to himself,"Why was I attacked by those men? I did nothing to them? Where did they go and where am I? Why are Gigantos hated so much? I just do not get it!"

Tenlong started to smell some sort of breakfast being cooked. The lad's belly rumbles and decides to find the origin of the smell.

He was not disappointed when he saw a table full of all sorts of breakfast meats and sides.

Tenlong speaks,"This is too good to be true! I have to get myself out of this place!"


The boy rushes all over the huge dwelling but can not find an exit out of the place.

The large man that took Tenlong here, finally appears before him.

Tenlong yells,"Oh, Crap! I have to get out of here!"

The boy wanted nothing to do with the old man and he begun to grow panic as he ran away from the old giant.


Mary had not slept very much last night and shifted in her bed from side to side. She was

worried sick about the young boy, Tenlong which made her unable to get comfortable in her bed. He had been attacked by the village's hunters and disappeared into nowhere. She finally sit up in her bed and begins to pray for the well being of Tenlong.


Mayor Grimwald woke up before the sun even rose and got dressed.

Grimwald lit a lantern and went from house to house knocking on all the house doors. He called out for an ensemble. The old mayor went to the village square and sits down in an old wooden chair.

Grimwald waited in the chair so that the villagers would have time to get dressed for the search party. The children stand home with the older children watching the younger children.

All able bodied adults were standing waiting for the mayor to tell them what was going on. The old mayor fell asleep and quickly woke up, Grimwald stood up so that he tell the curious villagers why they had to get up so early in the morning.

The mayor coughed to clear his throat so that he could properly speak.

The mayor spoke,"I called you here because a young lad has gone missing in the woods near Mary's home."

The villagers gasped out in surprise by what Grimwald had just and they were talking among themselves.

One of the villagers ask,"Who is the lad so that we can call out their name during the search?"

Grimwald spoke,"The boy is named Tenlong and he has the appearance of a man. He is one of the Gigantos' descendants.

The people were taken back by a Giganto being in the land of Lowroda. The simple land had a battler's academy but most of the academy were originally outsiders to the land of the Lowroda.

Grimwald spoke," He is one of us from one of the nearby villages and he had recently become

orphaned. He had got lost in the woods nearby Jimmy and Mary's house."

Someone yells,"That is no boy! It was a monster!"

Grimwald looks down at the crowd to find the source of the voice.

It was one of the hunters that the mayor had sent to kill Tenlong! Grimwald wished now that he had waited to figure out what was really going on.

Now that all six hunters had gathered in the front of the crowd. They were trying to get the villagers behind their cause.

Grimwald yelled,"Men, I made a wrong choice and I did not know what was really going on."

One of the hunters yell,"No, you made the right decision when it came to how horrible that monster was."

One of the other hunters spoke,"The monster could not be hurt by any kind of weapon! He was too powerful!"


The villagers cry out in horror when the hunter tell the encounter that had occurred with the boy Tenlong. But they made the boy out to be monster and the villain.

The village was ready to riot and Grimwald could do little to stop them.