
Fierce Survival

She had not intended to end her year by confronting death. It is not an option to give up. She must fight to escape her kidnapper. She has to stay ALIVE.

tarsh_1250 · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter Two

I awoke in a different room the next time I woke up. With a mattress in it, this room was cleaner and brighter. My leg chains are also longer, so I can move around more freely.

The room had no windows and an iron door that was closed. At the other end of the room, there was a pit latreen.

I was also clean and dressed in new clothes. That's probably why I was drugged. As a result, he can move me and change my clothes.

I'm curious as to why I was kidnapped. Maybe if I just play along, I'll find out. I might be able to leave here alive.

I was pacing up and down the room. He stepped into the room. For the first time, I noticed his face. He had almond-shaped baby blue eyes and a chiseled face. He had a pointed nose and lips like a cupid's bow.

"You're awake," he said creepily, smiling at me.

"I hope you got enough rest."

I yelled at him, "You drugged me!"

"How are you feeling today, Harriet?" He asked, completely ignoring me. He recognizes my name. He knows who I am. I was taken aback, but I didn't show it.

"What am I doing here?" I insisted.

He approached me with a smirk on his face, and I moved back to maintain a safe distance between us. "Are you a good girl, Harriet?" he asked again.

"I don't know," I stammered, my voice shaking

"Sit down," he says as he moves closer.

So I did at the mattress's edge. "Where are we?" I inquired. "Somewhere no one can find us," he replied, smirking.

"People would be looking for me," I sobbed.

"They are free to look," he replied, smiling. "Are you a good girl?" he inquired again.

"I believe so," I replied. "Guesses are not permitted," he said. "Yes," I cried. "Then we'll get along just fine, I despise naughty girls," he said.

I flinched as he touched my ankle. "Does that hurt?" he inquired, and I nodded to indicate that it did. "I'll get you some ointment," he promised. I cringed as he touched and kissed my feet.

"These are for you," he said, pulling out a few books. "I know you're bored, and I know you like to read," he continued. I took them and set them beside me.

He stood up with a smile. "I have to go now," he said, "are you hungry?" I nodded. "I'll be right back, be a good girl," he said as he walked away. "At the very least, tell me where I am," I said. " Soon," he said, closing the door.

I was once again alone. How did he know what my name was? I was certain I'd never met this man before. Was he stalking me? What exactly did he want from me? These are the questions I've been pondering for the past few days.

I flipped through the books he'd brought me, Christopher Pike, my favorite author. How did he know? I was certain he had been following me. I picked up Whisper of Death and began reading. I didn't have anything else to do. At the very least, this will keep my sanity intact, as I was already losing my mind.


Olivia pulled over in front of Mrs. Wilson's house. She was running late, and she knew Mrs. Wilsons would be upset. She went out to the front porch and rang the doorbell. She could hear footsteps inside the house. Someone was making their way down the stairs. When the door opened, she saw Mrs. Wilsons. "I'm so sorry, ma"am, but I got cutup and was delayed." she stated right away Mrs. Wilson pushed open the door.

Mrs. Wilson gave her a stern look. "Come in," she invited. Olivia entered the house. "I'm supposed to be out already; if this happens again, I'll look for another nanny." She stated.

Olivia assured Mrs. Wilson, "It won't happen again." "Charlie is taking a nap right now, and everything is in its proper place," she explained. Olivia nodded. Mrs. Wilson grabbed her coat and made her way to the front door. "I'll be back in three hours," she promised as she walked away from Olivia in the living room.

Olivia went upstairs to check on Charlie. She decided to go downstairs for a while because he was fast asleep. She dialed her friend's number again, but it wasn't connecting as usual. "Damn you, Harriet," she muttered to herself.

She dialed another number on her phone. This one ranged for a while.

"Hello," said a man on the other end of the line. "Hello, Steve," Olivia said. "What do you want?" He asked, his voice irritated.

"It's Harriet, I haven't heard from her in a while and I know it's pretty normal because she seems to disappear sometimes, but this seems different, I feel something is wrong." Olivia replied. There was a brief pause in the line. "Steve," Oliva inquired, checking to see if the call was still active.

"You still haven't answered my question" he said. "Steve, you don't need to act like a child, Harriet might be missing" Olivia said almost loosing her patience. "Might, you're ain't sure. Like you said, this is normal" he said "but i feel something is wrong" Olivia replied. "What am i supposed to do with that" he yelled at me.

"Steve" Olivia called out. "Don't call this number again" Steve said and the line went dead.

A small voice called up the stairs, "Miss Liv." Olivia went up the stairs and found Charlie at the top. "You're awake," she said, approaching him. "You'll never guess what I got you," she said, smiling. Charlie rubbed his eyes and said, "Chocolates."

"Yes," Olivia said as she tickled Charlie, who burst out laughing. "Let's get you all cleaned up," she said as she led him to the restroom.

Olivia cleaned and dressed Charlie before they went to the living room with his coloring book and pens.

She handed Charlie the chocolates she had bought him and went to the kitchen to make Orange juice for him. She kept thinking about her friend. She had decided to go to the police station later that day to file a missing persons report. It's better to be safe than sorry, she reasoned.