
Fictional Chat Group - All-girls Only Edition

One day, Eleonora Pendragon was suddenly added to a chat group with many girls that suffered from a chuuni disease. The people inside claimed each other to be 'Goddess', 'Assassin', 'Ice Queen', 'Vampire', etc. They would talk all day about dimension travel, exploring dungeon, or share their experience on techniques and skills. However, after lurking inside the group for a while, she discovered that not all was what it seemed… WARN: Don't read this if you expecting a story with realistic scene, realism, less nonsense, lots of action or fight scene since this story has none of that. This story focuses on yuri, mary sue, flawless MC, and sex. WARN 2: If you don't like it, just leave and find one that you like rather than critizing this. This is very slow paced story. Update Schedule: 1 chapter/week from Saturday at 08.00 am GMT+8 (Beijing, China)/07.00 am GMT+7 (Jakarta, Indonesia). Donate Paypal Link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/tetekgede Saweria Link (For Indonesian only): https://saweria.co/TetekGedeYuri

TetekGede · Anime & Comics
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156 Chs

The Vampire New Lover and Battle against Barchem

Seeing Yue that resting on Eleonora's arms, she then used [Obverse] on Yue to check what her current condition is like and of course the information that was provided became detailed than before which is lacking in many aspect. Eleonora already know that Yue right now low on magic and she has to replenish it if she want to help Ankaji more.

Of course Yue want to help them, because if she do that, then Eleonora can get a good impression more of her. She cannot deny the feeling of her towards Eleonora, it's became obvious when the blonde-haired vampire loli resting on that young bluish-haired girl's arms. She can feel the softness and comfortably; Hajime's arms feels different, it's cold and rough.

After seeing Yue condition, Eleonora then offers Yue something as she held her hand which makes the vampire blushed even more.

"Yue-san, your magic is exhausted, right? How about I replenish it?"

"B-But… I have Hajime to do it. Hajime… please, your neck."

Yue begging at Hajime who just stared at her and do nothing. He then sighed.

"If there's another way for you to replenish your magic, then I think we must use that rather than sucking my neck by sink your teeth on it every time your magic running out. Or better yet… I think you're the perfect person who can replenish her magic every time she's running out, Pendragon."

Yue shocked when she heard that. Her heart broken into a piece and became fragile all of sudden. She didn't misheard it, Hajime reject Yue's request to replenish her magic by suck his neck like they always do.

Hearing that, Eleonora glancing at Yue, then looked at Hajime with serious look on her face which made Hajime startled all of sudden because the stare she gave him is really somewhat frightening him, although she didn't use killing intent or anything; just a simple serious stare at him.

Being stared like that, Hajime then asked while stuttered.

"W-What's wrong…?"

Eleonora letting out a give up sigh when the reaction that was given by Hajime is something like that, something that's unexpected from him. Even Kaori, Shizuku, Shea, and Tio giving him a deadpan stare and made the only boy on the group, excluding Lord Lanzwi and his attendants, feel uncomfortable by it.

His personality may changed completely but Hajime is still the dense and naïve young man who think of himself superior than others. It's may because of the otaku side of himself still within him and to proved that is the fact he built any powerful equipments and how is his current appearance now look like; he is really an anime character straight from there.

Though Hajime sometimes still want to deny that when the proof is really strong.

The young chairman just shook her head in disbelief and looked straight at Yue's eyes before saying something to her to make sure Yue really okay with the idea that Hajime said earlier.

"Yue-san, are you okay with that…? It's your choice, I don't want to forced you. Although I think it will be better if you do that to the person that's familiar to you rather than me who just meet earlier."

Eleonora said that while smiling and only made Yue pout in response of that since she is a bit upset by hearing what the young girl said about it, even though Yue hoping that Eleonora would be the one who replenishing her magic; be it by sucking her neck or another method that not involving that, but it's not like Eleonora would die in anemia if her blood get sucked too much by Yue anyway.

Realizing what she said, Eleonora then trying to correct it as she cleared her throat.

"…Alright, I will be the one who replenishing your magic, so don't be upset like that Yue-san."

Yue face now radiating happiness, a smile has adorned her face. Eleonora really can't say no to Yue who use that kind of expression towards her. But she glad that Hajime give her the permission or it would ended up bad if she just doing it without asking the permission from Hajime since the white haired young man felt a bit jealous whenever involving Yue or Kaori.

"So Yue-san, which method you want?"

"Suck your neck."

Yue said without hesitation which makes Eleonora a bit surprised and began exposing her white and soft neck to the blonde-haired vampire. Seeing the beautiful neck of Eleonora, the vampire couldn't resist it and immediately sunk her teeth on it and began to drain her blood to be her meal. Eleonora winced a bit but after that feels alright, it's not that is hurt but she just reacting to it.

Blood flowed from Eleonora's body. Yue's tongue crawled over her neck as Yue looked at her with moist eyes. For Yue, who always had a sense of sex appeal despite her appearance, it was far more remarkable when she was sucking Eleonora's blood. She released a bewitching atmosphere, as if she were releasing pheromones from her entire body.

Seeing a beautiful girl lick Eleonora's neck while making such noises and releasing quiet, obscene pants, the typical hatred for Yue's race which sucked blood was naturally forgotten, the surrounding men leaning forward.

Only the lord recovered from his astonishment and stared at Eleonora and the others with sharp eyes. He was thinking of many things. Though his eyes were bloodshot as well, he was thinking seriously.

By the way, though he was reluctant to show the pervert, Tio, this, he wondered if perhaps he should have shown Myuu this so early on.

Still, Myuu said "I can't see~" as she was held closely from behind, unable to resist since she was enveloped in breasts surpassing Shea's.

With [Blood Power Conversion], Yue could convert Eleonora's blood into magic. She licked her lips once as she quietly separated from Eleonora's neck, then a tint of red was appears on Yue's cheeks after she is realizing what she done.

'Eleonora's blood… it's so delicious. So tasty… it's much better than Hajime's. Oh no… did I…?'

She finally realized and then just blushed when thinking of that as she glancing to Eleonora for a while before she looked away. Yue became embarrassed since her feeling is changed, Hajime isn't her love interest anymore by now and it's Eleonora who is her love interest right now.

Once a vampire taste a delicious blood of someone or something, it was like charm but not exactly, they would think the one who has that blood is their destined mate; the one who fated to be their lover and devoted theirselves to their destined one.

And Yue is no exception since she also the former princess of vampire, the feeling she has towards Eleonora became big and growth at astonishing speed, unlike when she is with Hajime and she began to think what her love to Hajime isn't true love but more like sympathethic since they are share the same history and go through the same pain in the past. It's also no different for Hajime since he still has feeling to Kaori, even though deep in his heart he knew that he isn't suitable for her since Hajime isn't human anymore but something else.

After drinking the blood coming out from Eleonora, Yue's body glowed in bright light. Everyone who witnessing this was confused and surprised as well since they don't know what currently happened to Yue, but one thing they knew is that it didn't have any malice intention or threat that may harm them.

And after that, Yue was like "Whooah" because she knew something that is happened to her body right now. She seem surprised by the fact that currently happened with body and began checking all over to make sure nothing is wrong by her hands. After a while, she nods her head as if already checking it safe and all.

Seeing that, Yue's companion then approach her and Hajime ask her.

"O-Oi Yue, what was that just now?"

"Hajime… don't worry, my body undergo a change, or I should call it evolution. I felt… more stronger in physical and magical ability. My body also seem comfortable and… nothing. I think that's just it. Pretty sure it was drastic change and increase in my physical and magical ability. Aside from that, nothing different."

Hajime felt suspicious of her but decided to silent and not ask her about it since she don't want to talk about it, but his sharp eyes directed towards Eleonora who seemed the source of what happened to Yue. Eleonora is the one who mostly know about that, so Hajime concluded that in his mind and he really can't trust her.

'…I really can't put my trust on her. What the heck is she doing to Yue? My [Detect Magic] didn't detect anything wrong with Yue's magic or Pendragon. Is it because my detect skill is lower than she expected or she hide it very well?'

The fact that Yue somehow didn't want to talk about that was bothering Hajime, but he cannot do anything or it will give Yue a bad impression of him and he don't want that. That's why he will do nothing until the time comes.

"Really? Yue-san undergo some change?! Just because of that…?!"

Yue nods her head at the surprised Shea. Tio and Kaori also surprised when heard that from Yue as they looked at Eleonora who don't know about anything since this is the first time that she heard something like that and apparently her blood can causing Yue to undergo an evolution.

Eleonora looked at her right palm and wondering in her mind.

'My blood can causing such thing…? That was… incredible. If I remember it correctly, Yue-san is demi-human and they are something like half-human. Then if my blood can let demi-human evolve to become stronger than before, this is a huge discovery that may changes the entire fate of demi-human, though I don't know if it only affect people of this world or everywhere.'

She give it a deep thought and serious. Her Pendragon's blood is causing such huge change on demi-human. Or maybe it is because another factor that her blood can have that kind of effect to demi-human? Eleonora don't know about that and it's mystery for her, so the only option left maybe asking about this to her parents; all about the details of Pendragon's family that was kept hidden from her.

Eleonora just sighing as she giving up for now since it's something that she shouldn't overthink about.

"Alright, let's continue our work. Hajime-san, please finish it fast."

Hajime reluctantly sighing and began working, he don't want to be ordered by her but there's nothing he can do but follows her order since Eleonora can be considered his temporary leader.

Hajime took out Brise from [Treasure Warehouse] and began extracting minerals from the soil with [Mineral Extraction] while leveling the ground with his vehicle and applying a metallic coat so the water would not seep into the earth.

When he finished the coating, Yue thrust out her hand and utilized water magic.

"—[Tidal Wave]."

It was an Advanced Rank Water Magic which produced a large wave.

Usually, it would generate a tsunami approximately 20 meters in width, but with Yue's strength, it could be as large as 150 meters wide and 100 meters high. The reservoir was filling quickly. Almost 200000 tons of water needed to be drawn from the atmosphere. While doing this, she had sucked Eleonora's blood multiple times. Half was to replenish the magic she lost, while half was stored for later use. Still, Yue was amazed that there's no limit to Eleonora's blood, even if Yue use the magic that was replenished by sucked Eleonora's blood; she was feel that there's still a lot of magic within her despite how big the magic she drawn out of her body to use that Advanced Rank Water Magic.

She isn't running out of magic easily and still can use it even more, but Yue didn't sense that her magic capacity is overflowed, instead it grew bigger than she ever thought. Rather than causing harm to her, it's empower her through more of it. But… Yue also gain some new skills through of that.

At this time, Shea arrived, jumping in with Kaori's [God Crystal]. Though Kaori had healed them little-by-little so to speak, she had helped several thousand recover already and stored their magic. She had saved many. To be able to save that many people in only 2 hours, Kaori was, sure enough, a cheat as well.

Though if she was empowered in magic by Eleonora like Yue did, she would done it in 10 minutes at most, since the [God Crystal] is similar to the blood of Pendragon or something else within the blood of Eleonora that have the effect to boost something for temporary.

Shea returned to help Kaori while Yue began casting [Tidal Wave] in rapid succession. Before long, the reservoir was filled with clean water.

"... This is..."

Lanzwi could only stare in blank surprise as he stared at the pond which shined like the oasis. He was speechless.

"This should do for now. Next, I need to go look at the oasis... If we can't figure anything out, all you can do is rely on this until help arrives."

"Y-Yes. No, there are many things I want to hear... but thank you. I sincerely wish to express my gratitude. My people would die without this. Allow me to guide you to the oasis."

Though Lanzwi had not yet recovered from the shock, he knew what needed to be done. He thanked Eleonora and the others sincerely.

They moved to the oasis.

The oasis reflected the light and shined beautifully as usual. It hardly seemed as if there was a toxin within.


"... Hm?"

"... Eleonora?"

Eleonora frowned as she stared at one point of the oasis. Yue noticed the change in her face and looked at her curiously.

"No, what is it, I thought I felt a magic reaction... How did the research team investigate this area?"

"... They surveyed the underground water pulses and the rivers. They tested the water quality and did not find any abnormality. Still, they have yet to reach the bottom of the oasis."

That what Eleonora heard from Lanzwi, although she find it odd that the people there was infected by some sort of illness when the water quality is fine and did not have any abnormality. Then this time is Hajime who ask them.

"Are there any artifacts at the bottom of the oasis?"

"Un? No, the artifacts are used to guard and manage the oasis, and while there are some set up around the grounds... they are used as a barrier. The oasis has never been polluted until now thanks to them."

The artifact Lanzwi was describing was called [True Intent], and it was actually the dome of light which defended Ankaji which prevented sand from entering.

Though it was a convenient barrier which allowed necessities like air and moisture to pass through, what could pass was decided by the people utilizing the artifact. It was more than a simple barrier, it had a detection function as well. It could even detect Dark Magic or evil thoughts.

In other words, it could react to "malicious intent" and send the information to Lanzwi and the guards. Of course, only the Lord himself knew exactly what was detected. By the way, there were many people investigating the area and only a minimal guard was left in place.

"... Hmm. Then, what is that?"

Eleonora who never heard an artifact in this world then ask them with curiosity.

"Hajime-san, what is artifact that you said?"

Hearing that coming from Eleonora, Hajime reluctant to explain to her but there's no point to be a petty regarding this thing since they would travel together for a short time and it's not like he will lose anything just by explaining some things in this world.

Hajime just letting out exasperation sigh and explained it to her.

"An [Artifact] is a magical tool with a powerful effects applied to it. The effects can range from simple power-boost or increased sturdiness of an object, to the ability to cast even some of the most complex and powerful spells in existence. They are also extremely versatile tools, which could even have the effect any kind of Magic or Spell applied on them. Because of all this unique and powerful abilities, any Artifact of any kind is practically considered a national treasure."

Hearing that, Eleonora nodded in understanding and for now she know what is it [Artifact] means in this world. It is magical tool with powerful effect, something similar to what she have in her [Inventory] right now, which is Excalibur from Arthuria Pendragon and she may have to upgrade it to make it more powerful.

If she want it, she can be All-Rounder and expert in all expertise. That she has to do, furthest examining and exploration of her own talents, since she only discover some of it and not all. The thing that lacking on her is not has deep understanding of her own talent, but she can do that if she has more time and that's why her parents suggesting her to not thrown herself on office work only.

She then smiled as she thought of something.

'Hmm… it's seem interesting to create my own [Artifact] later. It will help the people who don't want to fight and just want to settle things in the most peaceful way or for people who don't want to hurt themselves since fighting sometimes ended up injury their body.'

Hajime who noticed the look of Eleonora right now only cursing on his mind since he actually giving her an idea. He don't know why he doing that, but things cannot be stopped and at this point, he don't give a damn about everything and just want to going home. Even if he knew that what he doing is only make Eleonora powerful or become stronger even more, Nagumo Hajime just want to going home and back to his old life to enjoying become otaku again.

'Damn it. I really miss those anime and manga I have never watch and reads. I also already pre-order some games that may interesting to me and cannot wait to play it, but suddenly summoned to this world. But right now I has to focus on find Myuu's mom and once that over, I'll back.'

He thought of that with determination before focusing again on the current situation he will deal.

The oasis [Ankaji Dukedom] boasted of had been polluted. Both Bize and Lord Lanzwi clasped their fists in regret. Eleonora snorted in derision and laughed at them as she saw "something" with her [Obverse] at the base of the oasis.

That she noticed something in the oasis which should not exist, Lanzwi and the others were shaken.

Eleonora approached the oasis, took out a metal object the size of a 500 milliliter PET bottle from [Inventory], poured her magic into it, and threw it into the oasis.

Eleonora quickly left the oasis and stood by Yue. Everyone looked at her in doubt, but Eleonora did not answer. When Lanzwi was about to question her, at that moment… A huge water column appeared with the sound of an explosion at the center of the oasis. Everyone's jaws fell once again.

"Hm, it seem not strong enough... no, maybe that thing has that good a defense?"

Eleonora, while saying this, sees Hajime pulled out ten of the same object that Eleonora has and began throwing them into the oasis. Again, after a few seconds, numerous loud explosions were heard accompanied by water columns.

What Hajime threw out was a torpedo. They would face one of the Great Labyrinths in Erisen, Undersea Ruins Merjinne, which existed at the bottom of the sea, so he created some prototype torpedoes. He threw them into the oasis as means of an experiment. Though the power was moderate, the pursuit speed was insufficient. He needed to improve it further.

By the way, he had incorporated [Focused Perception] and [Tracking] magic to allow the torpedoes to lock on and chase after an enemy, causing them to explode on impact.

"Hey, hey, hey! Hajime-dono! What are you doing! Ahh! The pier was blown away! The oasis is died red in fish blood!"

"Tch, still not enough. Okay, 50 more..."

Though Lanzwi screamed at the spectacle, Hajime muttered in annoyance, as if he did not care at all and moved forward.

"We can't let you."

Lanzwi and his subordinates shouted as they clung to Hajime, desperately trying to stop him. Lanzwi did not know of the "something" Hajime saw magically, but his attempt then stopped by Eleonora who looked at him and his subordinates.

"Lord Lanzwi, please trust him. It seems he know about something."

Without any choice, Lanzwi who heard that from Eleonora then take a look at Hajime who just stare at him with unconcerzed gaze as if he isn't in fault since what he did is looks destructrive to them and could endanger his place.

"Alright, but Hajime-dono, please warn us that before you doing something eerie."

Hajime just sighing lazily and annoyed as he answer him in response.

"Yes, yes. Now, let me do my job. I don't want it's only you who doing the job, Pendragon."

"Feel free, Hajime-san."

Eleonora said that with smile towards Hajime, make him more annoyed at her smiling face, but he decided to ignore it for now and focusing on his part of job.

Hajime suddenly threw a mysterious object into the oasis which caused the pier to be destroyed and fish to die. Given the reaction of the barrier, Hajime did not do this with ill intent. Even so, he was desperate to protect the oasis.

Hajime shook them off and advanced.

However, immediately after that…


Countless tentacles tore through the wind and attacked Hajime.

He intercepted them with Donner & Schlag as he jumped to the skies. Yue froze some tentacles, Tio evaporated them with Fire Magic, and Eleonora slice some of it with Wind Magic while also giving everyone in here a barrier or shield to protect them when the tentacles attacking.

Lanzwi and the others stared at the oasis, astonished by the spectacle. They had seen so many things they did not understand today, and now, the water swelled up 10 meters high, angry at Hajime who had bombed the area.

"What... is that..."

Lanzwi muttered vacantly. His words echoed through the vicinity.

What appeared from the oasis was a creature 10 meters in length with countless tentacles and a magic stone shining crimson.

Slime... it was best understood to call it thus.

However, its size was odd. Typically, slime type demons were 1 meter at most. Furthermore, it should not have had the ability to manipulate the surrounding waters; at the very least, it should not be able to manipulate tentacles that were not made from its body.

"What... in the world is this monster? Is that... Bacherm?"

Lanzwi muttered in blank surprise. After all, Bacherm was a slime type demon which existed in this world.

"Well, I don't know about that. But I think this guy is the one who polluting the oasis, right? It probably has some kind of magic that releases a toxin."

"...You would think so. But can you defeat it?"

Hearing what Lanzwi said, Eleonora smiled and ready in her stance as well others who ready to take the giant slime with countless tentacles that is the source of illness that was happened in Ankaji right now, stood in front of them.

"I think we have no choice about it, but it's not like we are going to lose to that monster."

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