
FGO: Parallel chaos

The ordinary FGO player became the master of Chaldea. What can he do in this chaotic world that doesn't go according to the plot?

Gigai · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 18. In search of the Goddess

Going inside the tower, Victor and his group saw a lot of adventurers. Someone wants to find out information about the floors of the dungeon and others want to find out which family they can get into. After all, without a family and a god who heads the family, an adventurer can safely leave the city.

After walking a little further, the group moved to the place where the managers and guild workers were sitting. They are mainly responsible for processing information and warning adventurers about changes in the dungeon.

The group approached the nearest employee who was sitting and sorting through various papers. This one was an elf with glasses and short hair.

Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, she turned to the group. When she saw Victor and the others, she was a little surprised by such a composition.

Eina is the name of this elf, I've never seen similar people before. At first glance, it was clear that they were seasoned fighters, but the fact that she had never seen them amazed Eina even more.

But Eina quickly came to her senses and asked the arriving group: "Welcome to the guild! May I ask what you need our help with?"

Victor, as the leader of the group, began a dialogue.

- "Hello. My group and I came to find out if there are any new families that have been created recently? We want to join them," Victor looked at Eina and sighed.

This elf could be said to have felt love for Bell. After all, she is one of the few mortals who still doubted the altered memories brought by Freya.

Eina did not ask unnecessary questions to Victor's group and began to search for information. After 5 minutes, she returned with several papers.

"I'm sorry, but no new families have been created during this year. I have chosen more or less suitable families for you" - Eina handed the paper to Victor, who in turn looked at the paper.

After seeing a small list of families, Victor realized that at the moment Hestia's family does not exist. Yes, Victor, though cliched, decided to join Hestia's family.

Victor himself has read a lot of various fanfiction about where everyone joins the Loki family or the Hephaestus family and the fact that choosing Hestia's family is rather stupid and unreasonable because this Goddess is poor in the initial stages of the plot and can do practically nothing to help.

And naturally, all these "travelers" have a super imb system that allows them to develop very quickly.

But they all ignored Freya, who can simply rewrite your memory by seducing you. And the only god who could resist Freya's brainwashing is Hestia.

After that, she was able to help Bell get out of Freya's family.

Although Victor has a passive skill that gives immunity to various mental effects, but other servants do not have it.

Simply put, Freya can brainwash all of Victor's servants. Victor was thinking about it and only one thought came to his mind, namely the mystical Atlas code that cleanses all negative states.

But Victor has not yet been able to see the missions to unlock it.

Finally breaking away from his thoughts, Victor rephrased his question.

"Can you find out if new gods have descended into this city?"

Eina had questions again, but since she is not very familiar with Victor, she could not ask them. After searching for information again, she returned to Victor.

- "Recently, one god descended from heaven, namely a week ago. She told us that she would be staying with the god Hephaestus"

After hearing Eina's words, Victor realized that the plot had not yet begun and Hestia had just descended to this city and at the moment she was "parasitizing" on Hephaestus.

So this is a great chance to join her and be her first family member. As everyone knows, due to the fact that no one wanted to join her family for almost six months, Hestia began to appreciate Bella very much. But so far a week has passed and perhaps there will be no such effect, but Victor decided to hurry up. Something tells him if he doesn't join her family now, he'll never be able to join her again.

- "Thank you for your help. When I return, I will repay you for your service!" Victor said and ran out of the guild. His servants followed him.

Eina looked in surprise at Victor's retreating back and smiled. It seems to her that this person will achieve a lot.


Victor naturally first found out the way to the forge of Hephaestus and went straight there.

- "Senpai! Can you tell me the reason why we should join the Hestia family? Mash asked with a slightly confused expression on her face.

The other servants were also curious to hear about it.

On the way to Hephaestus, Victor told about his reasons for joining the Hestia family.

- "Hmm. It turns out that she can fall in love with all reasonable people and gods and also rewrite their memory. And Hestia is immune to it. Quite a logical choice. But I still need to develop something to counter this" - Da Vinci, after hearing Victor, decided to immediately build a machine that can eliminate the effects of the memory census. And what to do with the seduction of Da Vinci does not know what to do yet, but the main thing is not to let everyone present change their memory

Lancelot immediately remembered how he fell in love with Guinevere, which caused chaos in Camelot.

Ozymandias treated this news with contempt. Who but his people and his queen can deserve his love?

Lancer Cu and Caster Cu remembered how one queen fell in love with them, who then chased them almost all their lives and they shuddered.

Cu Alter didn't care about anything.

The rest of the servants were thinking how to help Da Vinci in creating her invention.

"So let's continue our journey! Just about the materials for Da Vinci, we can turn to Hephaestus," said Victor and they continued on their way.