
Fictional Echo: An Extra's Tale

Synopsis: In the aftermath of his own death, Bellator, once known as Noah, finds himself reborn in a world teeming with fantasy, magic, and cutting-edge technology. This new world would typically evoke joy, but not for Bellator. Why? He discovers he's been transplanted into the universe of a novel he read in his previous life, one destined for Ruin. Now entrusted with the safety of his newfound family, Bellator embarks on a quest to defy destiny, prepared to undertake any challenge to reshape the tragic narrative of the novel. *** Warning : The first few chapters will be info dumps, I know info dumps are annoying but please bear with me for a while, the info dumps should stop at around chapter 15 Also this story takes some inspiration from TAPOV and a few other novels so while the first few chapters might be similar, this story is no way just a cheap knockoff of them My upload schedule will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 13:30 (GMT +8)

ICantWrite1 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The Extra's Dilemma


Info dump incoming


Waking up the next morning Bellator felt refreshed, it seemed that everything had taken a toll on him

Waking up in the same world once again gave Bellator the confirmation he had needed

'It seems it wasn't a dream, I really am in the world of that fucked up novel'

'I've been here for a whole day, yet I haven't done what most transmigrated protagonists would do, I still need to check my status' Bellator thought excitedly he obviously knew how his status looked but had wanted to see it for himself

'Status' Bellator thought as a blue holographic screen with gold highlights around the borders popped up

Birth Name: Bellator Arctic

Name: Bellator

Age: 16

Rank : G

Talents:[Sword Talent]

[Dagger Talent]

[ Bow Talent]

Weapon Art: None

Bloodline Ability: Locked

Traits: None



Mana Control :G

Charm: C+

Endurance :G

Defense :G-


*Huuuhhh *

'Pathetic, how am I from the Arctic bloodline with such pathetic stats' Bellator thought as he looked at his status

'Hell forget protecting my family I can't even protect myself with these stats'

*Huuuhhh *

'I need to come up with a plan, I don't care if I have to steal items from the protagonist, heroines or the villains as long as I can keep my family safe they can all go to hell, and it's not like taking those items will change anything, this world will end either way, hell they should beg me to take those items from them at least I'll put them to use, Damn protagonist had so many OP items and skills that he forgot most of them, it pissed me off the author would give him an OP item just for him to use it once and forget he had it'

As he thought about his plans, he went under his bed and pulled out a book, this had been the previous Bellator diary

'I know I have to write some stuff down I mean even with my almost photographic memory there might be things I overlook'

Yes, in his previous life Bellator had an almost photographic memory, something which had been both a blessing and a curse to him in his previous life

As Bellator wrote in the book, he started from the very beginning instead of writing about important plot points or the events that took place, Bellator just wrote out the whole damn novel

'It seems having photographic memory still has its advantages' Bellator thought as he looked at the notebook with a big smile

'I'll have to burn this book soon though, I mean everything is written in Latin, but even so it wouldn't be hard for someone to decode the contents, especially with the technology available it would probably take 15 minutes for someone to access the contents of this novel'

Reading over what he had written, Bellator stopped as his hand landed on one page

'That's it, that's the first thing I need to get' Bellator thought as he looked at items decription


As the sky darkened roaring thunder could be heard in the distance, proof of the horrowing journey the man had endured

As he sat in the cave, his clothes soaked, fear gripped at the man's heart

'I shouldn't of come here, I'm only G - ranked why did I take that stupid bet, of course I can survive a single night in these forests' The man thought with sadness to his own situation

'What's worse is I lost my Z - Watch the only way I could contact for help' the man thought

Just then the clouds could be seen moving allowing for some of the moons rays to reach the cave

As the moons rays hit the cave something extraordinary happened

[The conditions have been fulfilled]

[the test of ???? shall begin]


'The only problem about acquiring that item is I don't know exactly what conditions were fulfilled for the test to begin, and am I even strong enough to acquire the item, I don't even know what the test was, all I know is that he was G- rank when he got the item so I should be able to acquire it easily... Right? '

' I have only one month before I have to go to the academy, excluding the items I'm too weak to acquire, there are only 2 items I could acquire without dying, the only problem with these 2 items is that none of them will give me an instant buff which means I'm going into the academy with a serious disadvantage, so I'll have to keep my head down for a while' Bellator thought as he finished planning out what his actions for the next month would be

As Bellator planned out his next plans he realized something, he had no way of getting to these items, to acquire these items he'd have to travel long distance and to do that he would need money to travel there

'From my memories I know we're poor, like very poor, and I've seen mom starve herself just to let us eat, I can't allow us to continue living like this, especially when I go to the academy, I wouldn't be able to relax knowing my family is barely getting by'




'Why can't I think of anything'

Even while thinking of ways to earn money, Bellator was stuck, he couldn't think of anyway to earn, money without putting his family in danger

'I have no choice I'll have to ask mom for money until I acquire means to support the family'

As he finished planning out he's next plans Bellator saw the box next to his bed

'How can I have such a good memory and be so forgetful at the same time' Bellator thought as he went to the box

Yet before he could open the box, knocking could be heard on his door




"Bellator it's time to take your sister to school, I'm on my way to work now"

Beatriz said from outside the room, she was already dressed and ready for work

Beatriz wore a traditional maid's uniform, a black dress with a white apron neatly tied around her waist. Her attire was both modest and functional, reflecting the humble job she held to support her family

As Beatriz was about to leave, Bellator quickly ran out the room

"Wait mom" Bellator said as he tried to stop her from leaving

"Yes" Beatriz said confused as to why Bellator had shouted out to her

"Ummm... Can we talk quickly, there's something I have to say" Bellator asked while fidgeting

"Yes, but be quick you know the Malum's hate it when someone is late to work" Beatriz said as she looked at Bellator

Bellator entered the room as he gestured to Beatriz to join him

"When will you clean your room" Beatriz said jokingly as she looked around

"Yea, that not very important right now there's something I need to talk to you about" Bellator said

Hearing his serious tone, Beatriz immediately listened

"I need to disappear for a while" Bellator said as he looked at Beatriz

"What do you mean by 'disappear' 'Beatriz asked slightly worried

" I can't really tell you where I'm gonna go, but it's to help prepare me for the Academy" Bellator said as his foot could be heard tapping the floor


"It's okay I understand you probably need time to think over your situation, can you at least promise me you'll be safe" Beatriz asked as she looked at Bellator

"Yes, I promise" Bellator said as he let out a sigh in relief

"So, How much?" Beatriz askes

"How much what?" Bellator asked slightly confused

"I know you're smarter than that, how much money do you need?" Beatriz asked

"About 1000UC" Bellator said guiltily

1000UC was not a lot of money in this world, hell it probably cost less than the main characters toilet paper

But 1000UC for their family was about the houses rent, well it is understandable they did live in District 5

The human domain was composed of 5 domains well 6 if you include the academy which was a domain of its own

The first domain was the wealthiest domain this is the place where the top guilds were situated along with the most grandeur mansions and the biggest stores, this was the place where the wealthiest people in the human domain lived along with being the most secure domain for humans to live

The second domain was also a highly sought after place as only the rich could afford to live, here it mainly comprised of all the same facilities as the first except it this was where most of upper middle class people lived, it also boasted good security and a safe place

The third domain was where the middle class lived, it had decent security and good facilities though it was nothing like the first or second domain

The forth domain was where the lower middle class lived the security was not that good and the facilities were places that normal families could afford

The fifth domain was the worst domain, kidnapping, murders and other crimes were not uncommon in this area it was the place where only the poor lived, it had the least facilities and was netorious for its illegal dealings

And that was exactly the type of neighbourhood Bellator lived in though compared to most of the families in the fifth domain they lived a decent lifestyle

This is why Bellator was hesitant to ask for money, he didn't want to let his family suffer

"I'll send the money to your watch this afternoon" Beatriz said as smiled at Bellator

Beatriz could see the apprehension in Bellators eyes

"Bell, you know this is the first time you've asked me for something, you've always been so mature for your age so even as a kid you never complained or asked for anything, so don't feel guilty for asking me" Beatriz said as she hugged Bellator

"Thanks mom" Bellator said as he hugged her back

Okay now most of the preparation is done and the action begins in like 2 more chapters

Also my release dates will be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

ICantWrite1creators' thoughts