
The starting line

"I can't believe they're announcing the moon-child experiment results today. Just thinking about it makes me feel nervous". The crimson red-hair boy exclaimed, his nervousness could be heard from his shaking voice.

Kai only nod his head and then wear his shoes. As a first year highschool students, he look a little bit too tall compared to the other students around his age.

Kai has a charming and attractive face despite his muscular body, he also has a ocean blue eyes and a mixture of silver and gray hair.

"Come on, is that's it? You could've said something that maybe would boost up my spirits". Arthur complain while crossing his arm.

Unlike Kai, who looks pure and innocent, Arthur is more like a naughty and extremely stubborn type. His crimson red hair stood out the most compare to his other features.

He has a dark blue eyes, an asian-like face which people keep saying that it resembles a lot like his mother, and a athletic body.

Kai turned his head to Arthur and grin, as his dimples which only appear on the left side of his cheek, more noticable.

Not to mention, it makes him look appealing more than anything but somehow annoying to Arthur.

"Good luck, Arthur Miller! I hope you get pick as the moon-child".

Kai cheered, bringing up both of his fist in the air and then bursts out laughing as soon as he saw Arthur murderer look plastered on his not-so kind and not-so naughty face.

What? You think Kai is some sort of angel or something? If so, you're totally wrong. Kai is just like his troublemaker friends, Arthur. both of them often cause trouble while in classes and always do the things that the school doesn't allow to.

but regardless, kai were known as the number one students while arthur were known as the skillful athlete knowledge by a few popular and professional athletes.

They were adored and cherish a lot by almost all of the teachers, but you can kindly count out when it comes to their reckless behavior.

but to be honest tho, all of the teachers loved and cares a lot when it comes to their students. In fact, that's just how the Aluerre Highschool teacher is.

"Kai! Arthur! Hurry or you'll be late!". The class president, Ren yelled with his loud and manly voices as soon as the two troublemaker classmates were in his sight.

Arthur whispered something on Kai ears as both of them immediately ran at full speed and touch Ren shoulder at the same time, leaving the poor boy freeze on his spot.

"Who touch first?". Arthur and Kai ask at the same time. Ren shift his gaze to the two hands touching his shoulder, back and forth and was about to open his mouth when someone else interfere from behind.

"It's Kai. Kai is five seconds faster than Arthur". Ava appear behind them with her usual smug look which annoys Arthur more than anything.

"tch, you didn't even saw it. what the hell do you know?". Arthur complain as the four students entered the classroom.

Kai chuckled and stick out his tounge at Arthur who's glaring at him in annoyance. "Seriously, you two? You're exactly one seconds late".

The time observer, Kyle inform. His dark red eyes glued on his new watch which his classmates thought he'd change it every single day.

"You're too serious when it comes to a perfect timing. Sorry, I'm not a time observer like you". Arthur spoke in a duh tone.

"You're so mean". Kyle sulk and then went to his seat. "Maybe I should start arriving five minutes earlier. I'm sure it would come in handy".

Kai whispered, heading to his desk. The students immediately went to their seat as soon as the classroom door opened, revealing the most important person in the school, Principal Zora, standing out side of the door.

He were accompany by their homeroom teacher, Mr Brown who's standing quietly behind him. The two of them step inside as the principal look around the well-organized room.

"I see, Mr Brown had been teaching you properly. Good job, Mr Brown". Zora praise the teacher behind him which he only nod in reply and smile awkwardly.

"Alright, I'm sure all of you already heard about the moon child experiment results going to be announced today". He spoke in a loud and clear tone.

The students face expression lifted up. "Yes, Sir!". All of them yell in unison. Their voice were full with energy and fresh vibe.

The principal first explain what actually the moon child experiment is. He says, those who are picked as the moon child will be enrolling in the newly created class launched by the military government.

He doesn't really say much about why the military government did such a thing for them, but he only says that the military is willing to help the Alueree Highschool and could provide them with a lot of things.

He also mentioned that all of the moon child students from all different year will be attending the same classes from then on and they will be learning a few extra subjects which include basic military lesson, outside world study and moon child experiment.

"Alright, those who are called please come out and stand in front". Zora inform, pointing next to him.

The students had heard enough and can't wait to hear their name being called. "First, Arthur Miller".

Arthur jump from his seat and confidently make his way to the front. "Ren Novice, Toby Zerra and Ava Gardner". The principal continued as the three students grabbed their stuff and lined up behind Arthur.

"Next is… Ivan Lewis, Daniella Silva and lastly…". Zora paused, eyeing the papers on his hand while the other two called students went infront with their stuff and joined the 4 students.

At this point, Arthur and Ren were quite anxious and waited patiently for the principal to call out their friends name, which is Kai of course.

"The last students is, Kai Preston". Zora inform and ended his speech and the moment where the 7 students journey begins.