
Fictional Chat Group - All-girls Only Edition

One day, Eleonora Pendragon was suddenly added to a chat group with many girls that suffered from a chuuni disease. The people inside claimed each other to be 'Goddess', 'Assassin', 'Ice Queen', 'Vampire', etc. They would talk all day about dimension travel, exploring dungeon, or share their experience on techniques and skills. However, after lurking inside the group for a while, she discovered that not all was what it seemed… WARN: Don't read this if you expecting a story with realistic scene, realism, less nonsense, lots of action or fight scene since this story has none of that. This story focuses on yuri, mary sue, flawless MC, and sex. WARN 2: If you don't like it, just leave and find one that you like rather than critizing this. This is very slow paced story. Update Schedule: 1 chapter/week from Saturday at 08.00 am GMT+8 (Beijing, China)/07.00 am GMT+7 (Jakarta, Indonesia). Donate Paypal Link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/tetekgede Saweria Link (For Indonesian only): https://saweria.co/TetekGedeYuri

TetekGede · Anime & Comics
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156 Chs

Dragon surely loves to go wild

While their date is over and the day has changed, there are no dissatisfied faces on both, especially Shea Haulia.

The young girl with long rabbit ears, light blue hair, and a pair of blue eyes feels delighted and considers the day she has a date with her genuine love interest one of the best moments and the best day ever has.

Hummed happily when they walked out from the inn and went back to the castle, Eleonora just flashed a small smile when seeing the happy Shea right now who held her hands tightly and didn't want to let it go no matter what. The date with Shea was also another success for the young chairman, and that's one thing that made her happy too.

After finished the date, the couple also brings some souvenirs for their friends to the castle. Most of them are gifts from any citizen they have encountered along the way back.

Since Eleonora felt it was rude to turn down the gift they received from them, she happily took them and gave the citizen thanks for being so kind towards her, which causing the women's hearts to flutter and blushes on their cheeks seeing the charming smile.

And when she was about to lie down in her bedroom to relax for a bit, she suddenly heard a knocking sound on the door, causing her to blink in realization; she immediately got up and answered it before opening the door.

"Yes, please wait for a moment."

Eleonora said that while opening the doorknob and revealing a beautiful, voluptuous woman in her 20's and is over 170 cm tall. She possesses long black hair and golden eyes. The woman wears a traditional black Dragonmen robe similar to a Japanese kimono with unique floral designs along the bottom and a pink undershirt similar to a hadajuban. She also wears a red Japanese-styled hairpin and piercings on the top of her hair, as well as worn oiran's sandals.

The gorgeous woman with long black hair has a fan covers her mouth. At the same time, her eyes are averted, making Eleonora slightly tilt her head in confusion as she doesn't know what happened to the woman in front of her. However, Eleonora doesn't mind and doesn't think of the woman as someone who bothers her.

Without asking, Eleonora then welcomes the woman known as Tio Klarus and one of Eleonora's new lovers who genuinely fell in love with the young bluenette with 10% divinity inside her human body. Tio, who had seen it, then politely nodded and answered politely because it's kind of rude to not say anything after being welcomed like that.

"Please forgive me if I bother you, Eleonora-sama."

She said softly. Eleonora just shook her head.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry about it. Please take a seat and tell me what you want."

"Ah… certainly."

Tio nods her head and sits on the chair offered by Eleonora while the latter girl sits not too far from the princess of the exiled Dragonmen of Tortus. She is ready to hear whatever Tio wants to talk with her, even if it is something like small or not so serious talk since she already offers the dragon princess of it.

After going quiet for two minutes, Tio nodded and had a determined look on her face that was so obvious to someone like Eleonora. Faking her cough, she then got the young bluenette's attention and finally spoke up what was currently on her mind.

"Eleonora…-sama. May I ask you something?"

Eleonora chuckled and nod.

"You already are, but yes, you can. What is this about?"

Tio's cheeks went in embarrassment and became red when hearing that come from Eleonora and continued what she said.

"Is… is what you said true…? About taking us—including me—on a date?"

This makes Eleonora blink in surprise but nods her head, causing the black-haired princess to be beamed when she notices that. The younger girl cannot help but laugh mentally seeing the expression that Tio currently has since it is rare for her to show that kind of face since she always acts mature and composure all the time;. However, she is always seen as a masochist due to what Hajime did when they first met.

"Of course, what I've said is true, and if you liked it, I want you to be my wife too."

Tio's entire face suddenly went in red as if she spent all of her time in a sauna or had a similar color to fresh tomato. She becomes embarrassed again suddenly because of the sudden proposal from Eleonora, but it's not like she hates it; in fact, she loves that and wants to take her proposal and become her wife.

The dragon princess doesn't mind that she isn't the main wife of many women around Eleonora as long as she can be with her.

"In fact, how about we going on a date for today?"

This makes Tio surprised, and she suddenly has a concerned look on her face.

"But Eleonora-sama… you just came back from the date you have with Tio-san. Don't you still feel tired from that?"

"Nonsense. I won't get tired easily if it is for my lovers since I'm always happy to be around them. That's including you, Tio-san."

The beautiful smile of Eleonora made Tio fall in love over again. Her love towards the bluenette increased, and over the chart, she won't lie to herself and be true to her feeling when with Eleonora; she doesn't know why but something inside her feels that Eleonora is someone who was fated to be her lover.

The answer should be obvious. Tio did a simple nod and smiled at Eleonora.

"Yes, Eleonora-sama. I'd like to have a date with you."

"Good, then I'll be waiting in an hour. Since I'm going on a date with you, I should change my clothes."

Eleonora winks to the dragon princess, who laughs and nods at her agreeing since she will also have to change her clothes.

"Fufu, then I'll be taking my leave for now and also changes my clothes, Eleonora-sama. Let's meet again after an hour."

Tio let out a small laugh before saying that while taking her leave from Eleonora's room, who nodded her head. They then waved their hands to each other, and the moment the princess of the Dragonmen left her room, Eleonora sighed and nodded with a smile on her face.

"Alright, let's get to change again."

The young bluenette then opens her wardrobe and takes a good look at the outfits inside it. Surprisingly, it's not just a typical wardrobe, but it's special since Eleonora makes it herself by using the [Creation Magic]. She has to transform the needed material into a wardrobe that suits her taste. It can store a lot of outfits inside, and the size isn't bothering her at all.

She then chooses one of the clothes and tries to put it while posing on the mirror before changes it to another as she did it several times until she is satisfied with the clothes she chose for this date with Tio. Although she didn't know much about what kind of clothes the dragon princess would wear, she would wear anything that looked good for today.

Eleonora isn't someone who just wears the same clothes on multiple dates since that will be lame according to what she thinks, and most who did that have no sense of fashion. They are blind to style and can't decide what kind of outfits suits them.

"Hmm… this one is good, but I don't think it's the right choice."

She was mumbling when looking at the clothes on her right hand before turning to the left one.

"Ah, I already wore this before, so it's no good. I recall there is something that might suit me for today's date. Though I predicted tomorrow and after tomorrow, I will also have dates. Either with Shizuku-san or Liliana."

Eleonora was really sure about that, and she was never wrong about her prediction so far. That's why she has to prepare for any new clothes to wears, and it's not like she will waste her money on anything new, but it's just that the charm of clothes is really urged her to buy them and added it her clothes collection.

That's why every time she was going on a date with someone, she at least wears something new and nice; Eleonora didn't want to make her dating partner disappointed with her appearance. But her clothes collection is a lot, and that's why when she learned magic, she thought about creating [Inventory] to store some of her clothes inside it. She also makes some dimensional storage to some places, such as any certain spots in her room.

Her eyes blinked when she found something that she thought would be her clothes for today's date with Tio.

"Alright, I'll pick this!"

She claimed it and quickly changed her current clothes to the new ones.


Once again, the famous meeting spot for Eleonora's date is on the front gate of Heiligh Royal Palace. Maybe it will be used frequently as long as the young bluenette in Tortus and the Heiligh Kingdom that she currently rule over since she is basically the new king of the whole kingdom because Eliheid S. B. Heiligh passed that responsibility to Eleonora.

Of course, being the only futanari in her harem, Eleonora always waiting for her date partner while messing around with her phone. Mainly read through some of the messages sent to her by people in her home, she just flashed a small smile on her lips.

And once again, Eleonora wears new, fresh and nice clothes that look really good on her. She wears a red three-quarters sleeve t-shirt with a black tank top, a black string belt on her waist and white tights, a black choker type necklace on her neck, and a white-blue bracelet on her right arm.

"Wear something nice on your date is one of the important factors while going out on a date with someone. Especially if it to impress your partner."

She whispered it to herself and just snickered when she sometimes remembers some dense male protagonist in harem anime that always wears plain and casual clothes that hold no impression to their respectful partner.

At the same time, the girls always have to spend their important time looking impressive and beautiful.

'Sometimes I pity the girls who have no choice but to praise their boyfriend who has no sense of fashion like that.'

She shook her head and sighing when thinking of that, but that thought was over when she heard someone's voice and looking at that person. Her lips curled into a smile when seeing the person since she knew who is that and the person also smiled back in return.

"Eleonora-sama, forgive me if I made you waiting so long."

"It's okay. Rather, I think it worth the wait since I've could saw you wear something bold."

Eleonora said that while taking a good look at the current clothes that her partner had. The woman in front of her is wearing a navy blue backless dress that emphasizes her lovely curves like that, which makes Eleonora surprised since she thought that her partner would wear something similar to her usual kimono.

The gorgeous black-haired woman who praised like that then blushed slightly and giggled in response.

"Thank you for the kind words, Eleonora-sama. I just want to wear something different. Glad that you liked it."

Without waiting, Eleonora places her hand on Tio's waist and pulls it over to her, and she can feel the softness of the large breasts of the dragon princess since she is not wearing any bra within the daring and bold dress Tio chose as her dating outfits.

Tio, who feels it, is startled before letting her lover do whatever she wants towards herself. Since she doesn't mind it at all, even if the young bluenette goes as far as to slip her right hand inside the navy blue dress of Tio and to grope her right breasts gently and make her moan for a bit.

It's not like Eleonora's fault for doing that since the dress that Tio wore is really trying to seduce herself into making that attempt. But the black-haired woman didn't stop it; instead, she was enjoying the sexual act from Eleonora. She moans in delight when feeling the gentle grope that goes to her right breasts and not only groping, the young chairman even went so far to twirling Tio's nipples with her fingers slowly to make her aroused even more.

The poor yet blessed dragon princess tried to hold her voice by covering her mouth with her hand as they began to walk and start their date while she felt good from that small act of groping and twirling to her breasts. Her whole body began trembling in excitement as she slowly enjoyed it while trying her best not to let anyone notice it.

Eleonora's finger keeps twirling the nipples she touches and increasing the arousal also the sensitivity of Tio so she will become wet quickly.

She keeps doing that for five minutes, and Tio's nipples become hard.

It's a sign that the black-haired woman becomes horny, and her arousal goes high. But what surprised the young bluenette was that she could hear a faint sound of squirting from Tio when her finger pinches the erect nipples.

Noticing that, Eleonora can't help but shows a smile on her lips before whispering something to her dragon lover.

"Tio-san, how about we go somewhere quiet?"

Tio, who heard that sweet and gentle voice on her ears, just nodded obediently and agreed.

Both of them then find a secluded and quiet place to continue their business. They want to satisfy their lusts, but mainly because Tio cannot hold it anymore since she already squirted from what Eleonora's fingers did to her nipples like that.

It's not taking them long before they find a perfect place for spending their time alone. The place they've found is a small and abandoned building; it almost looks like a ruin of an abandoned church but still has the roof despite having some holes and cracks on it.

But just for safety, Eleonora did the same thing as in her previous date with Shea. What she is casting is a [Barrier], [Concealment], [Soundproof], and [Time Manipulation] spells at the whole abandoned church to manipulate the flow of time so that one second outside the barrier is equal to an hour. She also makes it so no one can't easily break the spells she cast.

When finished doing that, she also uses her [Creation Magic] to create a single king-size bed and let go of the black-haired dragon princess from her arms while getting into the bed. Before lying down, she made a 'come here' gesture with her hands to Tio and told her something.

"Tio-san, come here. Let us enjoy our quality time together. You cannot wait for it anymore, don't you?"

"Eleonora-sama… yes. Please fuck me senselessly, do it so rough and wild."

She said that obediently with an ecstatic look on her face as she began to crawl on the top of the bed and at the top of Eleonora before she positioned herself facing the other ways. Eleonora was facing Tio's butt and crotch while Tio was facing Eleonora's crotch; it's sixty-nine position.

Getting impatient, Tio, who currently went in a trance, then quickly unzip Eleonora's pants and underwear, letting the still flaccid ten-inch dick sticking out in front of her. Her pupil became heart-shaped, and she was drooling over the dick before she began to lick the shaft with her tongue; Eleonora, who is feeling it, winced a bit since that's kind of surprise her because she hadn't even done anything to Tio's wet and sticky pussy.

But because of that, Eleonora tried to get a good look and realized that Tio didn't wear any underwear, which aroused Eleonora even more. At the same time, she began to shove her index finger inside Tio's horny and wet pussy as she started fingering it back and forth at a fast pace since she could feel the warmth of Tio's mouth that currently shove Eleonora's huge and hard glans inside her.

While Tio was servicing the glans with her mouth and tongue and swirling around it, Eleonora also tries to make her partner feel good by fingering the inside of Tio's pussy. Her fingers move so fast, and a bit rough while added up one finger that makes two of them go inside it. Later three fingers go inside the dragon princess' pussy and finger it more wildly.

Tio, who was currently sucking and takes Eleonora's dick inch by inch, began to bob her head faster, and her tongue was also licking the shaft around, so intense and passionate. Both were pleasuring each other at the same pace and trying to make their partners climaxed so hard.

But after doing that for ten minutes, they feel the throbbing on each other genital. Tio can feel the dick inside her mouth swelling up and getting bigger as well; it's about to shoot out the semen, while Eleonora could feel that the horny and wet pussy before her are leaking out more while it's about to squirt so hard.

As they cannot hold each other urges to climax and feeling good, they then climax simultaneously. The pussy that Eleonora keep fingering squirts out the thick and gooey fluids that came from it, while Tio receives a huge amount of semen poured inside her mouth that makes her choking a bit and has no choice but to drank and swallows all of it as it goes down to her throat.

Because she drank the semen from Eleonora's dick, Tio's pussy once again squirts her love juice as her whole body shudders in excitement and enjoyment. Still, the dragon princess somewhat feels unsatisfied and wants to do more than this. That's why she changed her position and made herself face to face with Eleonora right now.

"E-Eleonora-sama… I am sorry, but I cannot wait for it any longer."

Tio said as she begged Eleonora while she rubs her pussy on the shaft of dick that already shoots out the semen inside her mouth and forcing her to drink all of it without spilling any of it from it. She was grinding her drenched and soaked pussy at Eleonora's dick she currently sat on.

Trying to grant that, Eleonora put both arms on Tio's hips and lifted her up easily as if it was nothing. The dragon princess who saw it was amazed and knew what her lover would do; she wouldn't do anything and let the young bluenette take the lead instead.

Since there is no resistance from the black-haired princess, Eleonora gently shoves her fifteen inches erect dick inside her lover's pussy, and it slowly goes inside until the tip of her dick is tearing apart the hymen and allows it to go deeper and further in the pussy.

The moment Eleonora breaks her lover hymen, instead of winced in pain, she feels good from it and wants to feel it more until the glans of Eleonora's dick reaches her womb and makes her widened in surprise when feeling it.

Unlike all the lovers before Tio, the young bluenette not letting her dick quiet and get straight pistoning this soaked pussy thirsty for the futanari semen within it. That's why Eleonora suddenly moved her hips and began to piston her dick inside Tio's pussy and give her a good yet rough pounding that made the dragon princess love it even more.

The black-haired woman moans loudly as if she didn't care about anything except feels good from the sex they just have right now. She also moved her hips, swaying it up and down with the same pace as Eleonora did and trying to pair them together.

What she did makes Eleonora noticed and sped up the pace of her hips movement. Her entire fifteen inches dick is currently sandwiched and sucked dry by the pussy folds of Tio as she was also trying to tighten up her folds to make sure Eleonora feels good from it.

And it won't take a long time for them to feel the vibrations on each genital. Eleonora feels her dick throbbing and is about to rerelease her semen, the same with Tio's pussy, which is about to become soaked even more.

In just five minutes, as they cannot hold it anymore, both are climaxed simultaneously, filled the pussy and womb of Tio with Eleonora's fresh and thick semen that has an incredible amount. It's filled Tio's entire womb in a single shoot and makes her face went into ecstasy because of the sudden and strong thrust that Eleonora did with her dick that hit the dragon princess' womb.

The semen flowing inside Tio won't stop and still going for at least ten minutes before it stops. Noticed that Eleonora pulled out her dick from it and made the remaining amount of semen that cannot be contained by her lover's womb leaking out of it.

Tio, who is enjoying this, has her whole body shuddered in excitement, and the expression she shows is blissful. However, she still has that ahegao face, but nonetheless, the dragon princess feels happy and wants to experience it again.

After taking a break, Tio went normal, and so did her breath as it was not heavily panting again like before.

"That is… really awesome, Tio-san."

The young bluenette claimed and getting approval from the black-haired woman with a smile on her lips.

"Yes, Eleonora-sama. I'm happy that I have my first time and virginity to be taken by you."

She said it romantically, despite their rough sex, since Tio herself loves wild sex rather than gentle. She loves to be treated like that by someone she loves since she is basically a masochist. She went so far as to seduce Eleonora by wearing a daring and bold dress.

Tio really loves the wild and rough sex. She knew that her partner wouldn't be satisfied with only one round because Eleonora's dick still stood hard like steel and wouldn't go down even after shooting so much semen on Tio. She already ejaculated twice, yet she still has her boner.

Seeing this, Tio then asking Eleonora with a seductive smile on her lips.

"Eleonora-sama… how about we go for round two~?"

She said it in a seductive tone while moving away from Eleonora and began to all fours with her butt swaying left and right like that. Eleonora, who saw that, then went smirked and got closer to Tio that wasn't satisfied with only one round, which is the same with her.

"I was about to offer that, but if you said it, then I won't take a no for it. Prepare yourself, Tio-san. I'll make sure you are satisfied and make yourself cannot walk for the time being."

"My, my. That's really promising, Eleonora-sama. I'm looking forward to it."

As Tio saying that with a seductive tone, she yelped when feeling the sudden thrust in her pussy once more by Eleonora's monster dick as it goes inside so well because of how wet and soaked the dragon princess' pussy has since it's capable of taking the entire length of the dick.

The black-haired woman moaned again louder than before. She didn't care if she was being found out by that, although she won't know that they would never be found out by people in the town since they are covered by the spells that Eleonora cast, but the latter just didn't care since the dragon princess want to have rough and wild sex.

She was moving her hips violently and makes both hips slapping each other as her futanari dick went in and out back and forth at a fast pace. Tio's position is doggy style and makes Eleonora's dick deeper than before as it is easy to give the princess a good pounding.

There is an ecstasy look on Tio's face as she feels good each time Eleonora pounds her wet and horny pussy like that. Her tongue was protruding, her eyes rolling, and her face slightly reddened with pure enjoyment from her sex with Eleonora.

Her moans become intensive and lewder each time Eleonora's glans hitting her womb; she even squirted many times because of that and made the bed soaked by her love juice. Her nipples began to lactate, and milk leaking out from there like a fountain. Her large breasts were swaying every time her body shaking because of the violent and wild thrust from Eleonora.

The black-haired princess didn't care about the date anymore and only wanted to feel good from their sex. Eleonora's dick keeps hitting her womb and her weak spot that makes her hornier by every second as her sensitivity drastically rises just from that. It's increased by one hundred times and can easily make her squirting by many times.

Suddenly, Eleonora feels the throbbing sensation from her dick. So is Tio's pussy that has her folds reacted strongly trying to suck in the fifteen-inch dick inside that violating it many times and successfully makes the black-haired woman squirting easily.

"T-Tio-san…! I'm cumming!"

Before Tio answering it, Eleonora put one final solid push from her hips as her huge glans hitting the womb and pouring inside again her thick and rich semen that tasted like ambrosia by her lovers who already tasted that.

Tio's eyes widened, and her ahegao face shown again while her womb reacted to it and letting her wet and soaked pussy gushing out her love juices so much like a water fountain. The dragon princess moans so loud, and it becomes a howl of enjoyment and ecstasy the moment she feels that.

Instead of stopping, Eleonora's dick is still pouring her semen inside the womb that she is currently impregnated. She makes the stomach bulging as if she's really pregnant just because of the crazy amount of semen stored inside it.

She even pinches the nipples that currently lactate and lets milk spraying out like a water hose. But since she feels that Tio's pussy is already full, she quickly pulls out her dick and thrust it inside the anus of the dragon princess and once again shocked her when she was feeling that.

Eleonora's semen was flowing through the anus she occupied for now and filling it completely. At the same time, she also moves her hips and pounds her again, this time in the anal, and gives anal sex as well taken the anal virginity of Tio Klarus from it.

But it didn't take long before Tio went unconscious because Eleonora cumming again and filled the inside of her anus with semen. After that, she went limp and could not move any single bone of her, letting her body fall on the bed while she was panting heavily because of the fatigues that accumulated within her body right now.


Sighing heavily, Eleonora takes out her semen and love juice-covered dick from Tio's anus that is still hard even when she is already cumming three times, and it does not go limp. She then takes a break for a few minutes, takes out mineral water from her [Inventory], and drinks all of it in one go to replenish her energy and stamina to go all out again.

The entire room on this abandoned church reeks of the smell of sex, and it's become so hot that it even makes Eleonora take off her clothes and go nude with her fifteen-inch futanari dick still stood bravely as if there's limitless energy within that thing.

Her whole body also reeks of sweats; the same can be said with the unconscious lying Tio right now. Both are drenched in sweats after that intense and passionate love-making that maybe can be called mating since they were going so rough and wild when they were doing it.

Eleonora's blue eyes looked over her unconscious lover right now and smiled at her.

'That's very intense, and I hope she loves it. Because she is the one who was asking for that. Honestly, I thought that she's faking her masochism, yet she kind of like that since she has that pure ecstatic look on her face when I do it rough and wild.'

She laughed mentally before seeing Tio, who was awake after ten minutes of break. She looked around her, and when she spotted Eleonora, a smile shown on her lips. A genuine and loving smile that actually feels weird despite how things happen just now.

"Eleonora-sama, please forgive me for passed out without saying anything."

"No, no. That's okay, and it's rather weird if you can warn me when you have that unexpected turn of an event like that. There's no way you can tell me that you're about to pass out."

Tio laughed warmly when she heard that before continue to speak.

"Then, how about we continue our love-making for another round, Eleonora-sama?"

This makes Eleonora smile widely and nods her head as she agrees with that kind of suggestion from Tio.

"Okay. I also still want it."

With that, both of them then indulge in rough and wild steamy sex once again for a few rounds before ending it with a big climax. Eleonora goes so far as to make sure Tio goes limp and cannot walk for the time being because her entire body will feel heavy tired.

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P.S: For those who came to read and just comment me that they hate this kind of story, please don't bother to comment about your hate towards this story.

P.P.S: I hope my grammar improved from your knowledge, since I'm not good at judging myself. Also, how are you doing this past two weeks? I hope you are alright and stay healthy!

Also, if anyone interested, I have just created a discord channel. You can join in by clicking this link: https://discord.gg/JPCr3pC2v6

And finally, for indonesian readers who wants to support me through donation, I've already made Saweria's link. Here is it: https://saweria.co/TetekGedeYuri

Eleonora's Date Outfit: https://www.project-imas.com/w/images/0/0c/SC_S_Shirase_Sakuya_SR01.jpg

Tio's Date Outfit: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4159858?q=backless_dress+large_breasts+

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