
Fighter's Journey In Pokemon World

A guy who has trained most his life on earth gets transmigrated to the world which he thought was a fantasy. " So the life of training and missions are over. I guess I'll just enjoy this world without any worries" How will the guy who has trained in combat and weapons fare in the world filled with pokemon? Is he going to unravel the secrets of the world? Is he going to come out on top of the world creating legends? Only time will be able to tell the future. The cover image is from the courtesy of google images.

amusingcat · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

6.First Battle

The sight he saw was something he never imagined, it was beautiful nonetheless. He was seeing all shades of green from pokemon regardless of their types, shape, colour etc, he even saw few blue coloured auras emitted from some pokemon but a large number of pokemon were emitting the green aura. He suddenly got a headache due to concentrating too much on a lot of pokemon at the same time. He looked at machop who was excitedly looking around and smiled. He slowly walked towards the counter ignoring the stares from blushing girls and angry-looking guys, he introduced himself first to the pink-haired pretty nurse.

Dean: "Hello My name is Dean" even though nurse joy was blushing she kept a professional behaviour.

Nurse Joy: " Hello Dean, I'm nurse joy of this pokemon centre. How can I help you today ?"

Dean: "Can you check my machop?" he got machop checked to cure any old external or internal injuries, he also asked her about the trainer's licence and left.

Dean: ' I have to find professor oak to take care of my pokemon while I'm travelling, I also want to get license and Pokedex from him because I don't want to get it from Brock. I guess Ash was lucky to have professor oak near his house, not everyone is lucky enough to have a famous and knowledgeable professor to take care of their pokemon'

He looked around the resting area and found an empty seat, he sat there looking at the pokemon ' I wish I didn't have to see all those different shades of green it's giving me a headache, why can't it be just one green colour?' he thought while massaging his head. Its as if his mind was accomodating to his wish slowly all the different shades of green coloured aura changed to one emerald green colour for every pokemon except the blue ones, he also tried for blue colour he got the same result few different shades of blue changed into a sapphire blue. He was stunned

Dean: ' Woah!! What was that? why did it change into a single colour? Wait I was thinking about how it could have been pleasant to have a single colour. Is it me? Let me check' he concentrated hard thinking of seeing different green shades then he saw the single green colour changing to different shades as he saw a few moments ago. He was surprised that he could control seeing the colours, he continues to experiment for some time and finally stopped after he felt exhausted. He wanted to get some sleep as it had been a long day for him, he inquired joy about his pokemon after some time and was relieved to find no hidden injuries. He asked for the room and a few Pokeballs.

' All I need is a bag, map, normal food or rations, pokemon food, large tent and more importantly new clothes. I can't go around looking like this even though it looks nice. He found his room and entered his room and locked all the bolts as he saw few girls sneaking behind him all the way to the second floor. He was getting a different kind of headache from this ' Looks like I need to buy a mask, it would be good to cover my face with a seamless mask' he shook his head 'or I could just ignore them and hope they won't go overboard with their stalking and annoy me ' He went to sit on the bed and looked at the machop who had been silent this entire time. He took out a Pokeball and said

Dean: "Look buddy, I have a new Pokeball for you" he showed his Pokeball to machop as machop look excited. Machop just fist-bumped the button on the Pokeball, suddenly a red light enveloped machop and it went inside the Pokeball, it shook 3 times before going still. He looked at the Pokeball for some time and just put it beside the pillow. He took a nice shower and then went to sleep.

The next day he woke up looking confused, he took a few moments to remember all the events that transpired yesterday and sighed before smiling

Dean: "Looks like I really am in a pokemon world, for a moment I was scared thinking that it was just a dream." he looked at the Pokeball beside his pillow and held it in his hand 'You will have a lot of training today buddy'. He freshened up and went to the lobby, he ordered food and a standard plate of pokemon food. He looked at the food thinking 'This is just acceptable but I need specific food for my pokemon based on types' He released Machop who was energised but a bit hungry as growling sound came from its stomach.

Dean: "Good morning machop, I have your food here. Eat well and today we will be training your moves, yesterday you were close to mastering your karate chop" machop became excited hearing this and started to eat his food hurriedly so it could train earlier. "Slow down, we will train in the small training field behind the pokemon centre after eating" while eating he thought 'I got a good idea how this aura works now, the green colour and the blue colour I saw yesterday is the pokemon capabilities, green aura pokemon is of low-level pokemon and blue aura is of slightly higher level, I suppose there are other levels as the pokemon I saw yesterday didn't look strong. I have to catch other pokemon and train them fast. Hmm? The aura around machop has gotten a bit darker but he didn't even do anything other than travelling with me. Strange' he finished his meal and just he was about to leave for training he saw a 12-year-old scrawny looking kid coming towards him

???: "Oh look who is here? Its the handsome newbie trainer. Do you think your looks can get you a badge ? huh. I challenge you to a battle after lunch in pokemon centre's battlefield" the kid first mocked, sneered and finally left after declaring challenge in anger. Dean simply stood there not knowing what to say to the angry kid. He looked around to see few people are looking at the commotion caused by the kid and they slowly started to whisper, he just had one question in his mind 'Who the hell is he? I think he was the one who was eavesdropping on my conversation with joy yesterday as I was asking about the information about the trainer license ' he looked at the whispering girls and few guys were even sneering as if he deserved it. He knew they were just jealous of his looks and nothing more, now the rumour is going to spread and will create a huge audience in the afternoon. He sighed internally 'Now I have to battle to keep my dignity' he returned the angered little fighter and walked away hurriedly.

He quickly went out of the pokemon centre as he would draw attention there if he trained there. He found a nearby playground after asking a few people. He released his pokemon and saw machop was still angry, he sternly said

"What are you doing? Getting affected by few angry taunts." reprimanded dean then his gaze softened after looking at his starter and said softly "I know you are angry because he looked down on me but don't let your emotions control you ever. Got it?" Even though he was just angry he should teach him from the start that controlling emotions will lead to rational decisions. "Now show me your moves"

<machop> <machop> machop who was looking little ashamed suddenly felt spirited.

In the afternoon he just went back to the pokemon centre, after having the meal ignoring the gazes which seem to have increased, he went to the battlefield behind the building and simply waited with his eyes closed without even caring for the whispers from the large audience gathered. He waited for 30 minutes before opening his eyes at the same time kid showed up

???: " Finally came to lose huh." he tried to taunt. Dean just calmly looked at the kid.

Dean: "I'm Dean and if there is nothing else I would like to get it done with as I have other 'important' things to do" this seems to have angered the kid. Dean thought 'One of the important things for a pokemon trainer to have is a calm mind looks like he is affected by emotions with a single sentence' he sighed.

Kid: "Let's go with a one on one knockout match" he didn't trash talk anymore as he was very mad. He just sent his pokemon. It was small brown pokemon wearing a skull mask and a club in its hands.

<Cu> <Cubone> it announced its presence with a cry

Dean: 'Cubone? Now that's a bit unexpected I was half expecting a Raticate. Its aura is lighter than machop's ' he released machop

<machop ><machop> kid seeing this started the match

Kid: "Cubone use Tailwhip" he commanded as cubone cutely whips its tail back and forth to reduce the defences of machop by making it less wary. It affected machop slightly, kid smiled seeing this 'This will be an easy battle'

Dean: 'Cant he see it has very little effect on my pokemon, well whatever' he deadpanned.

Kid: "Use bon-" before he could finish the sentence he was cut short by dean

Dean: "Low kick," he said lightly.

<machooop> machop dashed forward and arrived in front of cubone quickly. The kid didn't have any time to command, machop gave a powerful kick to its leg.

<cubooone> cubone fell on its butt. The kid was startled and became angry but the audience was impressed by the kick, few of them even nodded their heads.

Kid: "Get up cubone, get up and use bone club" cubone stood up but its leg was injured as it swayed and kneeled.'Why is his machop strong even though it looks young?'

Dean: "Again" machop used low kick

Kid: "Roll! Roll! Roll to the side" Cubone rolls awkwardly dodging the kick. the kid was gritting his teeth

Dean: "Leer" just as cubone dodged the low kick it was met with the glare which scared it a little as it flinched. Machop was glaring at the skull masked pokemon. Dean seeing this " What is that weak glare? Glare like you mean it machop, Glare because you got your training interrupted by this battle" Machop hearing this intensifies its glare which caused cubone to back away without listening to his trainer.

Dean: "Karate chop to the neck" <Machop>

Kid: "Mud slap!" he was already screaming seeing the situation on the battlefield. Before cubone could hurl mud to machop's face a glowing hand met its neck with the force which threw cubone few meters back before knocking it out.

Kid: "Why why why" he was looking at cubone in disbelief.

Dean smiled at the successful karate chop which finished the match. The audience started to clap, he stopped patting machop's head to see the happy audience.

Dean: 'I guess they enjoyed the show' he looked at the kid who had a disbelieving expression and sighed moving towards him, he stood in front of the kid. The kid thought he was there to mock him and was about to refute but the hand extending in front of him made him startle

Dean: "Good battle kid," he said. The kid was stunned by Dean's behaviour but awkwardly extended his arms. He quickly left the battlefield after the handshake thinking 'So that's what victory feels like in a pokemon battle. he challenged me because of a girl, I even noticed him giving subtle glances at the girl just before the battle. I guess his plan to impress the girl backfired '. without looking back he went out to have a look at a few shops for clothes.

What he didn't know was that the battle was watched by a few important individuals.

So this is Dean's first battle. How was it? please comment below

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