
FGO: Imperfectus Stella

I've always wonder about my lot in life. Someone special? Am I really worth something? The things that I do, does it really matter in the end? At least, those were my most secret thoughts. And yet, as I gazed at those brilliant stars embraced by the endless cosmos... "Who cares? As long as I am me, I will remain true to myself. Shining far beyond those stars as I reach for my ideals with these imperfect hands of mine." ________________________________________________________________ td;lr A self-indulgent wish fantasy story about a very much imperfect and human self-insert of yours truly into FGO first and then trying to be a better person as he travels the anime multiverse with his steadily growing harem. MC is not a smart person, nor is he even guaranteed to be likeable. He's human, with all the flaws that come with being one and the burdens of having low-self esteem. He's OP and has a harem that ties to his growth. DO NOT EXPECT: - Smart usage of powers - Smart plans - Quality writing(lol) - Accurate depictions of characters - Strict following of rules for powers DISCLAIMER: - I literally don't care about proper writing or have an actual plan so I have no clue what I am doing or the future of this fanfic. - I write when I want to because life sucks and I hate it. The only reason this is on WebNovel is because the writing quality standard is lower than any other fanfic website and the audience generally has lower standards for these fics kek. - I don't own anything, I mean I am writing a fanfic, what do you want me to say? Anything depicted in this fanfic belongs to whoever created it, I am just using their brilliant work as a canvas for my crap story.

Krowe · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

O' stars, my princess offered a starlit vow

"Wake up."

I snapped my eyes open as a voice resounded in my head.

Total darkness blanketed my vision as my eyes steadily adjusted, and my head helped none as it continued to pound with a killer headache. Blinking several more times, I finally managed to make out the fact that I am on a solid surface that was neither soft nor hard. Looking around made me realise that it is in fact really dark and not just a byproduct of my vision. Everywhere was covered a thin veil of something black, almost like the night, which means I couldn't see anything further from my point of view.

What happened? I remembered getting hit and bleeding out, but I... well, I didn't really expect anything. I was an atheist, after all, and though I do keep my mind open for supernatural stuff, it was more out of my escapism fantasies.

Wait... is this an isekai thing? Does that actually exist? My hands trembled and I couldn't stop the small smile that broke out on my face. How many times have I fantasized about this? That life-changing journey, that main character's story and let's not forget about the harem! Man, please don't let this be some kind of before-death dream or else I'd really be crushed.

"Don't worry, you are not dreaming this up."

A gentle voice rang out once more. Though it was decidedly more feminine the last time they spoke, I knew it was the same voice that woke me up.

"Um, hello? Who am I speaking to?"

Even if I am an atheist, I'd gladly throw that out of the window if this is a R.O.B. coming to grant me my wishes. Who'd be dumb enough to stick to their beliefs in a situation like this? Besides, this is my biggest wet dream right here, so no way am I being stubborn and losing this chance.

"Fufu, you don't need to worry about missing out on this. It's your reward, after all."

The voice rang out again, and it seemed like she could read my thoughts. How intrusive.

"How rude, it's not like I can turn off my godly powers." She said in response.

"Right, sorry. So um, can you reveal yourself? Talking in the dark with a voice in my head is something I've had enough experience in. It'd be nice to put a face to the voice, y'know?" I replied, perhaps a bit more sarcastic than I intended.

"Ah, sorry about that, I was just waiting for you to acclimate to your current situation. It's not everyday someone gets a special chance like you after all!" She cheerfully replied, seemingly not bothered by my unintended snark.

"If you could, please close your eyes, this might be a little bit blinding." She warned.

Alright, guess she must have some kind of godly entrance thing that makes mere mortals blind with divinity or something. I complied and closed my eyes, and not a second later a bright light can be seen through my eyelids. She wasn't really exaggerating, even when I had my eyes closed, it was still somewhat disorienting. Like watching a lightshow behind a curtain that does not really hide anything.

"You can open your eyes now, and I heard that you know? It's nothing like a divine entrance or whatever, I was just worried for you." She gently said, though I can hear the smile behind it.

I cracked a lopsided grin as I slowly opened my eyes. And whatever I wanted to say next was lost as I bear witness to one of the most beautiful things I've ever laid my eyes on, perhaps even the most beautiful wouldn't be a lie.

A mesmerizing night sky spread out across my vision, reaching to limitless ends. Filled with shining stars and sparkling astral bodies, it was like the sky I saw before my death though infinitely more beautiful. It was nothing short of amazement that I let myself go and just stared. I've always found stars comforting, on those nights where I couldn't take it anymore and had to sit in silence, looking at the stars in the night sky.

What a coincidence that what I saw before I died was the same view, and now I am blessed with something even more beautiful, how could I not gape with wonder?

Feeling something warm on my cheeks, I realised I had started crying. It was liberating, really, to finally cry. It's been such a long time since I bothered caring to the point of letting out tears, most of it already dried out in my childhood, after all. Though I instinctively tried to wipe away my tears, my eyes let out more in response. I was full on weeping at this point, but I couldn't help it.

I mean, how could you not? My life was a monochrome of habit, moving with no purpose nor passion. When I am greeted with something this beautiful, this colourful... I can't help but let it go.

Blurred by tears, I saw something white in the corner of my vision. Before I even registered it, I felt a pair of soft hands take hold of my body, embracing my weeping self. It was gentle and comforting, yet it was so full of warmth that I lost so long ago. Instead of stopping from embarrassment or surprise, I surprisingly kept crying, holding on to those thin hands that seemed so much bigger.

And as I cried, I felt those arms coiling tighter, as it too shook with grief


It was much later that I was finally able to stop, finally running out regrets to cry about.

It would be a lie to say that I wasn't a bit embarrassed at crying but the feeling of freedom and relief that is coursing through me overwhelmed such thoughts. I felt a sense of peace that I lost a long time ago, I had almost forgotten how refreshing it felt.

Cleaning up my face with my hands, I finally turned around to face whoever comforted me. And once again, I was greeted with yet another divine masterpiece.

The person, no, the girl before me was simply beautiful, divine even. Her beauty was one that made my selfish heart skip a beat, and I could say with confidence that she is the most beautiful female I've ever laid eyes upon.

Upper-thigh length pure snow white curtain that had light blue tips near the ends decorated an innocent and naive looking face, decorated with a gentle smile that seemed to fit just right. Clear blue orbs that seem to be able to see through your soul with just a gaze, giving constant gentle reassurance yet seemed to be so wise and beyond my comprehension. Though it was slightly red and teary, it only gave her a much more ethereal beauty.

The white-haired girl had a golden decoration that seemed to hang in front of her front bangs, and it had wings-like design and three teardrops that covered a light blue gem. Behind her hair, she also had the same style of decoration that curved upwards and gave the impression of a halo. She wore a relatively modest outfit that was white on the outside and black on the inside, with dull golden metal pieces that covered her shoulders and hip. The same colour is used for trims that outline her outfit and she wore baggy long sleeves that are open from the top.

The top part of the dress closes into a collar that covers up to a part of her neck, with a diamond-shaped blue gem that was adorned with wings decoration embedded into the front of her modest chest that was neither too big nor too small. Finishing off her dress was a frilly skirt that connected to the upper part of the outfit and black stockings covered by a white slip in the middle of the two legs that also came from her white dress.

To say that I was speechless would be an understatement. I was gobsmacked, no, mesmerized as she graced with that smile of hers, making it feel like everything will be alright. She looked like the perfect conversion of an anime character into real life.

"You don't have to stare too much, it's a little bit embarrassing. And, thank you... for the... um... compliments." She said as her face turned a little bit red.

Realising I was being rude, I wiped away the last remnants of my tears and took a deep breath to calm myself. Beautiful as she is, I can assume that she was the voice in the beginning and she's the one responsible for guiding me through my reincarnation.

"Sorry, it's just. Well..." I was still amazed and admittedly a bit overwhelmed but fuck it, I am dead and I am getting a new life, might as well speak whatever I have on my mind.

"You're the single most beautiful person I've ever seen." She widened her eyes and her mouth formed an o shape which made for a very adorable expression.

"Right, sorry, anyways. Just wanted to let you know." Even if she kinda already knew from reading my mind, whatever. "So, am I being reincarnated?"

"Eh? Oh, um, yes!" She snapped out of her embarrassment and let out a cute fake cough. "I'll be honest, you have been chosen as the next Astral God."

"Astral God? I mean, sounds cool and all but, like god of the stars? Huh, I thought I was being reincarnated?" I asked with a confused face.

"Yes and no, you are being reincarnated but you will be a God at the same time." She said seriously.

"Think of it as being an avatar. You'll become a new person with all your previous memories, but at the same time, you are connected to the Astral God's domain of [Star] and [Cosmos]. You'll basically be a living God." She explained.

I get it, so I am some kind of humanised deity that's walking among the living? Is that allowed?

Reading my thoughts, she smiled before nodding, "Yes, but that's only because we are the higher Gods of reality."

"What do you mean by higher Gods? I thought it was just something like one God or pantheon for each world or something?" I asked.

"Higher Gods mean that we are above the divinity of each world in the multiverse." She simply stated.

...The implications of that are a bit worrying.

"So why was I chosen? I assume that means I can do whatever I want in the world I am reincarnating to? Seriously, I am just some random dude." I asked worriedly.

She laughed, and god that laugh is just as beautiful as her, and said, "You weren't chosen randomly, you know." I raised an eyebrow but let her continue. "The Akashic Records itself chose you as its administrator!" She said.

I can feel my mind exploding, the Akashic Records? Wasn't that the archive of reality, containing records of anything that ever existed? And it chose me to be its master, essentially?

"How does it know I won't abuse it?" I can't help but blurt out.

"Do you really think that an all-knowing archive would choose someone that would threaten reality as its master?" She said with amusement. "In fact, I was chosen by it as well to become what I am now. It's kinda like Caliburn, the sword of selection. It knows who is the best for each role so none of us ever really questioned it. Besides, there has been no trouble from its choices so who cares, really." She giggled.

"Anyways, moving on, you can choose the world that you go to but remember, it will always be your homeworld. And yes, that means you can travel to other worlds." She smiled and answered my unasked question.

"By worlds, do you mean anime worlds? Like, every anime ever actually existed? Wait, is that why you are so good looking?" I asked.

"Yes, anime worlds are considered as separate records in the Akashic Records so you can just jump from one to the other. And yup! Anime was meant to be the perfect vision of human beauty, after all. People might laugh at it but anime really does make everyone look good, or at least decent looking. Aside from the minor villains, I guess." She let out an amused laugh.

"Huh, do I look good then?" I nervously asked, I wasn't attractive-looking but at least I wasn't bad-looking so maybe being anime-like made me decent looking, at least, I hope so.

"Why don't you have a look?" She merely smiled and conjured a body mirror with a wave of her hands.

What greeted me was possibly the most handsome man I've ever seen. If the person I am talking to was the most beautiful woman then this certainly takes the top spot for the most handsome man.

A model-like face that can only be said as sharp masculinity, yet is also feminine enough to not make the face seem like it belonged to a brute. A perfect combination of masculinity and beauty, basically.

Ash-like white hair protruded atop the face, forming a somewhat spiky hairstyle with the bang swept to the right. Various strands of hair stick out as it frames the face, and yet it did not look wild or messy. In fact, it complemented the already-perfect face and heightened it to a new level of sexiness I never knew a man could have. I even have a low ponytail that trails down to my mid-back that perfectly fit with my image. Overall, it gave an elegant and dashing prince-like look that I would've envied... if not for the fact that I am facing a mirror and the handsome man moved with my movements.

Not only that, my body(which is covered by a white shirt and pants, thankfully) was of a warrior's build. After taking off the white shirt, I could tell that it was basically a body of a swimmer taken to the highest level, with broad shoulders yet lithe body that seemed like it was forged from battles rather than sports or any weight-lifting. I wasn't a mass of muscle but a compact engine of energy, as each movement made it seem like I was modelling for becoming the next Adonis. A body rippling with compact and tight muscles yet was lithe and elegant... I have never been fit and was a bit chubby but I wasn't exactly fat or overweight so with a body this light and powerful, even when I am just idling about, I can't help but feel a bit of disbelief.

Oh, and though I couldn't check as I have an audience, I could tell that my, ahem, third leg was a lot bigger than before. With each movement, I could somewhat tell its size and shape with the slightly tight pants. I think it's something that can be considered as perfect as it wasn't too long like a monstrosity nor was it lacking. Though I am not exactly an expert on male genitalia, so I can't really say I am correct.

"How is this possible...?" I mumbled. I mean, being an anime bishounen is one thing, but this is just too perfect. Practically the height of male beauty, in my humble opinion.

"Because you are a God, and the administrator of basically the whole existence." My audience said as the body mirror disappeared. "I think it had something to do with Akasha refining our souls which brought out our innate beauty… or something like that, none of us really know why it's necessary but who cares if we look good?" She said.

Yeah, she's right. Now that Adrian is dead and I am being reborn, who cares if I look different and even better than before?

"Anyways, back to the point. You are the new Astral God, so basically, the God of [Star] and [Cosmos] so any world that worships or looks up to said things will empower you." She explained.

I didn't really have any questions and since this concerns my duty as a god, I might as well pay close attention.

"Let's start from the beginning though. You are basically the Recordkeeper of the Akashic Records, the administrator of reality. You are also the Astral God, chosen by Akasha itself, just like the rest of us Gods. Though you are special because only the Astral God can be the administrator. There's more of us Gods but we are based on different records and only really interact with the occasional meetings and gatherings we host when we get bored or if there's an issue. We are considered as higher beings considering we are guardians of Akasha itself so any of the 'gods' in each anime world are more like 'a frog in the well' kinda thing." She took a breath before looking startled as she smiled sheepishly. "I nearly forgot! My name is Alyshia, and I am the Goddess of Souls. I am responsible for souls and the likes, that's why I am responsible for explaining these things to you."

I nodded, it made sense, they wouldn't send a Sea God or something to talk about my soul.

"Anyways, you don't have to worry about this as you are still new so just join us when you feel ready, yeah? Feel free to go have a multiverse journey and gather a harem or whatever, all of us Gods did that after all. The Akashic Records will do your work automatically until it senses that you are ready so don't worry about being an administrator when you are off enjoying your second life." She said.

So I don't have to worry about my duties and can just enjoy my new life? Sweet.

"That's all for now, to be honest. The world you go to will be your homeworld and it will permanently be recorded into the Akashic Records as the domain of the Astral God so it will never disappear and is a special case compared to its parallel reality counterparts." Alyshia explained.

"The starter pack for newbies Gods like you is five wishes that Akasha will bend the rules for, so don't worry about anything ridiculous. Nothing harmful to reality itself though, in case it's not obvious." Alyshia warned me with a cute pout.

I see, five wishes, huh? I mean, I am not really an evil dude or someone who lives for chaos or whatever. I might be a selfish person but I wanna be a hero and do some good so I am not gonna burden Akasha with that. But this is easy, I've been thinking about this my whole life so let's make the best of it.

"First, I want to set the Nasuverse as my domain and homeworld, specifically the Grand Order timeline." I said.

"Yup and... done. Though you are a Fate fan, huh? Not surprising, considering many of us chose the same." Alyshia cheerfully gossiped.

"Yeah it's my favorite anime franchise after all. Anyways, my first wish correlates with the world itself. I want my authority as the Admin of Akasha as the Fourth Magic, nicknamed as Recordkeeper." I tested, if this works then I am basically invincible.

"Done! Though I have to warn you that there's a limit. You can change anything but the limit's on you because it's your homeworld so if you mess it up then that's your responsibility. You can't delete important characters though, essential characters that are important to that world's 'Fate', which is the story, can't be removed or it'll cause a lapse in reality and might collapse Akasha itself. Your power will let you know what you can or can't do so don't worry about making mistakes. Other than that, you can add in new records but try to not to go overboard." Alyshia said.

Fair, if I can do anything I want like removing essential villains then it'd be like removing an essential page in a book. Besides, I understand the need for the characters to grow through adversity, hell I am a big fan of such things so I wouldn't bother.

"Okay, ah but first, what can I do and what can't I do? Like, can I bring other characters into another world? And do my powers as a God adapt to the world?" I wanted clarifications so I can at least make some smart wishes.

"Ah, smart questions! Aren't you a cautious person!" Alyshia teased me. I can't help but scratch the back of my head in embarrassment. I just wanted to be careful, you know? "Anyways, yes, you can bring characters to another world. Many of us Gods have their own entourage after all. As for your powers, Akasha will adjust your state of being accordingly to your homeworld. So that means that because you chose Nasuverse, your Origin and Element would be [Star] or alternatively, [True Ether] as [Cosmos] is basically the same thing and you are well, a God." She took a deep breath.

"Furthermore, you'll technically be a phantasmal elemental and you will have a Magic Core with your body being made of astral energy, which means you can't really die as long as the concept of [Star] and [Space] exist." She patiently continued.

"The state of your powers might be influenced a little by other worlds as they adapt to your presence but you will generally have your Nasuverse loadout. Don't worry too much, being an admin of Akasha means that you have the superiority so you'll only get benefits!" Alyshia assured me.

Alright, so I don't need to wish for my powers as my status automatically makes sure it works. Then I'll just wish for additional powers.

"Then my second wish is to have Perfect Observation or Migeika from the anime Katanagatari. Make it so that it affects magic and concepts as well rather than only sword skills and ninjutsu." A relatively simple power but it really is OP, perfect for fighting or learning anything new from other records.

"Wow, you are going for the OP stuff! Katanagatari, though, you sure know your anime! Anyways, it's done. It'll activate once you get reborn since activating it here would cause your death." Alyshia said nonchalantly.

"Wait, wait, wait, why? What is this place? If I learn anything from it, I'll die?" I hurriedly asked.

"No, well. It's your soul. If you learn more from your soul and perfect it, then it'll just be a cycle of your soul being refined forever." Alyshia explained.

Ah, that makes sense. I guess, even as a God the concept of [Perfect] doesn't exist. Still, my soul, huh? I am not sure I am a good enough person that my soul is this beautiful night sky.

"Alright, my third wish is to have a godly talent for the sword. Like, a heaven-sent innate talent kind of thing. As long as it's a fighting style that concerns swords then I'll be able to learn, perfect and execute it just like a genius." I can't really describe it better than I just want to be amazing at swordplay. Swords are the classic coolest thing after all. I don't really need Unlimited Blade Works or Gate of Babylon considering I can just manipulate my astral energy to do the same thing with even better results. I mean, blades made from the energy of the stars and being fired with no exhaustion or mana cost is definitely way more OP.

"Swords, huh? Boys will always be boys I guess. Done!" Alyshia does a fake exasperated sigh before reverting back to being cheerful. How is the Goddess of Souls this cheerful?

Anyways, I already made up my mind for my fourth and fifth wish. They worked in conjunction after all, this is the first step to becoming a better person. I sincerely believe if I had something like this in my life, I would've had a better life.

"My fourth wish is to have Mylene Rafa Holfort from MobuSeka as my life-long companion." I said seriously.

A person to share my burdens with, to share how I feel, to have someone that can understand me. I wish to have someone who is understanding of my flaws and encourage me to be better. In return, I'll strive to be the best just for them. Aside from wanting to do good as a hero, this is all I ever wanted.

"Mylene...? Wow, I don't even know who that is! You really are a connoisseur of all things anime!" Alyshis exclaimed. "I can do that, though what do you mean by life-long companion?" She asked, puzzled by my request.

"I thought you could read my mind?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Ah that went away as soon as you accepted being the Astral God, you are the same being as I am after all, and we can't really read each other's thoughts unless you allow me to." Alyshia explained.

"Ah, all right. Anyways by life-long companion, I mean that she'll be integrated as part of my existence in the Akashic Records. She'll be brought here, given all the information about Akasha and my existence. She'll also be given knowledge of her counterparts in the canon story and of her existence as an anime character from our world. It's something like the contract between Lu and Ciel from the game Elsword. We won't share a body like them but we can read each other's minds and feel the emotions the other is feeling. Our existence is linked together like that. And, don't worry about convincing her, I'll do it myself." I clarified. In the end, if I can't persuade her to come with me then I won't. I am not a fan of brainwashing or making it so that people are loyal to me through some kind of bullshit. I want to genuinely make people befriend me and be someone that they can look up to.

Mylene is a genuinely good person who is kind and gentle, she is also cute and adorable who can be clumsy. Yet she also can be serious, and isn't a naive and sheltered girl. I want someone I can be comforted by and be reliable for at the same time, and someone like Mylene is just perfect. I just hope she'll agree.

"Ah, you really thought this through, huh?" Alyshia said softly. "I don't blame you, considering your life."

"My life?" I raised my eyebrow. Did she watch me?

"Since Akasha chose a new God, we were all curious, y'know? It's like a rite of passage, really. Considering we are eternal co-workers, it'd be nice to know about any new additions." Alyshia said bashfully, aware of how intrusive the action is.

"I see, thank you for your understanding then." I didn't really mind, I wanted people to understand me, after all. If they can know my flaws and still accept me then all the better. Though I suppose a normal person would be creeped out or angry at their life being spied at but I genuinely have nothing worth caring about so it doesn't matter.

"Anyways, please include my final wish as well. If Mylene agrees, I want for her to be able to choose her powers as well. Akasha should make her something like a minor God that's my vice-assistant. Of course, it's up to Mylene if she wants to be more though." I stated my last wish. If I want Mylene with me, she should be able to defend herself. Magic in MobuSeka is just generic fantasy spells after all, and Nasuverse has too many things that can kill someone weak.

"Okay~! If that's your wish then here we go! I hope you have a better life this time." Alyshia easily agrees, softly said to me in a comforting tone as she starts to disappear as well.

"Wait, where are you going?" I questioned in a panic.

"Don't worry, you'll see me again. I am technically done with your initiation after all, treat this as me giving you some time alone with Mylene! Once you are ready, Akasha will automatically initiate the reincarnation process. Have fun with your journey!" Alyshia cheerfully exclaimed and disappeared before I could retort.

Just as she disappeared, another shining light appeared right behind me.


Mylene P.O.V.

As I opened my eyes, I was greeted with a beautiful world.

Stars upon stars flicker in and out as they litter across the sparkling night sky, as the shining star intertwine and mingle.

I gazed at the divine skyscape in a daze, as I've never been able to see such a wondrous sight even in my kingdom.

"Excuse me?"

I turned around and could feel my jaw drop at the gorgeous man in front of me, though I tried my best to hide my astonishment in an attempt to be proper. Who could blame me, though? As the boy was easily one of the most handsome men I've ever seen. I could feel my cheeks reddening at the sight, and oh how I curse it! I am definitely not checking him out, no way!

"Woah..." The boy looked shocked and honestly it just made him seem even more handsome. How unfair, he was even more beautiful than me! Wait, no calm down Mylene. He must've been shocked at my improper conduct, oh now my queenly dignity is in shambles...

"Mylene, you really are beautiful." His boyish yet mature voice rang out. I feel my cheeks erupted in heat as my heart sped up from a simple compliment. Oh my, how could I be so easily flustered... but he called me beautiful! No woman would be able to withstand it, let alone me!

"A-ah, yes... um, thank you..." I mumbled out. I tried to thank him but all that came out was a response of a girl in love. Honestly, it's been such a long time since I've felt this giddy, a single compliment from a dashing young man was enough to send me to wonderland. My husband much preferred messing around with the younger girls and I have never felt that spark of love of our youth after we had our son.

It was like a lie but I knew it was because of my own selfishness of wanting to experience youthful love once more. Being a Queen doesn't allow you such privileges, after all, and my husband was the King, he was far too busy with politics and the likes. I tried my best to help and remain faithful but sometimes I wish I was a young girl once again, dreaming of a dashing prince to come for my hands.

And it really did happen! Imagine my surprise when I was suddenly surrounded by a magic circle of unknown origins in the middle of my room. I remained calm thanks to my education as a Queen but I was panicking internally. We had an uneasy relationship with the neighbouring Kingdom after all, and I could've been kidnapped to be used as a hostage.

Fortunately, before I could panic any further, I was slammed with loads of information. It wasn't a headache-inducing experience like those mental magic but like a gentle touch. Suddenly, I was aware of things I never knew could it exist. It was like I already had this knowledge all my life! Other parallel realities? Stories of heroes? Multiverse!? It was like a whole new world opened in front of me as information of other worlds, other records, was shown in front of me. Like I was a student learning about the world once again. I even learned of my other parallel counterparts becoming involved with the story of someone named 'Leon'.

Then came the rather depressing story of who was responsible for this. I experienced it myself like I was there. Every emotion, every thought, everything was broadcasted and ingrained into me. The depressing burdens weighing on my back far heavier than my duties as Queen. The monochrome of everyday life, and the joyless existence that was Adrian. My heart broke and trembled every time he had a near-mental breakdown. My mind was distressed every time he cried as he lamented his life. And when his death came, I could no longer hold back my metaphorical tears.

I was informed(told?) once again in my mind that this was the life of the one who wishes for me to accompany him to these wondrous worlds. He wanted me to know about his past and laid his life bare so that I am informed before I can make my decision.

Really, what is this? Of course, I would say yes! Not only do I get to go on an adventure like those heroes I admired in my youth, regardless if they are fairy tales or not, I get to do it with such a kind and hard-working prince-like man. Does he think that I would hate him for his past? Though I understood his worries and hatred towards his own uselessness, I can not allow him to dwell in a delusion caused by the unfairness of life.

Though I find myself worried about my Kingdom, I oddly couldn't care less. I loved working for the people and loved seeing their smiles in gratitude but my life was dull, no one could see past the Queen and see the person known as Mylene anymore. The only person who could was far too busy indulging in his own interests. I can't blame him but I too want to be selfish, you know! To be a heroine in a fairy tale!

As for my supposed fate being intertwined with this 'Leon' person, though it looked like fun and that boy seemed like a constant source of amusement, I much prefer being the main heroine as opposed to being sidelined after being proposed to, that's too much for my maidenly heart, you know!?

That's why, as I snapped out of my flustered state, I gazed determinedly towards the man formerly known as Adrian and marched up to him.

No more regrets, no more sadness, no more hesitations! If he had chosen the girl known as Mylene and extended his hands towards this girl in the hopes of someone to stand by him then I shall put my full trust in him! Even if the world is against us, even if we fight with each other, I will always be there for him! A new beginning for the both of us, no more stalling, full steam ahead!

And that's why! As I strode up to him, I gently took hold of his face and leaned in. Our lips touched and though I felt his initial hesitation, he slowly held my waist as he leaned in.

With this, I can no longer go back and the pact is sealed. With this, I have promised myself to this man for eternity. And that's why... as we broke apart, I took a deep breath and let out a genuine smile as I declared thus:

"I've answered your call, so please, take me to a whole new world, my prince!"

Slowburn? What the fuck is that? We are going full steam ahead.

Aside from the info dump that this is chapter, nothing much to say other than the fact that we'll be going through MC and Mylene's youth in Nasuverse next chapter... after a few more bonding and Mylene getting her powers, of course.

Krowecreators' thoughts