
Feyborne Chronicles

In the blink of an eye, my life transforms as a mysterious spell sweeps me away to a realm beyond imagination. This captivating journey thrusts me into a new identity and challenges me to navigate the intricate politics of the Fey, a people unable to lie but never share what they mean. Meanwhile, my dearest friend, Adrian, is destined to become their king. However, the most astonishing twist of all is being declared the new daughter of this world's Goddess. The catch? "But I'm a man!" Now, I must master the art of Illusion magic while adapting to the role of a proper Lady. I find myself in the peculiar embrace of the infamous Cheshire Cat's family. Amidst the chaos, the strangest part is Adrian's evolving attitude. "Did you just call me pretty?"

Islorae · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 5: The Unexpected Welcome

The plaza fell into a stunned silence, a collective breath held in awe. Then, as if on cue, it erupted into applause and cheers, the sound of coins clinking on the stage floor as they were tossed in admiration and awe. 

As I stood there, stunned and disoriented, I watched the showman bask in the applause. But then, his gaze met ours – Adrian's and mine. For a fleeting moment, the confident smile he wore for the crowd faltered, his eyes jumping between Adrian and I. replaced by an expression that hinted at a deeper, perhaps more sinister understanding. It was a brief lapse, but it spoke volumes, suggesting that Tiger's disappearance was more than just a stage trick.

Driven by a mix of fear and urgency, I began to push my way towards the stage, desperate for answers. The stage was not nearly large enough to house Tiger underneath. Where had he gone? As I moved forward Adrian was right beside me, his expression a mixture of worry and resolve. His eyes scanned the area, seeking any clue to unravel the mystery of Tiger's disappearance.

The small, furry performer on stage continued his enchanting act, his unwavering smile and eyes constantly flickering toward Adrian. He seemed entirely undisturbed by our attempts to approach, his focus solely on entrancing the audience with a dazzling array of sleight-of-hand tricks. Coins and colorful scarves appeared and vanished within his nimble fingers, eliciting a chorus of gasps and applause from the captivated crowd.

Adrian, with a determined stride, tried to make his way to the stage, only to be abruptly halted by an unseen force. It was only when I experienced the same invisible resistance that I grasped the extent of the magician's trickery. This unseen barrier not only halted our advance but also pushed me forcefully back into the throng of spectators, causing a minor uproar as people stumbled, their belongings clattering to the ground.

Frustration and concern mounting, I yelled over the din, "Where is Tiger?!" My voice, laced with a mix of worry and anger, cut through the air. It was then that the performer's constant smile wavered, his eyes flicking in my direction, betraying a hint of unease or perhaps caution.

At that moment, behind the stage, a tall figure captured my attention. His hands moved with a fluid grace, trailing a faint luminescence. The sight was mesmerizing, yet before I could discern more, a sudden hush enveloped the area. All sound ceased abruptly from myself and the surrounding spectators, leaving a suffocating silence in its wake. This oppressive quietude weighed heavily, a stark and unsettling contrast to the lively cacophony of the plaza just moments before.

As the unsettling silence lifted like a dense fog, the vibrant sounds of the plaza rushed back in, filling the air once again. The magician, standing proudly on stage, addressed the crowd with a theatrical flourish. "Now, my esteemed guests, our show for today comes to an end. You have been a marvelous audience. May the Goddess bless you all so your schemes may never fail." His words echoed across the plaza, his voice imbued with a charisma that held everyone's attention. With a deep, grandiose bow, he then turned, his figure disappearing behind the stage curtain in a swish of fabric.

Frustrated by the strange silence and increasingly worried about Tiger, I tried to call out. My voice, however, was lost in the cacophony of the crowd, now buzzing with post-show excitement and chatter. Determinedly, I pushed against the crowd, feeling the invisible barrier's resistance once again. But, just as suddenly as it had appeared, it vanished with an audible pop, sending me stumbling forward. I regained my balance just in time to see Adrian, steadfast and unshaken, looking back at me with an intense mix of concern and urgency.

The unexpected sensation was jarring, leaving me momentarily stunned. It was as if an unseen force had stopped us in our tracks, akin to the invisible barriers I had encountered in fantasy worlds of books and games, yet far more potent and real. My mind, still reeling from the disappearance of our friend, struggled to make sense of it all. "Was that magic?" I wondered aloud, half-expecting it to be another illusion. But then, the memory of meeting a deity flashed through my mind, lending credibility to the surreal experience. "Is this what I think it is?" I asked Adrian, seeking confirmation in a world that seemed to have lost all its rules.

Adrian's response was tinged with a mixture of frustration and acceptance. "It's pretty clear it is magic. I mean, we saw a deity. Look at me, look at you, and for God's sake, look at Tiger! How else would he have gotten that big?" His logical explanation did little to ease the confusion and concern swirling inside me.

Driven by a mix of fear and desperation to understand what had happened to our friend, we hurried towards the stairs leading up to the stage. "Well, I never really thought magic was real. I mean, it obviously is now, but honestly? This is just like..." My attempt to draw parallels with the familiar stories and games was abruptly interrupted as Adrian and I, in our haste, lost our footing on the slippery steps. We tumbled down in a heap, the pain from the fall momentarily overshadowing our emotional turmoil. "Ouch, what the hell?"

Adrian, recovering quicker than I did, noticed the cause of our mishap. "Look, the steps look like they're covered in soap or grease," he pointed out. His observation was spot on. As I quickly got to my feet and inspected the steps, I noticed their slick surface. Looking up at the stage, I saw the tall figure's hands still glowing with a fading light. It all clicked – first a barrier, then a spell to make us slip. This was no coincidence or trick of the mind; it was deliberate, calculated magic.

"Yeah, it's magic. First a barrier, then a spell to make us slip?" I muttered, my voice a blend of awe and anger. The realization that we were dealing with forces beyond our understanding only deepened the sense of urgency and worry.

"I'm going to kill him!" I muttered under my breath, my frustration boiling over. Together, Adrian and I made our way up the steps onto the stage more carefully this time. It was there we encountered the tall, bark-skinned figure, the same enigmatic being who had manipulated the light earlier. His towering presence was intimidating, his skin textured like tree bark and devoid of any mouth. Yet, his body language exuded a sense of calm and non-aggression. He raised a hand in a gesture of peace and half-heartedly attempted to stall us, his shoulders moving up and down in what can only be a giggle. 

With a shared resolve, we pushed past the figure and stepped through the curtain, Tiger being our main concern only to be enveloped by an unexpected darkness. The world behind the stage seemed to swallow us whole, a stark contrast to the vibrant lights and sounds of the plaza we had just left. For a moment, we stood there, disoriented, our eyes struggling to adjust to the pitch-black environment.

As we cautiously moved forward, the darkness began to dissipate, revealing a dimly lit room that unfolded around us. It was like stepping into a hidden realm, a space that defied the ordinary rules of the world outside. The air was thick with a sense of ancient magic, and the faint light cast eerie shadows on the walls.

In this surreal setting, we were suddenly confronted by the presence of the showman, standing in the center of the room. The dim light seemed to emanate from around him, casting a soft glow that illuminated his small, furry form. Surrounding him was an assembly of Fey creatures — an ethereal gathering of beings that seemed to have stepped out of the realms of myth and legend. Their diverse forms — some delicate and wispy, others more solid and menacing — created a circle around the showman, each creature unique and mesmerizing.

The showman, looking extremely pleased with himself faced us. All of a sudden seeming much taller. His lips curled into a sly smile, and with a voice that resonated with an enigmatic timbre, shaking the room. "Welcome!"