
Fierce Love (BL)

Kence Russel Crosmoner, a man that doesn't believe in love because he witnesses how love can be devastating for those who experience it. He originally thought that he will not love anyone yet the unexpected variable - Calter Sternix entered his life and made him fall in love After many struggles, the two Alphas entered a loving yet hidden relationship. Kence is a famous actor and to protect his fame, he cannot publicly announce his relationship. Calter's family on the other hand doesn't want him to be with Kence. Everything should have been alright but because of the Sternix Family and Calter's childhood sweetheart - Eriel things have change Kence endured for years before he decided that he cannot take it anymore. He confronted his boyfriend to end their relationship just to get into a car accident and he was sent to 2 years in the past. This time, Kence will end things with Calter again and regain his peaceful life That was Kence's plan but what the hell is happening in this world? The legends of the earth being a world of supernatural actually appeared to be true? Kence now has to keep himself away from his ex-boyfriend that just won't let him go while making sure that he is safe from the supernatural things happening in this world --------- This is a Bl novel packed with Action Fantasy

KenceRussel · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
166 Chs

Chapter 35: Rut

Kence instantly turned into a giant ball of anger. However, he knew that he can't fight Calter head on

Due to the constant 'bullying' Kence had received from Calter, the former naturally already learned from it

In a fistfight, he and Calter have more or less equal strength. As for a battle of words, Kence cannot win against Calter. That man is an expert at pushing his buttons

There is only one way for Kence to win

With a grin that causes Calter's heart to palpitate in anxiety, Kence walks towards his bully

Kence doesn't seem he will attack Calter but the latter still unconsciously took a step back

The fire in Kence's eyes heated up every cell of Calter. He felt like he would be 'eaten' by Kence alive

Seeing the result he desired, the smile on Kence's face deepened. His movement speed increases until he reaches Calter

Without a warning, Kence pulled Calter's neck. Their lips almost touch and they both can smell the intoxication breath of each other

Calter's eyes flickered at this close proximity. He was already pent up after a few months and Kence is even teasing him like this

The thing that should not be excited in such a public place turned hard

Kence's silver eyes were too mesmerizing. Calter felt like he was being swallowed by a silver-colored whirlpool

Before Calter can react, he suddenly sensed a burst of coldness exploding in his stomach

Kence actually attacked after seducing him!

Calter's body was thrown away for around ten meters away. His anger bursts because of that. See if he won't teach Kence a lesson not to tempt an already starving wolf!

In anger, Calter immediately shot his body towards Kence but he was momentarily stunned

Kence was currently fanning his red face. His eyes were also blinking at a fast speed while his slightly parted mouth releases a steady breath of air

When Calter looks at where Kence's right hand was located, he saw the latter uncomfortably covering his crotch area

Aside from that, Calter can also smell the scent of sandalwood wafting in the air. It was Kence's sexual pheromones that have an aphrodisiac effect on Calter

Seeing Kence's body shaking awkwardly, Calter gulps a mouthful of saliva. "A-are you in Rut?" Calter asked with anticipation in his eyes

Omegas have their heat that regularly comes once a month. Alphas are in better condition as their Rut is irregular and random. Most of the time, there should be a trigger before their rut comes. As for Betas, they are even more unpredictable. They can enter either Heat or Rut

The effects were the same but an Omega or Beta in heat would have a higher chance of getting pregnant. While the Alpha or Beta in Rut would have a higher chance of impregnating their partner

Calter was delighted that Kence's Rut unexpectedly comes but then he remembers where this place is

The Croel Family have Succubus and Incubus Bloodline, it was easy for them to lose control of their lust

In worry, Calter clicked his fingers. A special isolation barrier that he learned was erected. This would prevent Kence's Pheromones from leaking out and the others wouldn't also hear whatever they were talking about

"Do you have inhibitors on you?" Calter forced out these words. With the isolation barrier, the scent of Kence's Pheromones won't spread and become concentrated in a single area

Calter's whole body was already filled with excitement. If not for his strong willpower, he might have lost control already

Unfortunately, Kence shook his head. Since an Alpha's Rut is too irregular, most Alphas don't have a habit of bringing one with them

Calter is one of the rare ones that always have an inhibitor with him. After all, he was worried that someone will take advantage of his Ruth. He can never let that happen as that would mean he cheated on Kence

Calter has one but seeing Kence writhing like this, he kind of doesn't want to give him the inhibitor

Before Calter can think, his mouth automatically speaks. "I'll help you"

I'll help you... the sentence echoed inside Kence. His whole body was already red in excitement and he was being filled with the desire to have a 'steamy session' with Calter

"Ha ... ha ..." Kence's breathing turned ragged and he gritted his teeth. "T-take me away from here"

Kence originally meant that he doesn't want to spend his Rut in public. It was too embarrassing. Not to mention, there were many Succubus and Incubus Blooded around

However, Calter misunderstood that as a form of consent

"Okay!" Calter moved and wrapped Kence's arm in his shoulder and both of them gasp in shock at the same time

They almost blank out due to the indescribable pleasure their skinship produces. This made Calter furrow his brows a bit

Calter already has times when he helps Kence in Rut but he didn't think that even just a simple skinship like this is already too pleasurable!

Ever since Kence broke up with him, it was like their bodies became far more sensitive than usual

As for the current Kence, he doesn't have the mental capacity to think of this abnormal phenomenon. The moment his skin touches Calter's he instantly shuddered and a moan even escapes his lips

That causes Kence to be both aroused and embarrassed. "H-hurry!" Kence shouted hurriedly. He wants to escape this situation while Calter thought he can't already wait to do it

Calter immediately uses his Dragon Power. His hair color turned into black while his eyes transformed to have a galactic appearance again

With Kence in his shoulder, Calter moves at a fast speed. This scene entered the eyes of many people and they were confused about what is happening

They even got worried for Kence but when the two exited the range of the isolation barrier, Kence's Pheromones leak out

The bodies of the people they encountered on the way instantly heated up. Kence's Pheromones were too tempting and lust-inducing!

The cheeks of the people that smelled it turned red as their imagination ran wild

Finally, after a lot of effort, Calter finally reaches Kence's room and he placed his man on the bed

At this time, Kence's mind was already hazy. His misty eyes were almost close as he moves his head uncomfortably

Kence's current appearance looks so tempting that Calter had an impulse to ravish him here and there

"H-Hot" Kence's mind was not in its normal state anymore and he tried removing his clothes. However, he finds it harder than usual. As a result, he just rips it apart

As soon as Kence's skin was exposed, the amount of pheromones leaking from his body multiplied

"Argh...." Calter groaned. He kind of want to take Kence here and there but he also wants to watch what Kence will do when he is in this state

That groan was a deadly thing against Kence though. Calter's masculine groan was familiar to Kence. That was the groan of the only man he had sex with for the past few years

Just that groan alone causes Kence to lose control. Kence's body jolted as he tightly grabs Calter's arm and threw the man in his bed

The surprised Calter was violently thrown in the bed and in the next second, Kence was already above him

The desire in Kence's face was reflected in Calter's eyes. The already tempted Calter becomes even more tempted

Kence even lowered his head to give Calter a kiss but the latter blocks his mouth with his palm. Calter almost forgot one thing about Kence

"Don't, you will regret it" Calter said gravely. Although Calter wants nothing more than to do it with Kence, he still knew how his man's mind works

Kence detested those scumbags that would do it with people in their heat or rut. They know that the other person was not in their right state of mind but they still let themselves succumb to the temptation

Although pheromones in heat and rut really can arouse other people, it was still not to the point that there is no chance for the affected to prevent things that should not happen from happening

It's just that after the deed is done, they will use the excuse that they were affected by the Pheromones

If a person really doesn't want to do it, even with the strong effects from the pheromones, they can still stop themselves

If it was in the past, Calter can simply do it with Kence. But now, they still haven't renewed their boyfriend and boyfriend relationship

If Calter really has sex with the Kence in Rut, he would really be hated on another level. Kence hates people that have sex with people without a proper consent

Calter knew that he can earn good points if he suppresses his lust. Although he loves and enjoyed having sex with Kence, it was still best done when they fully accepted each other again

Instead of indulging in hours of enjoyment, Calter will use this chance to melt some of the ice walls in Kence's heart!