

What happens when you put the soul of a man who did not give a f*** about anything into the Marvel World? Simple. He is going to teach the villains or anyone who oppose him to not mess with him again.

ULTRAMAN07 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


Daniel POV

It all started when I walk back from my football training, I am on my way back to my house since I am very angry and just think about my Mom homemade food which is very delicious, my steps become faster.

But fate decided to screw me up as suddenly a truck that came out of nowhere crash in front of me.

So by using my Otaku knowledge courtesy of reading manga and watch anime during my free time, I know I had 2 option.

First, let it be. Who knows maybe you can meet some omnipotent being and send you to another world. And there go your Isekai stories.

Or you can follow the second option which is to avoid the truck that is about to hit me.

I got 3 seconds based on my calculation to a decision my decision, but I decided to choose option 2.

Mainly because I did not want to make my family especially my mother sad.

So I jump to my left to avoid the truck. Guess Truck-kun fail this time.

But never I notice that Truck-kun is actually a truck that carries logs and here folks how my life ended with my last point sees about 6 or 7 logs approached me with my vision goes black.

"So had enough explaining your incident to the readers?" An Old Man who looks like Morgan Freeman asked me making me glared at him.

"So you decided to become Deadpool now hug, breaking the 4th Wall casually like that," I told him making him smile.

"It is fun breaking the 4th Wall. No wonder Deadpool like it." He told me making me scoff hearing that.

"So where will you send me to? Highschool DxD?Naruto?MHA?Or One Piece? On second thought send me to DxD to replace that eunuch protagonist. 4 seasons and still no adult actions. " I said to him making him shale his head.

"Sadly for you young man but currently, the anime world is full of reincarnations like you so that means you will not go to anime worlds." He said to me making me smile wryly.

"You are not going to send me to DC right?" I ask him.

If he nods his head, well I just will accept my fate to go to the afterlife.

There is no way I am going to that damn world full of being who can kill you with a flick.

Besides, if somehow, keyword somehow got OP skills, it will be pointless as Mr Darkseid himself is super OP. Plus that Lobo and not to forget the future evil speedster that can create a new timeline by simply running back to the past.

And there are many DC alternate universe which is full of the dark version of DC heroes, I mean look at Injustice Superman, he almost conquered the whole world.

Besides, we have got Mr Batman who is unkillable if I had to say. I mean how the fuck he can fight with many Overpowered beings without getting himself killed.

Oh right. Because of his intelligent mind. When I search for the most Batman suit, imagined my surprised he has a suit that consists powers of Justice League members.

Damn, even Iron Man can no create that suit. And also we have Justice-Buster which thrash the Justice League members.

Plus Batman, a pure human defeated Superman, the godlike being alien.

Enough with Batman, let's now talk about the most popular hero, Superman, an alien which is known as Kryptonian who is like a solar absorbing battery which grants him super strength that can punch through space and time, the super speed that made him faster as The Flash, flight, super durability that made exceptional weapons hurt him unless it is Kryptonite, heat vision which can just kill the enemies, X-Ray vision, telekinesis, and lastly the high charisma that can make people feel comfortable around him.

Many people like him due to his heroic action though I cannot say about the Injustice Version.

I mean this freaking alien can lift the weight that is the same heavy or perhaps a little more than Earth. I mean how the fucking Batman, a man who merely can lift his own car with his skeleton at our beat this Super strong alien.

Simple. Comic books miracle bullshit.

But as Marvel has Thanos who is OP as hell with the Infinity Gauntlet, DC has Darkseid. Basically, he is a bit like Thanos but ten times stronger than him.

Stronger than Superman himself defeated Justice League many times, conquered many different kinds of the universe and most of all, cannot die. I mean how many times he comes back to fight Superman with that scary soldier he had.

Darkseid is simply to say, a villain which can consider as a cheater in this comics.

And not to forget Doomsday. Damn, no words can be described for this monster since this monster has beaten Darkseid and Superman.

Watching the Deathbattle between Hulk and Doomsday made me realised how strong the villains of DC.

The Hulk who is considered is the strongest hero in the Marvel lose against him even after uses that World Breaker Mode.

Plus that Doomsday killed Superman many times so yeah, I will definitely go there. I did not want my time to be interrupted by Doomsday who will keep chasing me to kill me.

Lastly, DC has a hero which I liked and envious. Who is that hero? That hero name is SHAZAM. A man child hero. I mean you give a 10 years old boy with the power of gods.

Damn, why don't you give Morgan Stark the Infinity Gauntlet to save the day then?

"You know, I am here you know listening to you your rambling about for 100 years." Morgan Freeman told me while sipping his tea. Wait a minute!100 years. Damn who knew time passes so much faster in this dimension.

"Anyway, you will be going to the Marvel world." He told me making me widened my eyes before I shouted in joy.

"Hooray!Marvel World!" I jumped happily feeling happy that I will go to that world.

"You seemed to be excited to go to that world." He said to me.

"Of course after all this world is not very dark and did not have Darkseid in it," I informed him.

"Hmm. Acceptable reason. Now, I wanted you to do one last thing before you go there. Hiiii u see this box." He then shoved a box in front of me.

"I wanted you to pick a ball in it. That ball will make you have a Game system, Rinnegan, Boosted Gear, Devil Fruit, Omnitrix, Batarang, White Lantern Ring or Speed Force. Of course, there are characters inheritance. " He said to me and I closed my eyes praying I will get something that will make me very strong in the Marvel world.

I put my hand into the box and pick a ball. I then pull out the ball only to see a letter I the ball.

"D-d-Darkseid!?" I said while Morgan Freeman snatches the ball away from me.

"Holy Batman. Who the heck put this ball in my box?" He said while now inspecting the ball while sighing.

"It seems now you will become Darkseid." He said and that sentence made me faint.

But then a hit on my head wakes me up.

"Oh. Say, I have this did dream that you said that I will become Darkseid. It is not true right?" I ask him but he just wryly smiled.

A grin appeared before I cheered loudly surprising Morgan Freeman.

"Wait for me Thanos and Infinity Stones, I am so going to beat you up like in the Deathbattle," I exclaimed loudly before calm down my self.

"So have you calmed down?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

"Good. So when I say you will become Darkseid, it meant you will have his inheritance which means you will all his abilities and powers but you have to train them from scratch." He told me making me sigh in relief. At least I will not have an appearance like Darkseid.

"But you must remember this, Darkseid's personality will slowly affect your own personality." Morgan Freeman told me making me gulp down my throat.

But on the second thought, it is not bad as Darkseid's personality in that Marvel world full of spies and some leader of a secret organisation who wanted me to work with them will scare them off.

"Wait. What if someone clones me?" I ask him. I mean if someone managed to get a hold of my blood, they will be able to make many clones of me. Take Spider-man for example, he already had many clones running around in that world.

"No. nope. Even though they managed to clone you, the clones will not be able to get all your strength. They will only get super strength but will be lower than yours. " He told me asking me to sigh in relief.

I did not want many armies of me(Darkseid) running around in that world freely.

"Okay. Now you will go to that world but remember this important thing when you go to that world and your power has matured, you will be recognised as a New God, and at that point, you will be able to become Darkseid completely or rather should I say God Of Evil. I will not interfere with your matters in that world. You want to rule that world or destiny that universe, I did not care. My job here is done." He said to me.

"Wait a minute. Before you go. When I got Darkseid's inheritance, will I get his suit and Mother Box?" I ask him and he nodded his head.

"Yes. You will get both items when you got reincarnated into that world. Have fun in that new world Darkseid. Oh, and please kill Deadpool if you see he is breaking the Fourth Wall okay? Only I can do that." Morgan Freeman then kicks me into a portal which made me angry and tried to show him my glorious middle finger but I already got sucked deeper into the portal.