
Electrical Arcs on the Vine!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Mountain Ridge Source felt inspired by what Carnage Source said.

Mountain Ridge Source always liked to associate with experts. Examples included powerful Samsara Realm Dictators like Hornless Dragon Source, Evil Source, Vine Source, and Eternal Source.

Mountain Ridge Source never bothered to include Carnage Source.

But when she realized that Carnage Source had such intelligence, Mountain Ridge Source was now inclined to associate with Carnage Source.

"Carnage Source, you already said that the two of us are the weakest. Since we are weak on our own, why don't we band together? We can discuss issues with each other, connect with Samsara Realm Dictators from other worlds, and share resources."

Carnage Source was very agreeable with Mountain Ridge Source's suggestion.

Moreover, there are very few female Samsara Realm Dictators. There were only two in the entire marsh world.

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