
Fictional Chat Group - All-girls Only Edition

One day, Eleonora Pendragon was suddenly added to a chat group with many girls that suffered from a chuuni disease. The people inside claimed each other to be 'Goddess', 'Assassin', 'Ice Queen', 'Vampire', etc. They would talk all day about dimension travel, exploring dungeon, or share their experience on techniques and skills. However, after lurking inside the group for a while, she discovered that not all was what it seemed… WARN: Don't read this if you expecting a story with realistic scene, realism, less nonsense, lots of action or fight scene since this story has none of that. This story focuses on yuri, mary sue, flawless MC, and sex. WARN 2: If you don't like it, just leave and find one that you like rather than critizing this. This is very slow paced story. Update Schedule: 1 chapter/week from Saturday at 08.00 am GMT+8 (Beijing, China)/07.00 am GMT+7 (Jakarta, Indonesia). Donate Paypal Link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/tetekgede Saweria Link (For Indonesian only): https://saweria.co/TetekGedeYuri

TetekGede · Anime & Comics
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156 Chs

Eleonora Thinking About Agriculture

The sleeping face of Yue is really peaceful and made Eleonora smiled in return for that. Both couples did it countless times, and it was enough to make Yue pregnant. She then gets up from the bed and washes; luckily, the room has an en suite bathroom. Eleonora already used this room when having sex with Luluaria before, so the young bluenette is familiar with it. Although she also modifies some of it to make the bathroom resemble the modern bathroom in her world to make it easier to use.

After a nice bath and clean her body from the sweats of sex, she then changed her clothes to the new ones. A black off-shoulder sleeveless shirt and blue jacket with white jeans. There is also blue jewelry that hangs on her neck and a matching earring. The clothes she wears right now showing off her curves and probably make any people who see them charmed and attracted by her even more.

She doesn't mind about that.

Since something like that was always happening in her world. They were always attracted and fell head over heels in love with her. You don't know how many love letters were on her desk or the safe that was stored. Even her employees develop some crushes on her and always admired her.

But fortunately for her, there's no outbreak or even mass riots about it. All of it was handled perfectly and went without any issues since Eleonora could control the people who later became her fans. She even has a fans club or things like that. The young chairman even found out about a particular website dedicated to her only with the sole purpose of admiring her. She became like an idol there, and her fans always do their job to protect their idol.

Though none mad or crying when it's revealed that she has multiple girlfriends or lovers. Unlike when idol did that, Eleonora's fans accept that and even admiring her even more. Her fans clubs slowly will be akin to a cult if it keeps growing. It will be growing when in Tortus, especially when she reveals herself as the King of Heiligh Kingdom later but for now she wants to improve the civilization of Heiligh.

Start from Agriculture, which improves the food quality and quantity and makes the environment better so everyone can live here and increase food production.

That's why she arrived at the dining room and sees everyone sitting on each chair. When they were about to have their breakfast, she decided to ask anything related to Heiligh development as kingdom to Luluaria. Still, she will do it after breakfast so she won't disturb the moment of their breakfast.

All people in the Dining Room who see Eleonora smile and greet her politely.

"Good morning, Eleonora/Eleonora-san/Eleonora-sama/Nora/Mama!"

She nodded her head and smiled at them in response.

"Good morning, everyone. Let's have our breakfast first. Yue-san said she will eat it later alone, so let's not wait for her or the foods will be cold."

They nod their heads. Some of them have their cheeks flushed in embarrassment. In contrast, the others just smiled and chuckled, as if they already know what happened to Yue, judging from the reaction they had shown to Eleonora, and of course, she isn't dense like a black hole, so she noticed it and just went quiet while began to eat her breakfast elegantly.

Although all of them like that, they also charmed and attracted more to Eleonora, who became more beautiful with her new clothes. Honestly, they knew that Eleonora already has beauty like a goddess, but she became more than that every day. Her beauty seems enhanced to the next level and may surpass the beauty of a goddess. But they didn't mean that since it's eye candy for them, they just enjoy their food quietly while sometimes glancing over Eleonora to see their lover.

'Hooh boy, they really not trying to hide it. Although it's nice to be eye candy for them, it's still awkward being stared at by them like that. I just have to ignore it and focus on eating my meal first. This is nothing compared to the one I go through in my world. Especially when it's a big party that consists of an important figure.'

She just sighs when looking back on that. When she was invited to attend some big and important party, she occasionally wears a dress and talks to many people who want to befriend her in a business manner. Luckily, all of her business partners aren't shady or greedy. Like in any anime or manga, they just want to support each other and grow together as partners while pursuing profits from their respective businesses.

That's one of many ways why her company is capable of growing so fast and successful. She has even been deemed the richest person globally and ranked one in that, with a net worth of $15.5 trillion. With that much money, it will last for at least the 50th generation of her family. Not to mention it will be increased if her business was doing well and not going to bankrupt.

She was also planning to further expand her business on something new since her world currently has massive changes and will not remain the same with the discovery of magic and monsters worldwide. She will be forced to adapt to the world that will be changed drastically. Eleonora is also someone who doesn't want to remain the same and is not afraid to adapt herself to new things.

Eleonora just smiled and chuckled when thinking of that.

'There will be major changes on Roozlent later when I am back. Since Dad wants me to stay out of business to let me enjoy my youth, I will only give him some guidances or advice to improve Roozlent. Dad and Mom will be mad and sad at the same time if I was going back and overworked myself like before.'

And she remembered something on her head.

'Oh right… I haven't checked the chat group. Neptune-san, Kurumi-san, and Ais-san—I haven't heard any news from them, and I also have a promise to pay a visit to Neptune-san's world. Maybe later after the whole things with this world are solved.'

While they were about to eat their breakfast, Yue, who just wake up from her sleep because she's tired from having sex with Eleonora yesterday as they did it for at least eight hours, made her way to the dining room fully clothed and yawning as if she doesn't have enough time to sleep. Although she expects herself to be dead tired and won't awake for hours because the intense sex she had with Eleonora, she wasn't tired at all after some rest.

'It feels like I have a skill that allows any fatigue, stamina, or anything to be restored. Similar yet different from my [Automatic Regeneration] which only regenerates any injuries or lost body part, but also prevents me from aging and dying.'

She looked down and pondering about it for a second before she heard someone's voice.

"Yue-san, good morning! I didn't expect you to suddenly awake like this after our night yesterday."

Eleonora said that without embarrassment, and smiles adorn her gorgeous face. Everyone around here except Yue feels embarrassed by the bluntness of their lover like that. Luckily the dining room only consists of Eleonora and the girls, so there won't be another person except them.

The golden-haired vampire let out a soft laugh before smiled and nodded her head.

"Mm, yeah. It was amazing and made me want to do it more."

"Me too, but let's eat our breakfast first. I have something to do today since I've been appointed as the replacement of Eliheid-san for a month. Many things that involve Heiligh and maybe the whole world."

The young chairman said that as Yue walk to one of the chairs available and sit on that. As Yue sits on the chair, she is the attention of any girls who still haven't got the chance to have sex with Eleonora—Shea, Tio, Shizuku, and Liliana. Eleonora got a jealous glare from Shea and Liliana, showing the obviousness of their jealously because Yue is one step ahead of them. At the same time, Tio and Shizuku were just curious about what Yue felt when she has sex with Eleonora yesterday night.

Although Yue noticed that, she didn't care at all and just paid her attention to the foods on the table that the chef already prepared and cooked beforehand. Eleonora, who sees that, then claps her hands and gets everyone's attention before saying something.

"Alright, everyone, let's hurry up and eat our breakfast since everyone is already here. Come on."

They nod their heads at what Eleonora said and then began their breakfast as they didn't miss any single person they knew. The breakfast itself seems a bit chaotic due to Shea's behavior since she was scolded harshly by Yue and some of them find it amusing, especially Eleonora.

An hour after the breakfast…

After they have their breakfast, everyone then does their own activities and keeps themselves busy, some of them prefer to enjoy it alone or together with someone. Eleonora is now accompanied by Luluaria, who wants to stay by her side and help Eleonora.

Eleonora is right now in the study room of Eliheid and handles some of the paperwork related to the agriculture of Heiligh. The condition of their agriculture isn't that bad, but the rate of poor people is somewhat high, according to her expectation. The percentage of the poor is at 60%, the well-off people is at 35%, and the aristocrats are at 5%.

But the commodity was monopolized by aristocrats, so foods and the like always go straight to them while the poor and well-off sometimes have a hard time finding it. The food prices are pretty high; the aristocrats sell it more expensive than the market price and forced people below them to buy it at that price. The poor and well-off are also forced to sell the product they make at a lower price so everyone can buy and enjoy it; which led some of them to poverty.

'No wonder when I had a date with Remia, any things I brought from any vendor are quite cheap while some things from a shop are quite expensive by this world standard. Also… it seems the church has total control over everything, even such things as agriculture.'

Indeed. The Holy Church also has control over agriculture in Heiligh. They control any shipment, the fees for farmland, and everything. None of them disobey it since they will be branded as heretics and will be kicked out from Heiligh, their property and valuables will be forcibly taken away. They will be penniless when they live in another kingdom or country.


A finger on Eleonora's lips made her a bit surprised as she heard Luluaria say something with a smile on her face.

"Please, dear, call me Aria, and I know what you want. We will improve the agriculture of this kingdom and find any evidence of the Holy Church's corruption to eradicate them. Isn't that right, dear?"

"…Yes, that's right. Then, I'd like to trouble you to do that. The faster, the better, and I predicted it will be finished in a month to completely deal with agriculture. While a bit more with Holy Church since I plan to have them be executed in public on the day, I will announce myself as the king of Heiligh."

Luluaria then kept her finger away from Eleonora's lips and smiled before respond it.

"Mm. Indeed, we have to arrange a group of assassins to assassinate my husband. We can make a fake letter containing his will so you can inherit his position as king officially. The letters he sends to you right now only let you have authority as a king for a month, so without the valid evidence of it, people won't believe you."

Eleonora nodded at that and just felt scared seeing the smile shown by Luluaria when talking about her husband like that. She even thought about killing her husband secretly and create a fake letter containing the inheritance of the kingdom. Though the fake letter should convince people and made them believe it's real.

"For the fake letter, I may have the solution."

The queen blinked and went curious when her new lover said that.

"Oh? Is that so? Then do tell me about it."

"Precisely. With my magic, I can impersonate Eliheid-san and write a letter showing that he passed his position and inheritance to me. Or better yet, I can make a clone of him and let people see that he was doing it directly in public. How about that?"

"That's not a bad idea, dear. I like the second choice more. Seeing is believing, as one said it, so people will believe it more when seeing it rather than just let them hear someone read the letter. The chance to make them believe it will be great then—"

Eleonora gave a peck on Luluaria's cheek and smiled at the supportive lovers of her. Luluaria does not care that much about her husband since the married woman's concern only focused on the young girl with long bluish hair and blue eyes with gorgeous figures that don't match her actual age.

Luluaria's cheek flushed a bit, and she chuckles when Eleonora did that to her cheeks.

"Oh my, dear. You tease, we still work right now."

"I know, but I just want to give a small reward to my lover. Is that wrong?"

But the blonde married woman shook her head.

"No, it's not but thank you for that. We should focus on the improvement of this kingdom. After all, it will be yours when the time comes, and we may have our wedding soon if possible."

Eleonora sweatdropped when hearing that from Luluaria that she want to quickly married with her. Even though she wants it and that's not bad idea, she needs some time, and if they married, where should their marriage be? It's pretty confusing.

"I know that then the first thing we do is improving agriculture. We may have to ban the church from doing whatever they want on it. It's quite insane that they have control in all fields. After we have done in each field, then their power would grow weak, and they can be easily eliminated."

Luluaria agreed with what Eleonora said. If they did attack the Holy Church in each field, it would weaken them, mainly if both use the influence of Luluaria. Both of them already knew the reputation of Luluaria amongst the citizen, and they were good, better than Eliheid, who has 5:95. In contrast, Luluaria has 95% of people who like her since she was kind. The remaining 5% are mostly greedy and arrogant aristocrats who support Eliheid and Holy Church.

The queen of Heiligh is a beautiful woman who is kind and good to her citizen. Even to the poor people who are deemed disgusting and trash by many. There is also some secret group or organization that has the goal to overthrow the current king of Heiligh Kingdom—who is Eliheid—so the kingdom can be a better place than before. Initially, they choose the queen as the ruler or her daughter, but with the arrival of Eleonora, the blonde queen held it off first and told them to wait for a while.

"But I think it will be more efficient if we improve all of them at the same time. We can separate some people into some groups, and I will handle the cost if needed so the kingdom won't have to spend a penny for it."

"So that's mean the kingdom funds will remain safe, and we won't go bankrupt. It's good but are you sure about covering the cost of it, dear? Won't it affect your own funds? And where do you have that much money?"

Hearing that, Eleonora pull out some gold bar from her [Inventory] and put it on the table. The queen was startled for a moment because she saw some gold bar in front of her eyes. She cannot believe that something valuable like that has just come out of thin air. But before Luluaria asks Eleonora, the young chairman answers her new lover's question first.

"Don't worry about the funds. I have plenty of this in my dimensional storage, and I won't run it out soon. About where I got it, let's just say that I can just create it using one of my magic. I'm not arrogant or something, but I'm pretty powerful on my own."

The blonde queen went quiet and laughing when hearing that before calming down and nodded at Eleonora.

"You are really amazing, dear. I'm not doubting it again that you will solve all the problems in this kingdom have or, if possible, even the problem in this world. Who would thought that it will only require one person to do it."

The young girl smiled sheepishly and scratching her cheeks when she hears what Luluaria said about her. She then feels something soft landed on her cheeks, and it's the lips of Luluaria who kissed her cheeks and made her smile happily.

Luluaria then continues to spoke.

"Alright, then I will count on you for that. But please, don't overwork yourself, dear. You may be wonderful, but you also need the support of many people. Don't hesitate to ask us for any help. Okay?"

"I get it and completely understand. So we completely agreed to improve not just agriculture but all of it at the same time. To do that, we need a lot of manpower and funds, obviously. If possible, the deadline of it is a month, but if not, then we should finish one of it in a month and let the rest finished with more time."

"Yes. We also have to arrange some assassins to assassinate my husband, and we have to use your clone to disguise as him to give his position as king permanently in public so the people would be the witness of it."

"That's right. I also have to take myself to the streets and socialize with the citizens to build relationships and gain their trust and respect. It will make the inheritance of the throne easier, and people will agree with it."

"Let's not forget to gather some evidence of the church's evil or bad deeds. Like corruption, power abuse, and others. We may have to spreads rumors about it so the church believer, who isn't that devoted, will questioning their own religion."

"Precisely. Create some rumors and make them doubt their religion. Maybe through that, we will gain more followers and can easily eliminate them. Though we will be expecting some riots, and the situation will be in chaos, but we have to make sure it's only directed towards the church and the corrupted aristocrats."

Once again, Luluaria agreed and nodded her head to Eleonora.

"Alright, I think that's for now and… whew, look at the time. It's almost noon."

Eleonora said that while sighing and looked at the clock in the room. Luluaria nodded and looked at the clock. It is because of Eleonora's idea to install some of it in some rooms, so people in the castle will find it easier to figure out the time, unlike before.

The clock showed it's 11.36 AM, and they have been done this since 09.20 AM.

"Fufu, then we should have our lunch. We can execute the plan tomorrow or after tomorrow."

"You're right. Two or three days from now would be the right time. The faster we do it, the faster the kingdom would be growing in the right and better direction."

Both then get up from the couch and tidying up the files on the table before going for lunch. Not only clock, Eleonora even install some modern technology like printer and computer, she already creates some perfect generator for producing electricity. Of course, it can be recharged by using water, sand, junk, inorganic matter, organic matter, and anything else.

No noise disturbs anyone from the generator. It's even can be recharged by magic or any kind of energy. Making it a perfect generator and the size is small; also the weight is light that even can be carried easily by people with weak strength.

Honestly, Luluaria was amazed at the amount of knowledge of Eleonora to make something like this exist. She was also amazed by the technology shown by the young chairman; it's far better than the current technology anyone in Heiligh or even Tortus had. It also makes her life and others easier when they use the technology brought and introduced by Eleonora to them.

'Fufu, as expected from my lover. She's a really wonderful person and makes the impossible to be possible. I have no doubt she will succeed in anything she wants to achieve. As a good wife, I will support every decision she has and make, as I will be there on her side.'


Emilia, the half-elf girl who is currently strolling around after receiving permission from Theodore Pendragon, that was housing her for a while, is now amazed by her sight. The hint of excitement and curiosity is undeniable in her eyes.

Accompanied by Puck, her guardian, she is currently in a city called Akihabara. Because of the world's current condition and with what Theodore told her about it, she doesn't hesitate to shows her trace as a half-elf, which means showing her pointy ears and Puck, who were sometimes floating or sat on her shoulders.

"Lia, don't be distracted. Theodore said we still have to be careful, right?"

Blinked, the young girl flushed at the mention of that and nodded slightly.

"Y-Yes! I know that Puck… but it's still amazing. The building is tall and colorful! I heard from Theodore-san and Yuuka-san that it's even more beautiful at night! Look, they even have various types of wagon."

Sighing tiredly, a small smile shown on Puck.

"Haven't we been shown that is not a wagon, but a vehicle called a car that using a wheeled motor? I say it's far more advanced than the wagon in our world. Some are using steam, while some are not, but the newest car said to not rely on steam again."

"I know that, and that still leaves me with many mysteries. The car is nice and comfortable when we use it for the first time. I'm a bit shocked and scared at first but gradually liked it. We also don't have to be worried about a long journey when using a car."

On this, Puck agreed and nodded his head since it was more efficient and effective than any wagon they have used in their world.

"Well, set aside the amazement, how about we quickly head to our destination? The place for the meeting shouldn't be far, right?"

Emilia nodded and looked at the smartphone she has. She received it as a gift from the Pendragon family since she will need to adapt to this world. Not only Emilia, but the other three also provided some necessity by the family that housing them.

She then scrolls up the message she got yesterday.

"Umm… let's see, "Head to a place called 'Cute ♡ Adorable Kyun-Kyun.' Find someone called Aoi Risa, she's a woman with brown hair with matching eyes with glasses and a green shirt. After talking with her, she will guide you to 'Akihabara Radio Kaikan' and use the credit card I give you to buy whatever you want. In there, you can also learn about your origin, at least some of it on a book or anime called 'Re: Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu'… that was the message."

Hearing what Emilia read, Puck cannot help but wondering about the thing that intrigues him the most, which is something called 'Re: Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu' on the message.

"Your origin, hm… well, nothing will happen if we just stay here. Let's go to the meeting place, Lia."

"Okay, Puck!"

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P.S: For those who came to read and just comment me that they hate this kind of story, please don't bother to comment about your hate towards this story.

P.P.S: I hope my grammar improved from your knowledge, since I'm not good at judging myself. Also, I may take a break for two weeks after giving you two chapters for this week.

Sorry for that, and how you feel if I was wrote new novel? Give me your thought. If you want, maybe I can write another one and just give me the idea; although it won't be updated regulary and won't be in *******.

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