

I lower myself to the stairs and look up into his face, wondering what the fuck he's going to do next. He unbuckles his belt and opens his slacks, and just when I think he's going to free his cock so I can go to work on it, he kneels in front of me.

I feel my eyes widen and roam over this angry, beautiful man. He's kneeling before me, still not touching me.

"Lean back on your elbows," he whispers, and I comply.

"Pull your skirt up around your hips." Again, I comply, and I feel my breathing quicken. I feel completely exposed, because I am, from the waist down. I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't wearing underwear.

Nate's eyes dilate and he sucks in a deep breath. His eyes are narrowed on my pussy, and his hands are flexing in and out of fists, and I know he's dying to touch me.

"Touch me, babe," I whisper.

His molten gray eyes find mine as he reaches up and tucks a stray curl of hair behind my ear, sending shivers down me.

"You are so beautiful, Julianne."

"Touch. Me." I whisper again and he clenches his eyes closed for a heartbeat and looks back down my body again, raking me with his gaze.

"Nate." I get his attention with the strength of my voice.

"You won't hurt me, my love."

He growls and plants his fists on the stairs at my hips and pushes himself up to kiss me, slipping his tongue in my mouth, tangling and sliding along mine. This kiss is urgent and needy. I wrap his hair in my fingers to hold him to me, but he backs away, panting, eyes on fire and says, "Elbows on the stairs."


Finally – FINALLY! – he slides his large hands up the outside of my thighs to my hips and pulls me forward to the edge of the step and lowers his head. He blows on my center, raising my skin in goose bumps. He spreads my thighs wide, spreading my labia in the process and licks me from my anus to my clit and back down again.

"Holy fuck!" My head falls back as my hips plunging his soft, talented tongue inside me, swirling around and around, and presses his nose against my clit.

Electricity is shooting through my core, up my spine, and out my limbs. I look down at him and his hot gray gaze is pinned on my face, alive with lust.

"Oh God, babe, I'm gonna…" I can't finish the sentence. He moves that tongue up along my lips to press on my clit and roughly pushes two fingers inside me, pressing down, and I come apart, my muscles pulsing and milking his fingers, my clit throbbing against his tongue.

He kisses and nips at the inside of my thighs and my pubis, and then pulls his fingers out of me and sticks them in his mouth, sucking my sweetness off of them.

"You're delicious," he whispers. He reaches up and loosens my halter straps, letting the bodice fall around my waist, exposing my naked breasts. "Jesus."