
Fight for the throne!

In the mystical realm of Drakonia, a land blessed abundantly by dragonic energy. The throne, once thought to be the rightful seat of the ancient royal bloodline, became the basis of war in Drakonia. Alliances will be formed. Secrets will be shattered. Truth will be concealed. Power will be used. Strategies will thrive. Revenge will be sought. Finally, war will come!!! _ The MC, Roshan is the only rightful heir to the throne. His life has been a mystery since birth. He is popular for his inability to perform spells, an ability that comes naturally to other members of the royal family. Triggered by what he was experiencing, he began to question himself: why is he weak? What is the mystery surrounding his birth? Why can’t he perform spells? In order to get answers, he embarked on a journey of adventure, where he got to know what he really was. Just when he was about to accomplish his mission fully and claim what was his, he made a mistake! [Note: This book has a large cast of characters, and to avoid confusion, their roles will be included in key places.]

Amiedo_Bahubali · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Rest in peace! Failed legend.


It was almost noon already, Roshan had already packed his things, ready to leave the palace. He decided to go and bid farewell to his uncle before leaving.

After the head eunuch had informed the king about Roshan's arrival, he was allowed to enter the King's chamber.

Maximus sat down across a table filled with novels and fruits, a bright smile appeared on his face the moment he saw his nephew.

"Your majesty." Roshan said and bowed.

"I was about to send someone to call you for you, I haven't seen you since yesterday."

"I am sorry, my lord. I came here to bid farewell, before I leave the capital."

"Bid what? Where are you going? Do you plan to leave me here? Am I making you uncomfortable? You gave me the go ahead to be the king, so why are you leaving?" Maximus countered Roshan with a series of questions.

"I am sorry my lord. I have no option. I can't continue living under your shield. I need to discover myself too." Roshan explained to his uncle.

"What do you mean you can't continue living under my shield? Am I complaining? You should stay here with me and…."

"I am sorry my lord, I have made up my mind and I am planning to leave today." Roshan cut off with a voice laced with determination.

Silence hung in the air for a few seconds before Maximus replied.

"Fine, you are now old enough to make decisions yourself. You can leave, but no matter where you are, always remember your home."

"I am indebted to you, your majesty." Roshan said and moved closer to his uncle who had spread his hands widely for a hug.

The moment was so emotional for him, he didn't want to leave, but he really had no option. He hugged his uncle tightly for a while before pulling back.

"I have to go now, my lord." Roshan bowed one more time and finally left the king's chamber.


The sun had already set and it was getting dark. Before Roshan left the palace, his uncle had ordered two royal maids and five royal guards to follow him, so as to keep his company.

They had already left the capital, now heading to another small town in Drakonia. On getting to the border of the town, one of the guards felt like something was off, he slowed down his horse and looked at the back, one royal maid was missing.

"Where is your fellow maid?" The guard questioned, it was then that the other guards noticed and stopped the carriage. They all turned to the back upon noticing one of the maids was missing.


An arrow passed behind one of the guards ear and went straight to the chest of the other maid. Blood gushed out immediately, more arrows came from different directions.

"We have been attacked!" One of them shouted. "Protect his highness!"

Roshan woke up from his long sleep. The journey was long, so he had slept off already. All of a sudden the carriage started shaking and he was hearing noises outside.

He opened the carriage's window and saw that there was commotion outside, he quickly stepped down to see what was happening.

Immediately he got down, an arrow was fired in his direction. One of the guards quickly ran towards him to block it. Unfortunately, the arrow pierced the guard's head and he fell on Roshan's hand. It was then realization hit Roshan, his hands trembled as he looked at the guard in his hands, slowly the man took his last breath.

A tear rolled down Roshan's face, he couldn't believe what just happened. He looked around and saw that everyone was dead, except a guard that was still blocking the arrows with his sword.

From above, twelve men flew down with the energy in the air, they were all dressed in black and they had their faces covered with masks.

"Who are you? And why are you doing this?" Roshan asked as he cried.

"Maybe you should go and ask your ancestors in heaven. Attack!" A man in black ordered and the six men came against Roshan and his guard.

Seeing that they were about to reach him, Roshan closed his ears with his palms and screamed out in fear.

All of a sudden, Roshan's scream turned to a rumbling growl, like thunder on a stormy day. His scream sounded eerie and terrifying. Amidst that, a strong wind emerged making their bodies sway involuntarily.

As the eerie scream continued, the strong wind intensified and they all fell down. By this time, Roshan was already tired. He fell down and gasped for breath.

The attackers quickly stood up from the floor. "Y-you! What are you? Attack him!" An order came from one of the attackers.

Roshan's guard quickly stood up. Even though he was outnumbered, he had vowed to the king to protect Roshan with his life.

"Run! Your highness." The guard yelled at Roshan as pierced one of the attacker's chest with his blade.

Unknown to the guard, they were more than twelve. The rest of them were on top of a mountain beside them. Upon seeing that one of them has been taken down. They set their arrows to the guard and Roshan's direction and fired a volley of arrows at them.

The arrows pierced the guard's chest, back, stomach and head. This made him fall to his knees, blood flowed out from his body and he died with his eyes opened.

Fortunately for Roshan, he was still alive. Although two of the swords had pierced his chest. Roshan fell to his knees and turned to the back. He saw his guard on the floor and quickly crawled back to him. A surge of pain filled him when he realized that the man had died.

"No, you… can't go like this. You all can't do this to me. Pleaseeeeeeeee!" He yelled as tears flowed out from his eyes uncontrollably.

Mercilessly, one of the attackers grabbed his hair from the back.

"Rest in peace! Failed legend," were the last words Roshan heard before being pierced by a sword in his chest. Blood flowed out from his chest and he fell to his knees. Slowly, his eyes drifted close.