
Fifty shades of Blood

It's been thirty years since it happened but it feels like yesterday....... maybe that's what happens when you've just found out that you can live “FOREVER". I can't tell you my name or where am from,I can't disclose where I live......or at least used to live. I am monster yet the disgrace of my clan,I don't drink what they drink. I don't want to be like them,......I want to "die". Isn't that what human beings do? That will never happen,I know for sure. I AM NEVER GOING TO DIE. Maybe I will but this monster in me never will. Vampires are strong,scary and practically invincible but not this vampire! She does not like the taste of blood,mirrors, garlic,loves being in the sun and is the disgrace of her entire clan. What will happen to the young vampire who doesn't want to be a vampire..... She stood by a wall,her shadow resting against the floor. She was about seventeen years old....or was she? She stood six feet tall,red hair, blue eyes and and lush red lips. She was wearing a black net blouse and black tights with black boots. Her whole demeanor was intimidating yet she was harmless. Most of her clan drank what she would never drink and do what she would never do. How much she hates the sight of red....used to be her favorite color but now...? How far can she run away from red or the sight and memory of it? She is red headed and her name means red and even her zodiac sign signifies red. This can't be a coincidence or can it? Is this where she really belongs? Is this the life she is made for. Can she really go back to her past life? How much she hates being stuck in two worlds? She is a rebel in both her worlds,she will hunt you down if need be. But now she can't be so sure,she is weak and starving. She hasn't fed in years and it's wearing her out. She knows she can't stay long without blood but she is determined to starve herself to death. Too bad Vampires can't die....or don't die. How did things go wrong for the red haired Aodh Scarlett Flynn? ____________ She was born on the 21st of March,an Aries. She is Irish and American. She was born a twin. Her sister Ambrosia Tuesday Flynn was killed by an occult group during Halloween. Strange things aren't strange anymore as even the word is engraved in her story. All this... being a vampire and all. It all started thirty years ago. Flashback,thirty years ago. .........This can't be happening to me-no,not at all. I had my whole life planned out in front of me,I was a rebel-yes but that didn't mean I didn't want a life. A life with Ian,I hadn't gotten my revenge with Arianna. I haven't avenged my sister's death. Too bad am about to join her. Too bad am getting crushed between two walls. The bricks fell and made a wall with a small crevice. I walked through the wall in an attempt to be with the others but it was too late, useless. The wall closed. I was trapped. Forever. _______________ This book is written to contest in the Webnovel spirity awards 2020. Pls vote and leave a review. Gift and send power stones too. Love you all. WhatsApp:08090241648 if you want to support me, pay for my stories or publish my book. © Copyright is owned by me and no one but me. No plagiarism!

Bojuwoye_Ayoola · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Dedicated to:hylinda03,dongdongk06.

"Let's find the library then". I suggested and we in search of the library. We peeked through every room we passed but still no library. We searched from stairs to stairs and floors to floors. Most of the rooms were empty but others looked like someone had recently slept in it. We were getting tired and giving up before we found a room on the third floor. The door was closed so we opened it again with Arianna's hair pin. Lo,it was the library. It was well furnished and had so many books.

"So what now?". Maurice asked.

I walked to the tables looking for clues.

"Look at this". Maurice gave Melvin a cup.

"A cup?.. Really?". Ian asked. He was pissed.

I took the cup from her and read the inscription.

"Where does today come before yesterday?".

"Duh ...the dictionary". Maurice answered.

"Yeah,the dictionary". I exclaimed. Things were getting exciting.

"What are you doing".

"Looking for the dictionary shelf,are you going to just watch or will you help me find the shelf".

We searched for a few minutes for the dictionary shelf. When we finally found the shelf we had to go through each one thoroughly. It was a large shelf and housed hundreds of dictionaries ranging from Oxford to Cambridge and even Miriam Webster and Collins dictionary.



"This". I walked to them and showed the note at the back of a dictionary. The handwriting was barely legible but we managed to read it.

"What has thirteen hearts but no other organs".

"Wow that's a tough one".

"Do I hear defeat?". I was disappointed. "We can't just leave we have come way too far than to just turn back".

"What else do we do then. My pretty expensive dress is stained from all this dust and cobwebs".

"Who knows maybe there's a treasure. If we find it, we can share and you get to buy thousands of those expensive pretty dresses". I knew just what to say to make her adhere.

"Well you are right". She surrendered.

"Let's think guys". I encouraged.

"Maybe these cakes will help". Maurice offered.

Everyone except me settled on the tables for cakes.

"You want some".

"Just the sight of it gives me cavity". I joked and everyone laughed.

I thought hard about the riddle reading the words over and over again.

"Thirteen hearts but can't open a single door". I read to myself over and over that I lost count of how many times.

"Eureka". I shouted. "It's a card". I jumped in excitement.


"A pack of cards guys,a pack of cards".

Everyone patted me on the back in a friendly manner.

"You know I was wrong,you are fun to be with". Ian said. "You should hang out with us at school".

"Totally". Arianna said.

I thought Arianna hated me. I hated her too. But now I am not so sure. Maybe it was because I was creepy. Maybe they aren't bad people anyways. Maybe I had spent all my life being over shadowed by Tuesday but now that she's gone? There were to many maybes and it's not healthy for me.


"Look what we have here". Melvin read the card. "He who makes it doesn't need it,he who buys it doesn't use it and he who uses it doesn't know it".

"What do you think?". Ian turned to me and asked.

My face flushed.

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Think you can guess what the answer to the riddle is?

"He who makes it doesn't need it,he who buys it doesn't use it and he who uses it doesn't know it".

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Remember this book is written to contest in WSA. Your vote is the encouragement I need. Mass chapters release on Sunday if I get 50 votes.

To those whom I dedicated chapters to, let me know when you see it.


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