
Fierce Love (BL)

Kence Russel Crosmoner, a man that doesn't believe in love because he witnesses how love can be devastating for those who experience it. He originally thought that he will not love anyone yet the unexpected variable - Calter Sternix entered his life and made him fall in love After many struggles, the two Alphas entered a loving yet hidden relationship. Kence is a famous actor and to protect his fame, he cannot publicly announce his relationship. Calter's family on the other hand doesn't want him to be with Kence. Everything should have been alright but because of the Sternix Family and Calter's childhood sweetheart - Eriel things have change Kence endured for years before he decided that he cannot take it anymore. He confronted his boyfriend to end their relationship just to get into a car accident and he was sent to 2 years in the past. This time, Kence will end things with Calter again and regain his peaceful life That was Kence's plan but what the hell is happening in this world? The legends of the earth being a world of supernatural actually appeared to be true? Kence now has to keep himself away from his ex-boyfriend that just won't let him go while making sure that he is safe from the supernatural things happening in this world --------- This is a Bl novel packed with Action Fantasy

KenceRussel · LGBT+
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166 Chs

Chapter 24: Counterattack

"Alright, what is it?" Gram easily agreed. He didn't even ask how Kence found out the hateful man he was trying to find for a long time already

Gram knew that Kence is not the type of person that will lie like this. Even if Kence needed his help, he wouldn't need to do something like this. Gram fully trusted his savior

"Brother, that Daniel Reed is being sheltered by Eriel Lamine. I contacted him before I called you to clear the new rumors he made about me. Brother, mobilize your men now while he is still busy but can you wait to catch him after the rumors were cleared and all the dirt was thrown back to that bitch?"

After hearing Kence's words, Gram can't help but chuckle. "The only Alpha I like really is sly. Too bad that you don't want to be my boyfriend" Gram replied in a joking manner and Kence cough a bit

"Brother, stop teasing me" Kence said in a helpless tone. It's not like Gram really has feelings towards him. It's just that Kence is the only Alpha that Gram can tolerate

"Hahaha, alright. I owe you another one again" Gram might be being playful right now but his blood was already boiling with anticipation. He can't wait to skin that bastard alive

"Don't think too much about it. Having a mafia as a brother is already pretty cool. Who would dare bully me with you as my backing?" Kence said in a joking manner and he heard Gram laugh lightly

"Anyways, I'll text you the location so that you can prepare immediately. But although I'm confident that he is being sheltered by Eriel, I'm not sure if he is in the location that I know"

Kence is unsure whether the place Daniel is staying now is the same place he was caught by Gram in the past

"That's alright, you at least gave me leads and that is already a huge help"

The two didn't make any small talks again as Kence already ended the call. To maximize time, Gram needs to prepare his people immediately to prepare in catching the big rat

Kence receives constant calls from his manager but he just ignored it. He knew that his manager is concerned about the rumors about him but for Kence, this issue will be resolved today. There is simply no need to worry

Just as Kence expected, after only an hour, his name was already cleared and another name entered the trending list

Tons of pieces of evidence that Eriel tried to smear Kence's name spreads on the internet. There were text conversations, voice record, and even videos

No one can underestimate the hacking ability of Daniel Reed. That is exactly the reason why Kence wants him to be caught by Gram as soon as possible. Leaving a slimy guy like that is very dangerous

Kence spent some time on the internet and saved some proof of Eriel's wrongdoings against him. In case that bitch managed to shut down the rumors, Kence at least has some proofs he can use

Seeing how many people are starting to badmouth Eriel, a deep sense of happiness bursts in Kence's heart

Satisfying! Too satisfying!

Who said that revenge is not a good thing? Perhaps they just don't know how good it feels!

"Karma is a bitch la la la la ~" Kence hummed. The more people hated Eriel, the happier he becomes. He is simply too rotten to the core and Kence doesn't mind it!


August 24 the Year 2030

Four days later, the damage to Eriel's reputation is still ongoing. Even though Daniel was successfully caught by Gram, even without him, the news was still spread far and wide

After all, he dropped tons of irrefutable evidence. Even Gram helps in the dark to fan the flames

Eriel loses a lot of faces and her image was completely ruined. Originally, there were people thinking that Eriel is Calter's girlfriend and Kence is interfering in their relationship

Now that her true self was revealed, the netizens' thinking went on another way

The apparent breakup between Kence and Calter is still spreading but now, people are saying that it was Eriel that is the cause of their breakup

Even the people that badmouthed Kence for interfering with Calter and Eriel's non-existent relationship went to apologize to him

Naturally, all these things made him happy. Although the Lamine Family tried their best to stop the news from spreading, they are not omnipotent Gods

Gram was present to help Kence. His connections were not to be underestimated

After all, the Lamine Family is in the light. As for Gram, his people are in the dark, people would be more afraid of a lawless mafia rather than a rich family

As for Kence? He is having the best time of his life. He is someone that will be happy if his hated enemies are facing huge problems

Kence even invited Eriel to a dinner!

Currently, Kence is inside a private booth in a 5-star restaurant. He was humming happily while waiting for Eriel

Kence was bullied a lot by Eriel in the past but he can't do anything. First, there is the damn reputation he needs to consider. Second, Calter won't let him take revenge

Eriel is Calter's childhood friend and sweetheart. The Lamine Family also has strong connections that can help Calter

In the past, Kence understood that and he didn't dare lay a hand on Eriel no matter how angry he is

For a man like Kence that don't fear anyone and will instantly lash out whenever someone bullied him, swallowing all of those anger was not easy! But because of Calter, he needs to be 'mature' and 'forgiving'

However, they are not in a relationship anymore. Why would he continue staying in a passive state?

This is a counterattack bitch!

It didn't take long before Eriel arrives and her state was completely different from Kence

Kence was smiling from ear to ear. The joyful atmosphere around him can make others smile. He looks as if he won the biggest lottery in history

Contrary to Kence's joyful mood, Eriel's mood was completely dark. There were dark circles under her eyes and she looks a bit more haggard than usual

Seeing her reaction, Kence's smile even deepened which didn't escape Eriel's eyes

The purple pupils of the woman flashed with undisguised anger. Her normal bearing of a Noble Lady was suppressed by her fury as she stared as if she was killing the man with her eyes

"Oh my, so fierce already" Kence said in a playful way. Earning him more fury from the woman he invited for dinner

"You aren't even hiding your joy. How did Brother Calter even fell for someone rotten like you?"

Kence almost rolled his eyes at that. Rotten your ass!

If there is someone that is the most rotten between the two, it would be Eriel

Kence merely wants to take revenge for all the wrongdoings done to him. As for Eriel, she is just a jealous bitch. There's a clear difference between the two

Even then, Kence remained smiling and motioned for Eriel to sit in the chair in front of him like a gentleman

Eriel flicked her silky long hair while rolling her eyes before sitting on the chair

"Cut the crap, what do you want to say to me?" Eriel asked as if her accepting Kence's invitation is the greatest deed she has ever done in her life

"Why so impatient? Can't I savor the ugly look in your face for a longer time?" Kence asked back in a 'helpless' tone

Because of so much anger, Eriel clenched both his jaws and fists. If murder isn't illegal, she might have really killed Kence already

"Wow such a jerk, does Big Brother Calter know that you are like this?"

Kence just rolled his eyes at that. Why is this bitch constantly mentioning Calter?

"Even if he knows so what? I already broke up with him but he is still chasing after me. Sigh, many people are envious of me but they didn't know it was quite tiring" Kence said smugly while putting on airs

Kence might treat other people in a polite and casual manner but a bitch deserves to be treated like bitch

The more angered Eriel is, the more Kence would be satisfied!

As expected, Eriel turned green in jealousy. Here she was, constantly chasing for the only man she wants but Kence is even treating Calter as if he was a headache. How can Eriel's pride easily accept that?

"Hmm, weird. Why do I smell vinegar?" Kence asked while playfully raising his nose to sniff the air. His constant mockery ate up all of Eriel's patience

In anger, Eriel raised her hand to give Kence a slap in the face but the man easily caught her wrist

"I thought that you are a Noble Lady. Right now, you only look like a bitch. Oh, my bad, I forgot that you are a bitch from the start"

Eriel tried to take back her hand but Kence's grip on her just tightened causing her to release her pheromones

As a top-grade Omega with a mermaid lineage, Eriel's pheromones can calm down tons of people at once causing them to lose the ability to get angry at her

Omega pheromones originally already have that kind of ability but it was even magnified by her mermaid lineage. Other men and women would surely lose the desire to hurt her even if she wronged them greatly

Too bad that except for Calter, Kence never loses in a battle of pheromones!