
Fight for Destiny

Whoever the people you expect to support you are the ones who will find a way to bring you down, What will you do if it seems like the world has given up on you? Will you just stay low or choose to prove yourself ability? What if on your way out someone suddenly believed in you but you yourself gave up, What will you do at this point? Believe or not? ______ Facebook:@Rhiane Heart :Revised Version

Heart_less18 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter two

*end of flashback*

"are you okey my princess?" a familiar voice asked me.

When I open my eyes I see him.

"Gian!I remember you!" I said and hug him.

"Is it true?" he asked in a shocked.

"Yeah.I'm so sorry if I can't remember you.I got in a car accident when I received a message from you" I explained.

"That's 2 years ago Ava." he said and become sad.

"What?its 2 years ago?but for me it happen yesterday" I was shocked.

"No, its 2 years ago and in that years I pretend as your best friend even it hurt me so much.I stayed longing and hoping that your memories come back.I almost giving up but every time I remember what happen to you it makes my heart crashed into pieces." he said and tears had fallen.

"I can't still remember all my past I just remember you.Only you" I said and smile.

"I tell you but for now we need to go home immediately your mom is longing to you." he said and in a blinked of an eye we are here in a familiar place.

"The secret garden" I whispered.

"You remember it too?" he asked.

"Yes" I answer.

When we got inside a fairy welcome us.

"Prince Gian and Princess Ava welcome home" she said and smiled at me.

"Who she is?" I asked.

"You didn't remember her?" he asked.

"No." I reply shortly.

"She's your fairy lady" he said.

"Tinkle?" I asked.

"Oh you remember her" Gian said with amazement.

"No.I only remember random names and her name is one of those name" I explained.

"Ava! my daughter." the gorgeous lady said and hug me.

"W-ho are you?" I said stammer and my tears start falling down.

"Why I am crying?" I whispered. "Gian she still can't remind me?" The lady asked to Gian. "Yes,she remember a few things from her past but not all.I think we should wait for the right time." Gian said and look at me.

"As I said a while ago you need to thank me.This is your mother Ava,she's longing you for so long but you didn't remember her?" he asked. I hug the lady and begin to say words but someone get inside in a hurry.

"Grand fairy your sister arrival was here" the tall man report.

"Gian go now,she should not see that my daughter is alive." my mom said and kiss me on my forehead.

"Let's go home,Ava I explained to you later" Gian said and in just a blink on eyes we're come back.

"I can't get it?why did they call me princess?please explained." I said in frustration.

"I tell you but for a while we need to change our suit." he said and look at me.

"Fuck! why is it i wearing clothes? This is not what I was wearing earlier" I said in a shock.

"Sorry,we change our clothes a while ago when we are in secret garden." he explained.

"O-ok" I said while stammering.

I can't recognized it a while ago.


Gian POV's

"I'm done" she said

"OK,have a seat" I said to her.

"Are you uncomfortable with me?" she asked.

"No.Why you asked that?" I asked.

"Because my memories is coming back a little" she said and become sad. " Hahaha,don't be sad I am staying with you don't worry." I said and laugh.

"But the I know you're going far" she said.

"That's my decision two years ago but now I decide to stay with you my princess" I said and kiss her on the forehead.

"Promise me that you will stay with me?" she said.

"I promised" I said and kiss her gently in her lips.

"Gian,I miss you" she said in teary eyes.

"I miss you too,my princess" I said and hug her.

Me and Ava was a lover but our relationship was broken when I found out she was set to become a leader in our kingdom so I decided to leave her but what I didn't expect. She was accident and lost his memory.So I decided to pretend to be her friend while she didn't remember me. But she remembered me now and her memory were slowly returning and if continued to return the memory of her we also had the time to go. And when her memory is back, she must have faced her destiny with responsibility.

"Hey!Gian?" she called me.

"Y-yes?" I stammer.

"How it is. What are you thinking?" Ava asked.

"Listen,whatever happens you will always remember that I am always here to protect you,okey?" I told to her.

"O-ok you're so weird" she said and tap my forehead.

"Let's enjoy each other because when the right time you need to face your destiny" I whispered to her.

"What's my destiny?" she asked again.

"I will share that in a right time, for now let's enjoy the view while hugging each other" I told to her and hug her tightly.

"I love you" she whispered and make my heart comfortable.

"I love you more than you know" I said and look at the view.

After that day she's so busy in her office and me was here waiting her in his house.

"Gian!" someone call me.By the way I go outside to buy coffee.

"Do I know you?" i asked to the lady who call me.

"I'm Ava" she said and hug me tightly.

"You're not" I said and start to ignore her.

"Gian its me,Ava" she said again and when I face her she's crying.

"Hey, don't cry.Why are you saying that you are Ava.My princess is in her office." I said and look at her seriously.

"she's fake." the lady said.

I automatically hold her hands and pull her with in the cafeteria.

"Now explain to me how you become Ava?" I said.

My head and heart was hurting if it is true that this lady is Ava who's the one in the office and with me everyday.

"That's it,the day I was accident, got out of the car for help and an old man helped me and he was very nice. He helped me until my memory returned,but the day I was coming back home I saw a fake me with you. So I always had seeing you in distance. Pretending to be someone else and now I find the timing to talk to you" she said and suddenly changed.

"F*ck! how can I don't recognized it?" I said and start to fall my tears.

"Shhh...Don't cry its not your fault." she said and hug me.

"But who's the one with me everyday if it is fake?" I asked.

"Mommy know already" she said.

"Wait your mom knew that fake you?" I asked.

"yes,she knew before you there with that fake me.She didn't told to you for my safe" she explain.

"But why?" I asked again

"Because she's my tribal,Aunt's daughter Cleopatra" she said and look at me serious.

"For now pretend.I need to face my destiny. And fight for it.With the right time I will be with you" she said and kiss me in my lips and disappeared.

"I miss you" she whispered for the last time.

My tears fall down, I was worried about her and I feel that she orphaned me. I had to pretend in front of the fake Ava that I didn't know. To protect my real princess. But how can I do that as before?

After knowing the truth I go back to our house and fake Ava was there.

"Gian!" she said and hug me.

I imagining the real face of it.

Yeah I know Cleopatra,Ava cousin. She's brat after all,she want all that Ava have.Even me she wants me but I don't like her.

Cleopatra is a gorgeous girl but her attitude is so evelish.She will do everything just to destroy Ava even at worst and now she's pretending. How can I didn't recognized it?maybe she's Good in pretending.

"Hey?you didn't say hi or even smile at me.Are you sick?"she said and tap my forehead but I move it.

" Stop it! Don't care with me" I cry and left her.

Yeah that's me I can't control my emotions especially when it comes to Ava.I like her so much and I treasure her like a diamond.

"what's your problem?" she shout at me but I ignored it.

"take a rest" I reply while not looking at her.