
Fia, my antidote

deeperdark_ · Teen
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2 Chs

Her Safety

' Kathryn, you should go home now. You should be by her side at this time. Nothing is going to happen to her as long as she's with the locket' Carly told her distraught friend

' We can say that for now. The locket, the locket is keeping her safe but not entirely. She is eighteen now. Her aura will starts to exude and they might come for her.'

' That's something we can stop. We can mask it'

' No! Kathryn said firmly and stood up from the couch

'Carly, you and I both know what's going to happen if we try that. Am not about to seek help from the Chelvers. I won't do it. Carly, they don't even know Fia exist'

" They don't know Fia exist, they don't know we are still here. I I would like to keep it that way. Faringher thinks all of us are dead….."

" He thinks, he doesn't know. I mean Fia is promising and might be more than her mother but Faringher has lived longer. You have to admit, he is very sly and intelligent. What if he knows but has turned a blind eye"

" That would only mean he is waiting for the right time. Which is now' Kathryn said and looked outside the window. She sighed.


Fia and Tanya arrived at the mall. Tanya noticed her friend was behaving different. She looked terrified and kept turning her head to look around

" Are you okay?" Tanya asked worriedly

" No, not really. I'm sure it's just a feeling it will pass' Fia replied with a forced smile of reassurance

" Okay so let's go"

The girls grabbed what they wanted and sat down to eat since they had not eaten anything since morning. Fia checked her phone and realized her mom had still not called or texted.

" Mom has still not texted. Could it be that she has forgotten' Fia asked no one in particular

' I doubt girlfriend. She might still be at the hospital. You know their schedule'

" I know, but this has never happened. I feel like she's hiding something from me and it making me uneasy. Maybe I should ca.....'

Just before Fia could finish her statement someone walked up to them with the biggest smile presenting a huge bouquet of roses and a box which was sealed.

" This is for you Miss Fia. Happy birthday!' The person and smiled

Fia looked taken. She didn't expect any gift from anyone apart from her mom and aunt and yes her bestfriend. She smiled when she realized her mom must have sent it.

She took it and thanked the boy.

" Mom knows I like white roses" Fia said weaving her fingers through the flowers.

" I knew it" Fia squealed when her mom id appeared on her phone screen

" Happy birthday princess. I didn't forget I wanted to put something together for you. You should be on your way home by now' Kathryn said

" I received them. They are beautiful'

" You received them? What did you receive? I have the presents here with me" Kathryn corrected

" Wait, mom. You didn't send the white roses?"

The other line went dead silent

" Mom! Mom! hello...