
crazy MFs

So after that fateful day I was being trained on martial arts, mana and stuff , all those magic world crap. My grandfather decided to teach me himself on our family martial arts albeit his own way.

And that's why a 11 year-old boy like me was in the forest fighting a werewolf with a wooden sword, right you heard it right, a f*cking wooden sword. Well , then it happened , it jumped on me and single hit broke the wooden sword. That was the cue, I started running . It started following me, one thing I was really proud was my speed in escaping and I have to say the were-wolf was not able to follow me after sometime or so I thought.

I stopped near a small spring near a small stone cliff to rest. Let me tell you something about water bodies near forests, they are kinda like the hub for animals to gather. I was crouch beside that cliff and trying to sneakily drink some water.

*Hiss *hisssss

There it was just a feet away from my face, a young water serpent. As I moved back slowly , I noticed something weird about the surroundings it's as if it has gotten silent for a second there.

My breath was still shallow and as I felt water droplets fall on my head. I slowly turned my head.There it was, a fully grown Rock-Bear , strong creatures but lack agility, but have defensive skin of blubber that were-wolves just don't bother them at all.


( months ago.. inside the manor)

"Ok first thing, what do you think is the intent of the Aspen style ?"

I has just finished my warm-up and was flat on the ground, he continued

" Its freedom, our ancestors focussed on a style that could be used at any place or environment regardless of what position or circumstance"

well I tried to focus , I really tried but I couldn't. Why? You see we were near this spring bath where all women come to bath and for some reason my grandpa made me do a handstand on the wall of it. Good for me non of them observing the top of the walls.

" That means no matter any circumstance learn to understand the flow and find a way to achieve your purpose"

Okay but why are you suddenly coming near me. Oya Oya Oya, don't do it... don't ...

"I'm gonna kill you", I shouted as I fell inside, on hindsight It was not a bright idea since every eye turned towards me suddenly and there I was staring at them.

And then it was pure pandemonium , they were throwing soaps and stuff at me. One of them even took a blade from inside their towel.. wtf and she just threw it on me. I was just dodging left and right.

Then in the middle of it one of them calmed down and suddenly the water started raising around her....OHHH shit

a Mage.. an angry Mage. I started running towards the exit and suddenly the rising water started growing towards me. It crashed down on me like a hurricane hitting a camping hut. I started crawling towards the door with all my might.

The mage had already created a whirlpool in the water that started pulling me. Suddenly using a water hand she caught me.

"who are you pervert? wanted some view didn't you?"

At this point , all the other woman were also gathering around while it was a dangerous situation, the view was indeed good...




got distracted for a second there, the Bear was moving towards me.

I was thinking what to do now.

Then I remembered I have that,

I started moving towards a tall tree and started climbing it. As I reached the top, I took out the blowgun I had.

Blowguns are not that useful in fighting with big animals like this bear. But I tried anyway.


The tranquilizer hit it on the neck. I waited a few seconds and suddenly instead of falling the bear started blindly rushing towards all directions. Oh shit Its breaking all the trees in the vicinity and its just time before it finally turned towards me...

I had minutes to decide what to do, I can just run but that would be waste considering I have only a small amount of tranquilizer darts. Or there is another solution slightly crazy but something really cool, there is this movie I saw " cocaine bear" in my previous life. This bear is just blindly following its instincts.

So why can't I use it to kill the other animals, since I need at least three monster bodies to go back home today or else the stupid old man will tell me run around manor a 100 times before I have dinner.

I cut a small part of cloth which can be used as a blindfold and a leash , now here's the plan taunt the bear and as it gets near me jump over it and blind it with the cloth and try to ride it. Normally a sober rock bear will try to hit me if I tried to sit on it back, But considering this rock bear is less sober It's worth a shot..


(Another part of the forest)

"Our young master is in his hunting trip in the forest, our Lord made it a necessity for the young master to hunt daily for the training" said the butler of the Aspen family to the guests

The guests were the members of Ravena family. Edward and Elia Ravena they were twins born to the first wife of Edgar Ravena current head of the Westerlands.

The Ravena and the Aspen family maintained a friendly relationship before Aspens even became a nobles, from the time of their sailor days.

"Does he train her daily? Isn't he same age as us?"

" Oh yes, our Young master is really hard working, once he was throwed into the crocodile swamp in.."

"Your one smug asshole aren't you" whispered the girl, which was completely out-of-character for a noble lady,

Edward hit her in the shin and whispered " keep quiet , will you?"

Then suddenly they felt a rustling sound near them,

" Master , Ma'am please get behind me"

Suddenly a Big Rock bear came out of the clearing and it was strangely blindfolded. As it neared it suddenly changed directions and there was guy on the back of the bear.

That guy was riding the bear? The Twins couldn't believe their eyes.

They turned towards the butler as the figure of the bear man receded

"Was that a boy riding a bear?" They asked in chorus

The Butler was not able to answer it as the only thing that escaped his mouth was "Young Master...?"

I'm trying to make this an action novel with crazy action so just bear with it and it will get better

neverbrakecreators' thoughts