
Fightbg b bv bv

After an unprecedented event in 2018, the destruction of the metropolitan city Shine-A, the world of sorcery was brought to light. For hundreds of years. sorcerers manage to exist in the shadow, but no longer. Daniel Fash, a fifteen year old boy who's enrolling at Core Intelligence High, a school of sorcerers. He has just recently awoken his powers and now trying to control his newfound powers to defeat a great evil who soughts to destroy all.

Mono_Hardin · Action
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74 Chs

Maniacal Mission 2

Cave 4, Nathan Varr, Volta, Sam Merrickson.

Similar to other cave, just a wide open space with softly jagged walls surrounding them. Speak loud enough and your voice echoes. The cave had no entrance nor exit, they were trapped.

"We're fighting a High-rank grade 1?!" Sam having a breakdown

"Yeah, and on top of that they're an anomaly class." Nate said

"Which means?" Sam asks

"We have no fucking clue what we're up against."

Terror's liquid spilled from thin air then formed into his actual self within the cave.

"Why are you doing this?" Nate asks

"Why? That's a simple answer, it's because I want to." Terror replied

"You have power so why use it so selfishly?" Nate asks again

"You're incredibly naïve." Terror replied

With the urge to toy with sorcerers who are inferior to him in rank, he did not cast "Acidic Malice". Four tentacles of yellowish black grew from his spine.

Nate did not wait for a queue, he did not want to risk a drawn out fight. He casts "Ice Rink", freezing Terror's leg up to his knees. Nate then creates a spear from ice and throws it at Terror. Piercing his chest. A chilling sensation from the middle of his body throughout. Volta took her chance to strike, she dashed around Terror and cuts both his legs off. Terror's body drop to the ground like a dropped toy.

Terror dissolves into acid and melts the ground that was frozen. Nate creates a sledgehammer from ice and casts "Ice Rink" again. He thought he could freeze Terror easily, but Terror instead jumped up in his liquid form.

Fully anticipating it, Nate swings his sledgehammer horizontally, his sledgehammer went right past the liquid. The sledgehammer then was lighter, Nate realized that the hammer part was completely disintegrated.

Terror quickly drops to the ground and rose from the puddle of acid back to his normal self, he mauls down Nate. He loomed over him. Putting his face too close to Nate's. He started laughing like a mad man, getting spit all over Nate's face.

Nate grabs him and quickly freezes him. Sam clashes his blades and sends Terror flying to the wall behind him. Volta then runs to Terror and grabs his head. She meant to break his neck but instead his entire head was plucked off. She didn't look surprised or disturbed by it. The head dissolves into acid, it burned her skin, turning it red.

Terror then reconstructs his head from his neck up.

Nate showered Terror with light like aurora borealis. The moment Terror moved a muscle, he was instantly frozen. Sam steps forth and starts throwing his blades like chakrams. Sam aimed directly at his exposed head. He didn't miss a single hit, yet it was futile.

"Why isn't he dying?" Sam wonders

Volta then steps forward and starts breaking the ice with a barrage of powerful punches. Each punch was like a bullet, so she made quick work of the ice. After completely breaking Terror free, she kept on going. She kept going for nearly a minute. Filling him with holes that close as quickly as it was opened.

"She's pinning him down, but he doesn't seem to be dying. It's not a body spell, it's just him. We can't kill him with physical attacks alone. There's gotta be a trick to it." Nate processed

"You got something on your mind, Nate?" Sam asked

"There's a trick to his acid body. If we can find out what, we can at least deal damage to it." Nate answered

"Could fire do it?" Sam asks

"None of us are heat sorcerers." Nate sighed

Volta then was flung toward the two, knocking them both down. Terror started laughing. He holstered his hands in his pockets. Slowly walking toward the three. Three tentacles reached for each of their ankles and lift them off the ground, hanging them upside down. He then brought Volta closer to him. Two more tentacles grew out and wrapped Volta's hands.

"Get away from her you freak!" Sam yelled

"Fine." Terror then raised her to the ceiling, leveling her horizontal and smashing her to the ceiling. Then he releases her from his tentacles and she drops to the ground. He picks her back up with one tentacle and throws her across the room. She crashes to the ground and rolls over close to the wall.

"I'll fucking kill you!" He raged

"Will you now?" Terror taunts

Terror smashes Nate to the right wall. He focused his one tentacle to Sam's other leg. He then lifts Sam up, to his eye level. Sam grips his sword tightly, he bend his torso up and cuts the tentacles. He drops to the ground, hitting his back first.

Feeling no opposing threat, Terror just watched him slowly get back up.

"I will fucking kill you." Sam was furious

Sam moves his blades so quick, Terror couldn't conceive it. He slashes his stomach open and cuts off both his arms in a single fluid motion. He changed his blade grips to ice pick grips. Then he clashes them together. Screaming in rage as he does it. He repels Terror to the wall. Terror smashes the wall with great force.

"That was quite someth-" Terror then coughs up a little bit of blood. He was bleeding from his arms after he reconstructed them. "What in the world?"

Mana Necrotization, one of the few constitutions of Core-Users. Each Core-User was born with different constitutions. Whether they have great speed, great sensory abilities, great strength, or the power to weaken spells. One can have multiple, but having the power to weaken spells have been very few to date.

With this constitution, he was able to weaken Terror's everlasting body spell. He was able to deal significant damage to him. However, it only lasted one second before Terror healed it completely.

Now, Terror feels threatened. Someone can actually hurt him. He was done playing. He didn't want to toy with them anymore, especially Sam. Sensing a huge surge of mana, Nate made his move.

"Imaginary Dimension: Acidic Malice!"

"Imaginary Dimension: Frozen Hell!"

The two yelled aloud at the same time.

Nate casts an Imaginary Dimension as well. Now they are in a deadlock. Their dimensions are both incomplete and neither can move. They are in an imaginary battle, who's mind is stronger between the two?

The two dimension were opposites. While Terror's was an abyss with the floor being acid. Simple and plain. While Nate's was like a painting by a mad artist. Mountains of ice, storm of winds, adjacent death cold weather, and a fucking blizzard storm—a literal frozen hell.

"S-S-Sam!" Nate shivered

"What?" Sam replied

"Kill him!" Nate yelled. His skin were veiny, his eyes were red. His sweat ran all over his body.

Sam throws one of his blades at Terror's face. His blade pierces through it swiftly, too swiftly. It merely passes through him. The dimension was slowly swallowing each other. Right now, Terror was winning the fight.

Nate tried everything he can to at least make guard against Terror's dimension. He grunts in agony, his veins became visible, his eyes grew more red.

Sam doesn't know why he couldn't do what he did earlier. He doesn't even know what he did, but he thought he just could. He grew frustrated and starts boiling with anger.

Sam calls his blade back. He then gripped his blade as strong as he can and clashed them together. He unleashes a wave of repel like before, he weakens Terror. His Acidic Malice was slowly consumed by Nate's Frozen Hell. Sam then clashes his blade, over and over. Weakening Terror with every wave, but each time the effect was weaker.

Terror's dimension was about to consume fully. But then, both dimension closed off. They both gave out. Back at the cave, the two were panting, racing to catch air. Sam then runs toward Terror, trying to land a blow.

As he was running, he was stunned by a bright white flash. Like he was hit by a flashbang. Something then pushed his chest and Sam fell over.

"You nearly lost to three kids." An echoed voice spoke

"I wasn't fighting serious." Terror said

"Well, I did tell you not to kill them." He spoke again

"Who are you, you piece of shit?" Nate asks angrily

In a flash, Nate was held up to the air. Shujin holding his face, covering his mouth. It got hard for Nate to breathe. Shujin didn't utter a single word. He just looked into Nate's eyes with the intent to kill. Shujin then releases Nate and he dropped to the ground.

"Let's go. Let them advance."

With his back to them, Volta charges in. She charges in with her blade aimed at his neck. Shujin turns around, he grabs the blade, and shatters it. He then held the right side of her head and electrocutes her. Then she was backhanded by him. She falls over, hitting her head on the floor. Her vision flashed, and she was temporarily immobile. She could feel something flowing inside her head. Something vicious ran rampant in her head. Her vision then quickly clears.

Shujin teleports himself and Terror out of the room and into their secret one.