

When mercenaries M. and friends reconnect with their supposedly dead mentor, they must learn to survive in a new reality.

MB_1234 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


As M., Ester, Rock, and their mentor Han stood on the edge of their new world, the god TaRun appeared before them. His visage was imposing, yet ethereal, with a shimmering robe of silver flowing from his shoulders. "Welcome, my mercenaries," he boomed in a voice that echoed through the heavens.

"Why are we here?" Ester demanded, her eyes narrowing at the sight of the god.

"You're here because I've chosen you," TaRun replied. "You were dying, and I've given you a second chance."

"But what do we have to do with gods?" M. asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"You've been summoned to fulfill my dream, my long-held ambition to ascend to greathood," TaRun explained. "I need powerful beings who can help me achieve my goal. You must prove your worth by serving me, and in return, I shall bestow upon you the powers of the gods."

As TaRun's words sunk in, the group felt both bewildered and intrigued. "How does that work?" Rock asked, rubbing his bearded chin.

"You will work for me as my champions," TaRun said, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity. "You will fight, win battles, and accomplish missions. With each successful task, you will level up and unlock new supernatural powers, making you stronger and more formidable in this world."

Ester snorted, crossing her arms over her chest. "Sounds like a videogame."

TaRun chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "It may seem like that, but it's far more serious. This world is full of dangers and challenges, and only the strongest survive."

M. rolled her eyes but said nothing more.

"Come," TaRun commanded, lifting a hand and gesturing to the horizon. "We have a meeting to attend."

The group followed TaRun as he led them through the ethereal landscape, their footsteps echoing in the silence. Soon they arrived at an enormous altar, with a throne set upon it. The head of the gods, an imposing figure named Uron, sat upon the throne, his eyes as dark as the night.

"Behold, the High God Uron," TaRun said, his voice full of respect.

Uron looked down upon them with an unreadable expression. "You bring mortals to the abode of gods?" he asked, his voice deep and resonant.

"These are my champions," TaRun replied, a hint of defiance in his voice. "They are here to serve me and help me achieve greathood."

Uron's eyes met TaRun's, and for a moment, the air was thick with tension. "Very well," he finally said, turning his attention to the mercenaries. "I expect nothing less than complete loyalty and service from you. In return, you will be rewarded with powers beyond your wildest dreams."

M. bowed his head slightly. "We are at your service, High God," he said, his voice steady.

Ester rolled her eyes again but didn't say anything.

"Remember," Uron continued, his eyes fixed on each of them in turn, "you are bound to TaRun and his ambitions. Your fate is linked to his. Do not fail him, or you shall suffer the consequences."

The mercenaries felt the weight of Uron's words settle upon them, like a heavy chain. Han looked up at Uron, his eyes narrowed. "We'll do what we must," he said, his voice cold.

Uron nodded, dismissing them with a wave of his hand. As they turned to leave, TaRun approached them, his expression serious. "You've heard the High God," he said. "You must now prove yourselves worthy of the powers I've promised."

Han locked eyes with TaRun. "What do you want us to do?"

"You will find out soon enough," TaRun replied, his voice cryptic. "For now, rest and prepare yourselves. The first mission will begin tomorrow."

As TaRun vanished, the mercenaries looked at each other, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. They were now part of a world they had never imagined, bound to the whims of a god and his ambitions. In this new world, they would have to fight for their place and prove their worth. The battles ahead would be unlike any they had ever fought before, but they would face them together, as a team.

They set up camp in a quiet glade, the sounds of the otherworldly forest around them lulling them to sleep. Han watched over them, his thoughts heavy with the weight of the decisions ahead. They had been given a second chance, a chance to serve a god and achieve greatness. But at what cost? Only time would tell.

Han sat down next to the fire, his eyes focused on the flames. He couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for them. They had been thrown into a world they didn't understand, bound to a god they barely knew. It was a lot to take in, and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. But one thing was certain: they were still alive. And as long as they were alive, they would fight, together, to fulfill their new purpose.

As the fire crackled and the night deepened, Han felt a strange sense of calm settle over him. Whatever lay ahead, they would face it as a team, with the strength and determination that had brought them this far. And with the newfound powers they would soon unlock, there was nothing they couldn't achieve.

Han closed his eyes and leaned back against the tree, his thoughts drifting to the battles ahead. He didn't know what they would face, but he knew one thing for sure: they were ready.

As the mercenaries slept, Han couldn't help but reflect on the journey they had undertaken so far. From the gritty battles of their former lives to being plucked from the brink of death by a god, it was hard to believe how far they had come in such a short time.

Ester stirred in her sleep, muttering something under her breath. Han looked over at her, his eyes softened. She was young, but fierce, a fighter to her core. He remembered the first time he had seen her, a scrawny kid with a chip on her shoulder and a fire in her eyes. She had come a long way since then, and he was proud of the warrior she had become.

M. lay a few feet away, his arms crossed over her chest, his face set in a frown even in sleep. He was a hard nut to crack, always ready to question and challenge, but that's what made her so valuable to the team. He didn't accept things at face value, and in their line of work, that was an asset.

Rock, the hulking brute of the team, was snoring softly, his chest rising and falling with each breath. He was the rock of the team, a steady presence that they could always rely on. Despite his gruff exterior, he had a heart of gold, and Han was grateful to have him by his side.

Han looked at each of his companions, feeling a surge of protectiveness and pride. They were his team, his family, and he would do everything in his power to ensure their safety in this strange new world.

With a sigh, Han leaned back against the tree, his eyes on the flickering flames of the fire. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new battles, and new opportunities to prove their worth. But for now, they would rest and gather their strength for the journey ahead.