
Chapter 17: Unspoken Desires and Forgotten Pains

We left the glade, venturing along the garden paths. We traced the rose bushes, deliberately moving away from the castle. "Purrlyn, you're remarkably direct compared to other Fey I've encountered. It's only been two days, yet I already feel like I'm in over my head."

Purrlyn continued forward, her tail swaying rhythmically, reminiscent of Tiger in a playful—or perhaps, irritated—mood. "Alex, sister, you'll soon realize I'm quite unlike the typical Fey," she said, her tone imbuing 'different' with layers of meaning that halted my steps.

Rounding a bend, the rose bushes gave way to arching lattices draped in vines. The castle receded into the distance. "Where are we headed?"

"Father tasked me with assessing you, which I have. But there are three things you should know. First, I must relay my findings to him, and he's not known for his patience. Second, I sought to keep you away from the court a bit longer. Lastly, Father promised Adrian and Tiger they could meet you today. We were meant to meet elsewhere, but this way, it's just us." Purrlyn approached a solitary wardrobe perched atop a small hill. The random placement of such furniture still puzzled me.

"Why don't you Fey use doors like everyone else?"

"You mean, why don't we," she corrected. "I've never really pondered it. As you grow familiar with your magic, you'll discover these gateways. Almost anything can become a portal, though the locations are somewhat whimsical." Opening the wardrobe, she grasped my hand, guiding me through a forest of garments.

Emerging on the other side, we stepped onto a black and white marbled floor of a grand room. Tall pillars in each corner supported a dome above. Doors of varied hues punctuated each wall. In the room's center stood Lord Cheshire, clad in the same attire as yesterday, with Elkanor beside him, his stature reminiscent of a sculpted deity.

"Welcome, greetings, salutations, my dear children! I trust all has gone smoothly?" Lord Cheshire's voice echoed warmly as we entered.

I dipped into a curtsy. "Good afternoon, Lord Cheshire."

His grin was tinged with amusement at my formality.

"There's no need for that," Purrlyn interjected, pulling me upright with surprising strength, my feet briefly leaving the ground. "Remember, we are of the Winter Court."

"She speaks the truth, Alex. Here, we're just family. Formalities can be set aside. Please, take a seat." Lord Cheshire gestured gracefully. In response, Purrlyn waved her hand, conjuring several chairs and a long table, complete with cups. We seated ourselves, with me facing Lord Cheshire and Purrlyn to my immediate right.

"Family meetings like this are important to me," Lord Cheshire began, his voice carrying a note of solemnity. "We take these moments as they come, though it's not always easy. Your brother, unfortunately, is absent, but I have no doubt he would have relished being here." He poured himself a drink and slid the pot across the table towards Purrlyn.

Catching it effortlessly, Purrlyn murmured, "Yeah, I'm sure," before passing it to me.

As I poured, the contents of the pot morphed into a light brown liquid – tea that transformed into coffee with cream at the mere thought. "Magic teapot, of course," I whispered to myself. Then, raising my voice, I inquired, "Where are Adrian and Tiger?"

"They'll be joining us shortly," Lord Cheshire replied, dropping sugar cubes into his drink from a newly appeared plate. "Now, Purrlyn, I'm eager to hear your assessment of our dear little Alex."

"Well, she's naive but her magic is unique," Purrlyn began. "Her reserves are small, yet she might add extra affinities to her spells."

Lord Cheshire raised an eyebrow. "You believe?"

"Yes, her endurance is low, but she's altered a basic spell powerfully. It's probably related to the summoning. She's also starting to befriend Lady Frostwhisper."

I would have said I was shocked to realize I had been observed so closely but was beginning to accept this kind of thing as the norm. Lord Cheshire glanced at Elkanor, who, after a moment of scrutiny, nodded in agreement with Purrlyn. "A tool will be needed," he said. "Alex, your thoughts on Lady Frostwhisper?"

"She's not much of a talker but seems fair," I replied as my cup refilled itself.

"She's been under Lady Sunbloom's tutelage for centuries," Lord Cheshire explained. "There's some tension towards us, but that will pass. Stay close to her; she's isolated, barring Lady Sunbloom."

I'm sure that is intentional I thought after what I had learned. Oh wow, the coffee was pretty good!

As Lord Cheshire finished speaking, Adrian and Tiger entered. After a moment they spotted me. I visibly watched their shoulders relax. Adrian approached me quickly. "Thank God, you're okay. We've been worried."

Purrlyn's flat voice cut in, "She's fine, Adrian."

Adrian blushed, and Tiger surprised me with a tight hug, lifting me and my chair. I laughed, now covered in orange fur. "Good to see you too."

Lord Cheshire clapped his hands with a decisive motion. "Let's turn our attention to the purpose of our gathering," he announced. He then nodded to Elkanor, who, with a flick of his hands, conjured intricate sigils in the air. The table before us transformed, miniature figures representing each of us materializing on its surface.

"Today, we're here to evaluate your unique abilities, skills, deftness" Lord Cheshire elaborated. His gaze rested on Adrian's figure, which began to glow with a strong, steady light. "Adrian, your magical endurance is remarkable, truly exceptional," he noted approvingly. "You will be training under Elkanor's expert guidance."

His focus then shifted to Tiger, whose figure on the table seemed to grow in stature and strength. "Tiger, practical skills will be your focus. I will personally oversee your training," he declared.

Turning to me, his tone softened slightly. "Alex, we will explore specific tools to augment your magic, which, though limited now, holds potential." My figure remained unchanged, a subtle reminder of my current limitations.

Finally, Lord Cheshire addressed Purrlyn. "Purrlyn, your assignment with Lady Frostwhisper continues. Consider this an opportunity to rectify the consequences of your recent Fiasco." Purrlyn's tail bristled. 

Fiasco? I was curious about what he meant, but Purrlyn's tight-lipped demeanor suggested she wouldn't be keen on explaining.

"Father, a private word?" Purrlyn's tone was sharp. Lord Cheshire, showing a flicker of annoyance but not anger, met her gaze with a father's authoritative yet understanding look. After a brief moment, he nodded, and they moved aside for a quiet discussion.

Adrian settled next to me with a weary but composed look. "How're you holding up?" I asked.

He gestured vaguely. "It's been a whirlwind. Lord Cheshire barely gave us a moment before plunging into magic training. Tiger had a rough time, but he managed by the end. How about you, though?"

Pondering last night's events, I responded, "I'm doing okay." Adrian's intent gaze prompted further reassurance from me. "Really, I'm fine. What about you? You were pretty shaken up last we talked."

Seeing his expression soften, Adrian glanced towards Lord Cheshire and Purrlyn. "To be honest, I'm faring well now. This whole situation, daunting as it is, was unexpectedly beneficial. I realized last night that a lot of my personal issues don't matter here. It's been a relief, focusing on self-improvement."

Surprised, I quipped with a raised eyebrow, "Who would've thought a change of world and new responsibilities could do the trick?"

His laugh was a heartening sound. "Sounds absurd, doesn't it?"

Seeing him in better spirits brought a smile to my face. We might just make it through this after all.

Tiger approached, and I extended a hand to pat him. "How're you doing, big guy?"

His reply was simple. "I am... well."

Hearing that they were both coping was a relief. "I'm relieved to hear it. Knowing you're both okay is reassuring."

Lord Cheshire and Purrlyn rejoined us, taking their respective seats. "Children," Lord Cheshire began, "we've outlined our next steps. Alex, tomorrow you and Purrlyn will seek a necessary tool. Elkanor will mentor Adrian, and I'll handle Tiger's endurance training. We'll reconvene every few days."

He turned to me. "Alex, you'll be given additional tasks following my discussion with Purrlyn. Your magic isn't as strong as I'd hoped, but there's potential. For now, your focus will be on more subtle work."

As Lord Cheshire idly picked at a claw, he continued, "Just follow directions for now. Adrian, I understand your concerns, and rest assured, my decisions are for the best of all."

Adrian's response to Lord Cheshire was tinged with skepticism. "Particularly in your favor, I presume."

Lord Cheshire simply shrugged. "Naturally." Then, as all doors swung open, he and Tiger departed through one, leaving it to close softly behind them.

Elkanor signaled to Adrian it was time to leave. Purrlyn put her hand on my shoulder to do the same.

"One moment," Adrian requested with a soft tone. Elkanor, understanding the gravity of the situation, gave a respectful nod and proceeded towards the door, his footsteps echoing a solemn rhythm. Adrian's gaze then shifted to Purrlyn, who, in her typical fashion, rolled her eyes and distanced herself a few steps, her tail flicking in evident agitation.

"What's up?" I asked.

Adrian's face was etched with genuine concern, any trace of humor absent. "Are you really okay? You've undergone some serious changes lately and I'm worried," he expressed earnestly. "I'm just afraid you might revert to hiding, like you did back then."

His words unearthed a painful chapter from my childhood, one that began with Adrian's father's well-intentioned advice. He had recommended that my parents send me to a better school, a place where I could escape our poverty. But this transition to a new school only marked the beginning of a new torment. My lack of wealth became the bullies' target in this affluent environment. It was a stark contrast to Adrian's comfortable upbringing, and the harassment escalated to the point where I completely shut down. Adrian had tried relentlessly to reach out to me during that dark period, but I was too engulfed in my misery and shame to respond.

When I finally returned to school, the dynamics had inexplicably shifted. The bullies, once so vicious, now seemed reluctant to even come near me. The reason behind their sudden change of heart remained a mystery, but I was just relieved that the torment had ended.

"Yeah, that's fair," I acknowledged, thinking back on the previous evening. If I had the chance, I would have retreated into seclusion again. I was ashamed to admit that to even myself.

Adrian's eyes, deep and perceptive, locked onto mine. "Okay, if you say so," he said, his voice laced with understanding. He reached out, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Remember how you always told me I could rely on you? Now, it's your turn to lean on me. I can tell you're holding back. Even now, as pretty as you are, I still know your emotions. I've been by your side too long not to notice. And I won't let you shut me out again." I smiled. I genuinely appreciated him.

Adrian had always been a pillar of support, and at times, I feared that my struggles might hinder his own path. Despite my efforts to reciprocate his unwavering support, I often felt overshadowed, except in the rare moments when we played games where I could match his skill. Adrian turned and began to walk to Elkanor.

"I'll remember that, Adrian," I called out to him, a promise resonating in my voice.

Turning to follow Purrlyn, I noticed her tension gradually dissipating as we approached our door. I risked a quick glance and saw Elkanor disappearing through their door, Adrian close behind him. As I reached my door, about to leave, Adrian's voice echoed across the room.

I paused and turned around. In that moment, with Adrian's words filling the space between us, I noticed now it was just the two of us.

"I'm holding you to your word, Alex Cheshire." With that I waved and walked through my door.

In this chapter, we delved deeper into Alex's backstory, shedding light on her mindset and motivations. Additionally, a tantalizing hint of something more is beginning to take shape.

Your continued support and engagement mean a lot to me, and I'm thrilled to have you along for this ride. If you have any thoughts or comments about this chapter or the story as a whole, please feel free to share them. Your feedback is invaluable as we navigate the mysteries of this captivating world together!

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