
Chapter 5:

A boy was sitting on one of the beds, I try to figure out if it's Chan... but no this guy has black hair. Chan has brown hair. Wait remind me how the hell did I remember his hair color again.

Felix gets me out of my thoughts with what he says next:

''YN meet your twin brother... Seungmin.''

I snap my head towards the guy sitting infront of me not believing in Felix's words.

Seungmin stands up harshly hitting his head on the edge of the bed that was above him, falling back again grabbing his head.

Without a second thought i approch him to see if he's alright.

He then opens his eyes and looks at me with hope and tears in his eyes.

''YN... is that really you?''

I nod my head feeling my eyes getting watery as well. Without wasting another second he engulfs me in a warm and tight hug and i wrap my arms around him as well. My tears are already flowing down my cheeks. They were happy tears.

''I really missed you... i thought i'd never see you again'' i manage to say in between sobs.

''Me too, i'm never letting you go again. Never again''

Felix was just looking at us with a happy smile on his face eventually leaving the both of us alone in the room.

I slowly break the hug and i cup my beloved twin's brother face admiring he's features.

''My brother grew up to become a handsome young man''

''You're really pretty too, you really did change. But i feel like you didn't at the same time''

''It's probably because we're twins, and you see your face every day in the mirror.''

''Yeah it's probably that.'' He says with a sweet smile complementing his angelic face.

He kisses my forehead multiple times and i chuckle at his action.

He then grabs my hand and we both get up.

''Come on i want to introduce you to everyone''

I smile at him and we head downstairs.

When we arrive at the living room we're met with 6 handsome and heartthrobbing young men. I must be dreaming.

''Guys i want to introduce to you all... my twin sister''

Everyone's eyes then lay on me and i flash them a smile as i execute a small polite bow.

''Annyeoghaseyo, Kim YN imnida''

One of them then walks to me and engulfs me in a hug.

''Noona! Seungmin hyung talks a lot about you. It's really nice to finally meet you''

At first i was shocked by his sudden hug but shrugged it off as soon as he called me noona. I'm dying here this guy is really cute!

''Yah! Hands off my sister.'' Seungmin then says with a pout trying to get the poor boy off of me.

''Seungmin it's okay'' i say chuckling at his attitude.

He looks at me and smiles then he introduces to me the others who were just looking at us.

'' So this is Jeongin but you can call him I.N'' he says mentioning to the guy who hugged me seconds ago.

Jeongin looks at me with a cute smile on his face... omg I'm dying from his cuteness I just want to pinch his cheeks so bad aah!!

''This is Hyunjin hyung''

''Hey'' he says with a charming smile and a small wave.

I smile back at him.

''Then there is Jisung hyung, Minho hyung and Changbin hyung'' he says pointing his finger on each one them as he says their names.

They all smile at me and i do the same.

''And apparently you know who Felix hyung is''

''Yeah i do''

''Oh where is Chan hyung?'' My brother asks.

I feel myself tensing up at the mention of his name but i try not to show it.

''He's still sleeping, you know he barely doesn't get any sleep at night. And since today it's our day off i told him to go rest.'' Minho says.

Seungmin nods his head.

''Noona, hyung come sit down... we ordered food and we'll watch a movie together what do you think?''

We smile in response and we make our way towards the big couch that is infront of us.

There's an empty place besides Felix so i drag Seungmin's hand towards it so that i can profite of both of them next to me since i missed them both too much.

Seungmin then asks.

''How do you two know each other by the way?''

''Oh he was my childhood best friend back in Australia.''

''Really? You lived in Australia too? Does your soulmate live there?'' Jisung asks

What am i supposed to say?

It seems that Hyunjin notices my uneasiness so he speaks.

''Han.. it's none of your business.''

Jisung looks down.

''I'm sorry i didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable'' he apologises with a sad pout.

Poor guy i suddenly feel bad.

''No no... it's not your fault... I uh... I still didn't meet him.''

''I'm sorry''

'' Jisung-ssi you don't have to apologize it's okay'' I flash him a smile to reassure him that it's okay and he finally smiles back.

The food eventually arrives and they choose a movie. A horror movie. I don't have a problem with it it's the opposite I enjoy them. But I don't think it's the case for the two boys sitting next to me because at every scare jump they cling to me and I laugh at how scared they are.


'' I thought this movie will never end'' Seungmin says a hand on his chest sighting dramatically.

''Oh c'mon seugnieee it wasn't that bad'' i answer still laughing at him.

''Not that Bad! Did you see the ghost ripping the poor guy apart!'' Felix says in return and I just can't stop myself from laughing.

'' Well at least now we have someone that we can watch horror movies with, without hearing all the whining and complaining'' Hyunjin says putting a hand over my shoulder.

I'm surprised at how these guys easily got all comfortable with me. I'm not complaining tho. I just thought that it would be awkward or something. But turns out it isn't. Which is a good thing.

'' C'mon now guys we have a schedule tomorrow and it's 10.30 PM now we should go to sleep.'' Minho says.

''Wait where is YN sleeping?'' Felix asks.

''Oh I'm just gonna sleep on the couch. I'm sorry for invading your dorm for tonight but it's just gonna be this one time ... just till I hopefully find a place for me to stay in''

''YN-ssi don't say that we're all really happy that our Seungmin has finally found his sister. He's a brother for us which makes of you our sister now.'' Jisung says with a cute smile. And the others nod in agreement.

I blush at how these guys are so sweet I've just known them for a few hours.

''Thank you''

'' There's no way you're sleeping on the couch you're sleeping with me there are 4 beds in the room anyway.'' Seungmin says.

'' Seungie I don't wanna bother your roommates I'll just sleep here on the couch I'll be purchasing an apartment tomorrow anyway''

'' Uh.. about tomorrow YN you'll have to meet with JYP and he'll probably tell you that you can start working the day after which wouldn't let you time to look for an apartment, therefore, you'll be living here with us'' Felix states as if it was okay with the rest of the boys.


''Yaay'' Jeongin says jumping up and down with Jisung.

''Felix you can't just speak for everyone like that!''

I say starting to panic. It's not that I have a problem living with them. They're the sweetest people I've ever met. It's just I don't wanna invade their privacy I mean they lived together between boys for I don't know how long, it's gonna be weird for them to have a girl living around.

Then the one boy that i didn't think would speak says:

''YN-ssi we've just talked about this you're like a sister now to us. So you're staying here. Oh and speaking of you being our sister you better call me Oppa, Minho-ssi is way too formal for me it makes me feel old.'' He says with a cheeky smile.

Honestly he seemed intimidating at first but with that smile. He looks like an adorable kitten.

''But you are'' Jisung says and he immediately gains a glare from his Hyung.

And that's the intimidating person i was talking about.

''Sure Minho Oppa'' i say chuckling a bit.

''I just don't want to make you all uncomfortable''

''Trust me you're not'' Changbin states which makes me even happier. My brother's friends are okay with me living with them and they see me as their sister now, just like how they see Seungmin as their brother.

''Perfect so you'll be sleeping now with us tonight. Then you can use the guests room that from now on will be yours'' Hyunjin states which earns the attention of his members.

''Wait we have a guests room?''

''Yeah, remember that guests room that we thought we'll never use. Well i think it was meant to be YN's''

''Thank you again guys''.

They smile at me in response.

''Well then that settles it. Everyone get to bed''

Minho and Hyunjin helped me get my luggage in the guests room so that i can unpack later.

I take some pyjamas to change. Everyone is sleeping already so i make sure not to make any noise.

I walk out of the bathroom and go take a drink before going to sleep.

''YN.... is that you?''