
Fight For Survival

Lilith, her brothers Max and Blake, and a strange boy named Roy, do their best to survive in a dangerous world. Being only young children when the attacks begin. Will the four of them survive the hard days of the apocalypse??

Secret_Author_HeHe · Fantasy
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15 Chs

What's Wrong With Lil

Lilith returns to her room, locking the door ensuring nobody walked in unexpectedly. She grabs a bag she brought after stopping at their old house on their way to the station. She reaches into the bag and pulls out some alcohol and gauze. She sits on one of the metal benches, setting the supplies beside her.

Lily carefully pulls up her sweater sleeve and stares at her arm. Where the bite was the surrounding flesh has begun to turn black, her veins around the area have slowly become black as well.

Although the wound had already started to heal. Rotters don't heal she thought. Confused Lily began to pour the alcohol onto the wound and wrap it in gauze.

Lily sat on the bench confused about her condition, she had been bitten but she hadn't felt any different since it happened.

After most people get bitten or scratcted they complain about heightened smell, lack of energy, and feeling cold. Lilith showed none of these symptoms, instead she showed a brand new symptom.

Growing up Lily was interested in medicine and helping those she could so she would read different books on possible symptoms. She learned many different and rare things that could happen to a human while they turned into a fresh craving beast. Lily once read that a person could bleed out of their eyes, ears and mouth as they painfully transformed.

Lily showed none of the symptoms that anyone else has had. All of them have felt some change in their physical or mental state, she felt absolutely no change since the incident. What could it mean?? What could be wrong with her?? Why is this happening to her??