

FIGHT OR SLEEP, DO YOU EVEN HAVE A CHOICE? Join Jack "The Reaper" Reed on his journey to becoming a fighter. As a child, Jack had a dream to become a fighter, but life had other plans. Circumstances forced him to put his passion on hold, leaving it to gather dust in the back of his mind. But what happens when those dreams are rekindled, and danger comes knocking on his door? Follow Jack's story as he faces the ultimate test of courage and determination. Will he rise to the challenge, or will his dreams remain forever elusive? 10chapter/week check out my other novel "The Sugar Sweetened System "

Shadowwarrior_007 · Action
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75 Chs


Jack smiled, feeling a little disappointed that the playful moment had ended. But he knew they still had work to do. "Right, packing. Let's get your stuff ready," he said, walking over to the closet.

Ashley nodded, following him. "Yeah, I don't want to leave anything important behind."

Together, they started gathering her clothes, shoes, and accessories. Jack helped her pack her bags, trying to be as efficient as possible. As they worked, they chatted about what she needed to take, what she could leave behind, and what she might need to buy when she got to her destination.

As they packed, Jack couldn't help but feel a little sad. He was going to miss Ashley, and the thought of being apart from her for two weeks was difficult. But he knew she had to go, and he was determined to support her.

Finally, after what felt like hours, they finished packing. Ashley's bags were full, and she looked satisfied. "That's everything, I think," she said, looking around the room.

Jack nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Good."

Ashley smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Thanks, Jack."

Jack smiled back, feeling his heart warm. "Anytime, Ashley. That's what boyfriends are for."

Ashley left the apartment, carrying her bags and a determined look on her face. She had insisted on taking a taxi to the airport, wanting to be discreet about her movements. Jack had understood, but it had been hard to let her go without seeing her off.

After she left, Jack sat on the sofa, feeling a bit lost. He looked at the date on his phone and groaned. "Damn, tomorrow I've got a match. Looks like I've got to prepare." He started stretching and making mental strategies, deciding not to go to the gym to avoid any last-minute injuries.

As the hours passed, Jack found himself feeling a bit restless. He had done all he could to prepare for his match, and now he was left to wait. He flipped through the TV channels, trying to find something to distract him from his thoughts.

But his mind kept wandering back to Ashley. He wondered where she was, what she was doing, and whether she was safe. He knew she had to be careful, and he trusted her to take care of herself, but he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

As the night wore on, Jack found himself getting more and more anxious. He couldn't concentrate on the TV, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He tried to tell himself he was just being paranoid, but he couldn't shake the feeling.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jack decided to try and get some rest. He turned off the TV, and headed to bed, hoping that tomorrow would bring better news.

As he lay in bed, Jack couldn't help but think about Ashley, and wonder when he would see her again. He knew she would be gone for two weeks, but it felt like an eternity. He missed her already, and he couldn't wait until she returned.

Despite his anxiety, Jack eventually fell asleep, his mind filled with thoughts of Ashley and the upcoming match. Tomorrow was going to be a big day, and he needed to be ready.


Jack woke up, did his morning run, and came back doing some stretches. He went through his plan again, visualizing his moves and his opponent's weaknesses. He then called his mom, chatting with her as she told him about her life back at home. When the call was done, he didn't know what to do, so he put on some UFC to watch.

As he watched the UFC fights, Jack's mind started to wander back to his own upcoming match. He thought about his opponent, his strengths and weaknesses, and his own strategy. He visualized himself winning, his hand being raised in victory, and the crowd cheering.

But as the day wore on, Jack started to feel a little restless. He had done all he could to prepare for his match, and now he was left to wait. He didn't want to just sit around and do nothing, but he also didn't want to overexert himself and risk injury.

Just as he was starting to get a little bored, Jack decided to take a walk outside. He needed some fresh air and a change of scenery. As he walked, he thought about Ashley and wondered how she was doing. He hoped she was safe and that her mission was going well.

When he got back to his apartment, Jack realized he was still feeling a little anxious. He needed something to take his mind off things, so he decided to watch a movie. He scrolled through his streaming service and found a new action movie that he had been wanting to see.

As he watched the movie, Jack's mind started to wander again. He thought about his match, his opponent, and his strategy. He thought about Ashley and wondered when she would be back. And he thought about his own future, and what he wanted to achieve in his fighting career.

Despite his anxiety, Jack eventually fell asleep, his mind filled with thoughts of his match, Ashley, and his future. Tonight is going to be a big night, and he needed to be ready.

Jack dialed Ashley's number, waiting anxiously for her to answer. When she finally did, her voice sounded distant, but he could sense a hint of warmth.

"Hey, Jack. How are you?" Ashley asked, her tone cautious.

"I'm good, just getting ready for my match tonight," Jack replied, trying to sound confident.

"Ah, right. Good luck with that. I'll be thinking of you," Ashley said, her voice a little softer.

"Thanks, Ashley. I need all the luck I can get. How about you? How's everything going?" Jack asked, genuinely concerned about her well-being.

There was a brief pause before Ashley responded, "It's going. I'm just taking care of some things. I'll be back soon."

Jack sensed a hint of evasiveness in her tone but didn't press the issue. "Okay, just be careful, okay? I miss you."

"I miss you too, Jack. Take care of yourself tonight, and we'll catch up soon." With that, Ashley hung up, leaving Jack feeling a mix of concern and longing.

As he sat there, a call came in from an unknown number. Jack hesitated for a moment before answering it. "Hello?" he said, his voice cautious.