
Fictional Transcension System

It was not physical means which caused his death. In fact, no being on Earth was related to Lu Fengyi's disappearance. The only thought that ran through his mind when he vanished from the face of the physical world. "My deadline is too soon!" ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Join my discord channel: https://discord.gg/wHp9aYU This novel was inspired by a fellow author @BenFang322. Check out his novel if you have time as well!

HoshiroNeko · Others
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87 Chs

Hiding Cultivation (4)

"Good, good. Could you tell us about Zhang Xuan's teachings and give us an evaluation of his ability?"

Lu Fengyi nodded before reaching into his robes and pulling out a small list of notes. Although Lu Fengyi knew all the concepts off the top of his head, he had written down Zhang Xuan's teachings so that he could recite the words without mistake. If not, it was quite likely that Wang Ying sense that something was wrong.

"Ahem, although I paid my full attention to what Zhang laoshi was saying during the lesson, I was only able to capture about half of it. The contents included..."

As Lu Fengyi voiced out each of the points he had written down, he noticed that the originally disbelieving expressions of the elders began to change. With each passing word, their faces became more and more shocked as their mouths widened to the size of an egg. Not only them, even grand elder Li and the sect leader Wang Hong expressed their amazement at the profoundness behind the theories.

"... only then can the cycle of spiritual energy be complete." Lu Fengyi took a deep breath before indicating that he had finished.

Looking up, Lu Fengyi could see the dozen or so elders and the clan head all looking at him as if he was a monster, "Uh, seniors? Is there something wrong?"

Recovering quickly from the entrancement he had been put in during Lu Fengyi's reciting of notes, sect leader Wang Hong stood up before announcing, "Ying'er, you must not withdraw from this Zhang laoshi's lesson at all cost! You must learn from him diligently…"

Wang Ying eyes shone with excitement, "Yes father!"

"Speaking of which, would little friend Lu Fengyi like stay for dinner? I wish to thank you for taking care of my daughter and enlightening me to Zhang Xuan's true capability." Wang Hong stepped while making a gesture to what seemed like a handshake.

Acknowledging the gesture, Lu Fengyi took the hand and shook it tight, "I'm honoured to receive this opportunity. I thank clan head for your generosity!"

"Hahaha! Good, good! Ying'er, take Lu Fengyi to your courtyard and entertain him while we get the feast ready!" Now that Wang Hong had realised Wang Ying had indeed chosen a good teacher, his mood had soared, and his spirit was pumping with excitement.

Slightly dazed by the sudden change in attitude, Wang Ying stood up and faced Lu Fengyi, "I'll take you to my courtyard. We can further discuss the contents of the lessons there."

Lu Fengyi smiled before turning back to the elders above, "There is one more thing I'd like to say."

Heart still beating quickly from excitement, Wang Hong waved his hand in approval.

"Wang Ying xiaojie, would you be kind enough to strike the Strength Measuring Rock Pillar?" Lu Fengyi pointed to the rock pillar in the corner of the room.

Wang Ying nodded before stepping up to the pillar to lashing a sharp kick towards the pile of stones. Instantly, the rock pillar shook, and a series of numbers appeared upon it.


Too shocked to speak, the elders could only stare on. Wang Ying did not stop at this, turning around, she threw a punch towards the pillar.


This time the elders took a step back in shock. Not only did she have 205 kg in her kicks, but her punches also carried 120 kg! Was this really the young mistress they knew? One had to know that when Wang Ying left the day before, she was only able to hit 53 kg with her fists and her legs were even weaker due to the injuries she had suffered in a duel several years back.

"Ying'er, is this..."

"Yes father. Zhang laoshi not only raised my power by an entire fold, but also healed my legs to peak condition." Wang Ying pointed towards her slim, yet powerful muscles.

"What? Cured your legs? Quick, let father see!" Wang Hong rushed up to Wang Ying before placing a hand upon her right calf. Eyes widening with surprise, Wang Hong cried out, "They're actually cured! Even Master Yuanyu was unable to do anything about your legs! Ying'er, you must make absolute sure that you take this Zhang laoshi as your teacher for life."

"I understand father!" Wang Ying jumped happily, grabbing Lu Fengyi's hand and leading him out of the council hall. Although Wang Ying was generally quite a shy girl, she current emotions were simply too elated to think straight.

Lu Fengyi felt a bit nervous holding hands with a girl, after all he had barely come into contact with the opposite gender becoming what people would call a hikikomori. Sure, when he went out jogging each day, he would inevitably meet some familiar women and during autograph signing events, he would meet endless female fans, however he wouldn't actively seek an intimate relationship with one in case something embarrassing occurred.

His habit of avoiding relationships had nothing to do with his sexuality of course. After becoming an author for several year and debuting to become one of the largest eastern fantasy authors of the modern age, he had gotten endless media attention. There had been one time when a press company submitted and ratified an article that speculated if he was gay or not. Lu Fengyi had been completely shocked when he read the morning news on his phone, dropping his coffee and dirtying his favourite jersey and jeans.

Fuming with annoyance, Lu Fengyi stormed off to confront the press, however due to certain policies, although he was able to take the article down, he was unable to identify the person who had submitted it.

Even though the article had only been up for a single morning, the damage had already been done, causing thousands upon thousands of people to question his sexuality. The worst event of his life which went unsolved till this very day.

Looking down at his hand that was being held by a beautiful girl, his heart couldn't help but skip a few beats faster at the unfamiliar sensation.

Only seconds after his chain of thoughts, Lu Fengyi felt Wang Ying disengage her hand and looked up to see her completely reddened face.

"Ahh... I... I'm sorry! I was really excited so…"

Looking at the embarrassed Wang Ying, Lu Fengyi quickly discarded the useless thoughts and gave her a reassuring smile. "It's fine."

As someone over 10 years her senior, it wouldn't do to have inappropriate thoughts towards a pure young girl like her. He wasn't a pedo.

With those two words, Wang Ying relaxed, only to be shocked back into a straight posture by a familiar chuckle.

"What's happening here?" Elder Li had a playful glint in his eyes as he walked over, seeming to appear out of nowhere.

"Elder Li." Lu Fengyi smiled awkwardly and nodded while greeting him.

"No…nothing's happening!" Wang Ying stuttered in response, her cheeks still crimson from earlier.

"I see." Elder Li chuckled knowingly seeing Wang Ying's bashfulness.

Fighting to keep my collection!

Thank you to those who support FTS and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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