
Fighting Destiny

Sue is a daughter of an elite but she is just another girl with an ill-fated destiny. With preparations already in order to Damien Thorne, Sue has decided not to be a slave of anyone .Can she fight to change her destiny or end up accepting her fate?

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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44 Chs


Karen threw her back against the dirty wall and huffed.Her day was not going as planned.Here she was in the clink with the one person she didn't want to be with right now.How did this happen? First minute, she was back from school and the next, she's in a car with the same crazy stalker from her favorite coffee shop.

Dani had pulled into the driveway only to see Karen relaxing on the porch swing ,her feet up on the railing and her yellow painted toenails peeking out of her beige sandals.It was a Saturday so no school! Dani tromped up the steps and looked at her younger sis.

"So you met him ,didnt you?"Dani asked


"And you made a big fuss about the whole thing" It wasn't a question but a fact.She obviously had no confidence in her diplomatic skills.

Dani searched her purse for the keys while Karen ignored her knowing smile.