

In a saga where there is no singular protagonist, The struggle for the ultimate throne spans dimensions, where the supernatural is commonplace and legends walk among mortals. But the stakes are higher than power alone; behind every sword clash and spell cast lies the tale of broken dreams and shattered loyalties. In a realm where power courses through every heartbeat and ancient worlds collide, a symphony of ambition and destiny unfurls. In a tapestry woven with threads of suspense, thriller, and heart-pounding action, the battle for supremacy knows no bounds. This is a world where thrones are more than just seats of power; they are the epicenters of dominance, coveted by beings of unimaginable might from realms beyond mortal ken. As alliances crumble like ancient stone and friendships shatter like glass, each contender's journey is a whirlwind of choices that test their limits. In the midst of treacherous political maneuvers, whispers of forbidden magic, and battles that reshape the very fabric of existence, the true nature of courage and sacrifice comes to light. Amidst the turmoil, hearts are entangled, and the weight of power becomes a burden too heavy to bear alone. In this riveting narrative, where twists and turns are as abundant as the stars, the fight for the throne becomes a canvas painted with sorrow and despair. Loyalties will be betrayed, identities will be shattered, and the line between hero and villain will blur until all that remains is the desperate yearning for what was lost. Prepare to be ensnared in a tale that transcends dimensions, where the fight for the throne is a battle not only for power, but for the very essence of existence.

Adarsh_Kaintura · Fantasy
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19 Chs



System: The player is about to be transported to another celestial body within a matter of seconds.

Avril: What on earth! Why on Earth is this system facilitating my teleportation...

System: You have been transported to the domain of formidable creatures. Confront and vanquish the colossal, fanged giant sand centipede...

Avril: How am I expected to vanquish such an immense creature? It seems I should opt for a strategic retreat rather than confronting this colossal behemoth...

Avril begins to flee from the gigantic monster, but a sudden recollection of his battle with Sagakar comes rushing back to him. He realizes that this is the pivotal moment for him to attain strength. With determination, he halts his retreat and squarely faces the monstrous adversary.

The monster advances menacingly, striking Avril with its immense forehead, causing him injury. However, Avril rises once more, resolute in his search for the creature's vulnerable points.

System: Store...

Avril: Where is my dagger? Does this system contain the dagger that the masked individual bestowed upon me? Alright, open the weapons store.

System: The weapons store is accessible, but you lack the necessary gold to procure weapons from it. You must eliminate the enemy to accumulate gold.

Avril: Do I possess any weapons in my inventory?

System: Yes, you have two daggers in your inventory. Would you like to utilize them?

Avril: Yes, please provide me with the daggers...

Avril acquired the daggers and, in an unexpected turn of events, found himself consumed by the monstrous entity. However, within moments, Avril emerged from the belly of the creature, having torn his way out from within.

System: Level up 1, Level up 2, Level up 3, Level up 4... You have gained 8000 coins. You have successfully completed the initial scenario, with all your wounds miraculously healed. You will be teleported to the second scenario in 10 minutes.

Avril: Remarkable! This system has the power to mend my injuries, even my garments. Can it provide clothing?

System: Character style is accessible.

Avril: Clothing seems quite costly. Let's explore this one.

Avril soon realized that strengthening his stats such as strength, speed, agility, and more would make him stronger, and he could bolster these attributes with the gold he earned.

System: Do you wish to enlist the monsters you've defeated into your ranks?

Avril: What do you mean, an army?

System: Do you wish to add the monsters you've conquered to your army? Accept or Reject. Please decide within 5 seconds.

Avril: I suppose the system's functionality is limited. Alright, I accept.

System: You can't utilize your army at this level. You must reach level 100 to unlock the Army Store.

Avril: So, I must level up to access the Army Store...

System: The next scenario has arrived. Conquer the boss within two days, or you will face penalties.

Avril: Penalties? It appears I must face the monster without any mercy. But before that, open my character status.

System: Character status is now available.

Avril: I have 6000 coins, having spent 2000 coins on clothing. It's time to enhance my strength and agility.

System: Strength increased by 100, agility raised to 60. Level up 5, level up 6, level up 7. You have 2000 coins remaining. You've increased your intelligence to 40. Level up 8. You now have 0 coins left.

Avril: I am now prepared for battle.

System: Eliminate the goblins.

At that moment, Avril's left eye emitted a radiant light, casting a beam onto the monster's body. In the blink of an eye, a copy of the monster materialized in his army store.

System: You can't use your army at this level. You must reach level 100 to unlock the Army Store.

Avril: So, I must level up to access the Army Store...

System: The next scenario has arrived. Conquer the boss within two days, or you will face penalties.

Avril: Penalties? It appears I must face the monster without any mercy. But before that, open my character status.

System: Character status is now available.

Avril: I have 6000 coins, having spent 2000 coins on clothing. It's time to enhance my strength and agility.

System: Strength increased by 100, agility raised to 60. Level up 5, level up 6, level up 7. You have 2000 coins remaining. You've increased your intelligence to 40. Level up 8. You now have 0 coins left.

Avril: I am now prepared for battle.

System: Eliminate the goblins.

Avril diligently embarked on a goblin-slaying spree, eliminating every goblin obstructing his path to the boss goblin. A full day had elapsed, yet the goblins continued to swarm in vast numbers. Recognizing the unfavorable situation, Avril decided to retreat for the night. The mysterious abilities of the boss goblin at night were unknown to him, so he rested briefly.

During the night, Avril's thoughts turned to Aron. He firmly believed that Aron, not himself, possessed the potential to become a true Yoddha. With this realization, Avril invested the money he had acquired from goblin slaying to bolster his strength and agility.

However, despite his newfound strength, the overwhelming number of normal goblins prevented Avril from defeating the boss goblin. In his contemplation, he turned to the system, inquiring about the possibility of returning to his home planet. The system conveyed that reaching level 100 was necessary for successful teleportation, as any level below that wouldn't suffice. Avril acknowledged that the journey might take longer than he initially thought. He then asked if there were alternative means to return.

The system responded by instructing him to clear 30 scenarios, at which point he would be automatically transported back to his world. Curious about his progress, Avril inquired how many scenarios he had cleared. The system replied, "One."

Fully prepared the next day, Avril initiated an assault on the goblin stronghold. This time, without wasting a moment, he made a beeline for the boss goblin residing in his palace. The battle was decidedly one-sided from the start, with the boss goblin inflicting brutal punishment upon Avril. However, after a few moments, Avril made a resolute request.

Avril: "Give me my daggers."

System: "Daggers provided."

Avril armed himself with his daggers and launched a relentless attack on the boss goblin, eventually slaying him.

System: "Boss goblin has been vanquished. 3000 coins are rewarded for slaying goblins, and 10000 coins are granted for defeating the boss goblin. Level up 9. All wounds have been healed."

Avril: "I want the boss goblin in my army store."

System: "Request accepted. Boss goblin has been copied and is in your army store. Do you only want the boss goblin and not his army?"

Avril: "No, I have no need for his army. My forces do not require weak soldiers."

With the boss goblin gone, the rest of the goblins fled the area. Avril ventured into the boss goblin's enclosure, discovering numerous humans held captive in the dark, starved and deprived of sustenance. A man stepped forward and confronted Avril.

Man: "Is he a savior or a monster in human form?"

Avril: "I am neither a savior nor a monster. My presence here is simply a matter of coincidence."

The man, astounded by Avril's accomplishment, inquired, "How did you manage to come here? There are so many goblins."

Avril replied confidently, "I simply had to eliminate them all."

The man continued, "You killed all of them? What about the boss goblin?"

Avril casually responded, "Are you asking about that guy?" He gestured toward the lifeless body of the boss goblin, lying on the ground.

The man was both shocked and overjoyed. He promptly shared the news of the boss goblin's demise with all the people who had been in captivity. The word spread rapidly among the freed prisoners that the boss goblin had been defeated.

System: "Avril, you are about to be teleported to the next scenario."

Avril: "Okay, I suppose I'm being teleported again to the next scenario."

System: "You have to reach the destination on your own."

Avril exclaimed, "What? I have to go there on foot? Are you crazy?"

Upon hearing the destination's name from Avril, the man who had been freed asked if Avril knew the place.

Avril confirmed, "Yes, I do."

The man, named Eric, revealed that he lived there and offered a shortcut that could get them to their destination in 18 days instead of a month. He suggested that he could accompany Avril if they chose to take that route.

Avril agreed, saying, "Yes, why not, sure."

Eric, with curiosity in his eyes, asked Avril a question, "You seem so young. How were you able to kill the monster?"

The journey to their next destination, "Geronom," was about to unfold, and Avril's adventures were far from over.

Avril: "I have to finish them, and that's what I must do right now. It's a gamble for survival."

Eric: "Absolutely correct."

Together, Avril and Eric embarked on their journey to "Geronom." Fifteen days later, they arrived at their destination. Avril, true to his character, faced the monster present there with determination and ruthlessly defeated it. In the process, he converted the other monsters to join his ever-expanding army.

Four years passed, and Avril, now 19 years old, had cleared 20 scenarios. His level had reached 50, and he had amassed a vast army in his army store. However, he couldn't yet employ this formidable force. Danger continued to escalate with his increasing level. His next scenario was to free Princess Snemi from the clutches of a dragon and its demonic army.

Avril felt a mixture of amazement and determination upon discovering the next scenario's premise. He journeyed to "Bogoa," where the dragon had imprisoned Princess Snemi. Upon their arrival, they were met with a massive army of demons, seemingly ready to confront Avril.

Avril knew that it would take time to reach the top of the castle where the princess was imprisoned, as the army consisted of 200 demonic monsters and an elusive dragon. As the monsters sensed Avril's presence, they began converging on him, and a massive battle ensued.

Using his daggers, Avril fought back, but the demons proved formidable, attacking in pairs. Avril took refuge behind the castle's stones. Instead of overwhelming him, only ten demons approached him initially. After half an hour, Avril had slain all ten of them, then moved into the castle, where another group of ten demons confronted him.

Although he succeeded in defeating these demons as well, Avril sustained severe injuries. Rather than resting, he pressed on to the castle's second floor, where he engaged in another intense battle with ten more demons. Unfortunately, his injuries grew more severe, and he eventually had to retreat.

A month later, after vanquishing all 200 demons, Avril finally reached the 11th floor of the castle. As he opened the door, he was met with an unexpected sight: Princess Snemi was playing with a baby dragon.

The baby dragon noticed Avril's presence and transformed into a fully grown dragon. It unleashed a torrent of blue fire upon Avril. Despite his exhaustion and injuries, Avril miraculously survived.

Avril: "Give me the healing potion."

System: "Healing potion is active. Player is healed, all wounds are healed."

Avril: "I guess I have to invest all my coins in my strength and other abilities."

System: "72000 coins are being invested in strength. Now strength is at level 100. All other abilities are also increased."

Avril: "Now I'm ready."

The ensuing battle between Avril and the dragon became decidedly one-sided. Avril had unquestionably become stronger than the dragon. He relentlessly attacked the dragon, and it soon became evident that Avril was on the brink of defeating the formidable beast.

Princess Snemi, who had been observing the intense battle between Avril and the dragon, stepped forward and exclaimed, "Stop it, or I'll kill you!"

Avril, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, responded, "What? I am here to save your life from the dragon, and you're issuing threats to kill me?"

Snemi remained firm, stating, "Yes, if you don't stop, I will definitely kill you. Hey Karu, just don't fight. Stop it, or I will kill myself."

Karu, the dragon, responded obediently, "Yes, my princess, but I won't let that guy touch you."

Snemi turned her attention to Avril and asked, "Hey, you, what is your name?"

Avril, puzzled by the unexpected situation, replied, "Oh, so your name is Karu. I'm Avril." In his mind, he wondered, "But the system told me to save the princess from the demons and the dragon. How is it possible that the dragon is actually protecting her?"

Avril voiced his confusion, "Well, why is that dragon protecting you?"

Snemi explained, "Karu has been with me from the beginning. He is protecting me from the demons."

Avril questioned further, "If he was saving your life, why didn't he get you out of here?"

Snemi clarified, "The Dragon King has put a spell on the door so that no one can go outside this palace. We are stuck here for many years."

Karu affirmed, "Yes, the princess is telling the truth."

Avril pressed on, "What Dragon King? So you're telling me that the Dragon King has cast a spell on this castle to prevent anyone from leaving. But why didn't he kill you when he's also a dragon?"

Snemi dropped a surprising revelation, "Because he is my brother..."

Avril was astonished, "What?!"

"I know you all are surprised by the unexpected twists, the time skips, and the many questions that have arisen. But fear not, for the story will unfold gradually, revealing its secrets and mysteries in due time. Stay patient, for the journey has just begun, and there's much more to discover."

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