
chapter 13

The mother worked on her son's hair for over thirty minutes and she was not done.

Zizi spoke, "I have braid your beard into twelve different foot wide braids, yet it has still had loose at the sides."

Tenlong spoke, "Please, make two more braids to complete the fourteen apostles that served Him. The twelve are for the originals ones that walked with Him, and one more for the one that replaced the apostle that betrayed The Lord."

She spoke, "But that is only thirteen."

He corrected, "You are forgetting about the one that was called after the Lord had departed this world."

Zizi spoke, "That does make fourteen, Ten. I will do it then."

Tenlong's beard was now divided into the many braids, as he was asked.

She spoke, "Your beard is past your knees and it has to be over twelve feet long. Your sideburns and mustache are still wild. What do you want to do with them?"

The giant spoke, "Put my mustache into a circle from my face to the back of my head. Use my burns to help support the circle and tie it in the back with a vertical cross."

Zizi spoke, "Here look at yourself with this mirror."

Tenlong spoke, "My mustache was longer than I thought that it would be, but it is fine even with

a two-foot gap from the cross to the back of my head. It looks great, Mom!"

The mother was nowhere to be found, which scared him. He felt that he had lost her all over again.

He screamed, "Momma, where are you? Why have you left me alone again?"

Tenlong did not hear any response from his mother for what seemed to be an eternity.

Then he sees her at the side of a young woman floating up into the air.

Tenlong yelled out, "Momma, "why did you leave me all of a sudden?"

Zizi smiled at her son.

"Sorry Ten, I was just taken back at the sight of this young woman. I thought that it was sad that

such a pretty girl would die at so much a young age."

Tenlong was going to respond when he saw something that rattled him to his core.

The large man started to cry down his massive chest.

Zizi's eyes started to water as well.

"Do you know this girl?"

Tenlong grabbed the young woman up into his massive arms with tears in his eyes.

"Lin, what has happened to you? I am supposed to be the one who was reckless, not you!

You are so fragile in nature when compared to Rin and me. Who had done this to you? I will kill

whoever had done this to you?"

Lin's eyes awaken to see Tenlong crying.

She spoke, "What is wrong, Ten?'

Tenlong spoke, "You miserable fool? You are acknowledged to be more cautious than I am?

I got myself killed, but not you.'

Lin spoke, "What are you talking about?"

He spoke."I was fighting a Weyr of dragons when I got melted down to nothing."

Lin spoke, "I got knocked out by some bunch of sex slaves and I don't know what happened after that."

Tenlong kissed Lin straight on the mouth with a wet passionate kiss that took the girl by surprise. She tried to fight it at first, but she found that the overgrown man was too overpowering to get free. She never had been kissed on the lips before, even as a familiar gesture of love. Bines was never

an affectionate person, but he wouldn't deny a hug or a kiss on the cheek from his grandchildren.

The two friends were lost in the moment when Zizi make a coughing noise with a closed fist

when Lin and Tenlong finally realized that they were not alone. Lin climbed over the giant's shoulder

and was hanging on his massive back. The young pair's faces were bright red as an apple, in which Lin's face was covered by the Giganto's back. Most of Tenlong's face was mostly covered by his thick

brown beard.

Zizi spoke, "Is this your girlfriend, baby?"

Tenlong was at a loss for words.

Lin crawled out from behind from Tenlong's shoulder and sat around his large melon head. The young woman was grabbing unto Tenlong handlebars, like a little kid on a rocking horse.

The girl spoke, "I am Lin, Tenlong's friend. Who are you?"

Zizi smiled, "I am Zizi, Tenlong's mother."

Lin looked confused at the response.

Tenlong spoke, "You had only seen Mary, adoptive mother, Zizi is my birth mother."

Lin was enlightened as she spoke, "Where do you live?"

Tenlong's head was pointed at the floor.

Lin spoke, "What is wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Zizi spoke, "No, honey, you had done nothing wrong. I had left the world of the living."

Tenlong's head shot straight up and yelled, "She was murdered by some bandit when I was four."

The mother held her son's enormous hand as his eyes were devoid of all pupils. Then his body was covered with a black aura. Lin had never felt such powerful ki from someone her own age. Master J and her grandfather had tremendous levels of ki, but this ki was way more destructive in its nature. Zizi was not affected by the aura, due to her being from the land of the dead.

The young woman spoke, "My lord, I am using all my powers to stop Ten's ki from hurting me.

This must be his dark side that he has been dealing with. Ten, stop it!"

Zizi spoke, "It will do little good, child. His rage is something that he is unable to control. You must get away from here and return back to the land of the living. I will try to..."

Tenlong broke free of his mother's grip over him, as his hair changed from the single frohawk

hairstyle that was supposed to be in the center of his head to that of a dual frohawk on each side of his head just above both ears.

This version of Tenlong was something nether Zizi or Lin wanted to deal with.

He spoke, "Good, I am back! That pussy will not hold me back anymore since I will be the one fronting, not him. Mother is a spirit and can't be killed by flesh, but you can hurt my little cock tease."

Zizi spoke, "Stop it, Tenlong! You are not like this!"

Tenlong spoke, "I am Tenlong Yin! You loved only Tenlong Yang and never me! You always hated me!"

His mother was speechless.


Back before her death, Zizi awoke to scream from his room. She entered the room with a candle to her horror.

He had killed a husky dog and was covered in his blood! He had the canine's intestines in his little hand.

Zizi spoke, "What have you done?"

Tenlong spoke, "That damn dog tried to bit me when I tried to get up to go to the bathroom again. I got tired of him trying to bully me!"

Zizi smacked her son in his face out of anger, causing Tenlong to fall unto the floor. He screamed something unintelligible as he ran over to his mother and bite her on her lower thigh. He had drawn blood on his mother, who was smacking him on his back and neck.

Zizi spoke, "Stop it Ten or else!"

She saw the lack of pupils in her son's eyes.

The mother spoke, "Who are you? What are you?"

He spoke, "I am the Tenlong that you never wanted to see again after I was born. That other one is the one you raised not me! You cried when I was born and you only smiled when he showed up! I am the big brother, not him!"

Zizi lost it and punched Tenlong in the jaw and knocked him out cold.

When Tenlong awoke he was the boy who his mother had raised with love.


Yin spoke, "I wished that I could have killed you myself! What mother beats her own son? So what if I am a dualarian, you should have loved me nonetheless!"

Zizi spoke, "I was unaware of what you was the son. I am..."

Yin punches at his mother and knocks her down to the ground with blood gushing out of her
