
Information on the World of Thrasius

Hello there! It is me, the author! But of course, you already knew that. This is a simple auxiliary chapter meant for teaching you about the terms used in the novel, explaining possible issues, and also ranting about my views on magic. This will be updated if need be, and if any questions are showing up a lot, I will add answers unless it is a spoiler.

World: Thrasius

Type of World: Magical Medieval Fantasy (various changes based on need/setting)

Measurements: Follows Metric System for simplicity and ease of reading (for American readers 1 kilometer is a little more than 3/5 of a mile). This is because of spells, as some measure in large distances, and effectiveness is best used with simple tens systems. An exception to this is the heights of people, which will be in feet, as I still don't know how to differentiate tall and short in meters (typical American here).

Magic will be explained early on, within at least 10 chapters. Just to be clear, unlike most novels, magic mostly doesn't ignore the laws of physics, it is mostly an add-on and not a new set of laws. The main issue is the creation of matter, simple science says that matter is not created or destroyed, and I don't want to break that. An example of this would be the whole 'magic not hurting the caster' thingy. That is simply weird and a plot convenience that I dislike. After all, if it is something that exists it should affect those around it. The magic system is another thing I find odd in other novels.



After all, using magic power to gather water isn't water element magic. That is just manipulating mana to move water closer and it makes no sense to classify it as such. Another example is fire magic. Most people know (and don't feel bad if you don't), that fire needs oxygen, fuel, and heat. Heat is a form of energy, meaning that things would be odd if they could only manipulate fire and not heat itself. I can understand using magic as fuel and the oxygen around as well, but using magic for all 3 without explanation makes it annoying and lazy to me. Why bother calling magic a form of energy if it is just used to manipulate another, less powerful form of energy? Thus, I am calling it a semi-law of the world instead. I also hate classifying magic, unless it is forms of mana like arrays or runes. Giving someone only one form of magic just makes no sense to me. Giving the affinities makes sense, but someone having a low affinity for all elements makes no sense to me either. This makes it so that the characters in my novel all have preferences and talents for certain magic types, but not straight up unfair affinities or restrictions to only a certain type. An example would be person A being talented in fire magic, but not given free rein over fire since birth like in some stupid novels.



Back to explanations. Monsters. I wanted to separate the magical beasts from monsters, but I think it will be too much for me to keep up with the wordage. Overall, all animals, beasts, mythical legends, etc are monsters. This is because of the fact that they can innately utilize their mana for their own benefit. This is through self-reinforcement, magic, or other ways, like stronger spider silk. Humans (that aren't mages) haven't tamed animals, so no dogs/cats outside of mage society.

Hope you understand my thoughts on magic and monsters. Let me know if you have questions. As long as I am still writing for this novel, I will check the first chapters periodically (at least once a month) to like comments and answer questions I see.

TurtleOfRainbowcreators' thoughts
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