
OGun festival (the god of thunder)

The Yoruba land is one of the most prominent culture in Nigeria and is well recognized. It is located in the western region and also in the grassland and forest area. It has different type of language which the most speaking and accepted one is( Yoruba). There main occupation is agriculture, hunting and so on, the land is richly fertile in nature which make's them one of the best seller of a particular cash crop (cocoa), that is later use in production of different beverages.Firstly, there is a festival which most of the Yoruba speaking community annually celebrate, THE OGUN FESTIVAL. The ogun festival is one of the most accepted and well known festival in Nigeria and overseas, The festival is usually celebrated in the last quarter of the year ' September ' during the rainy season. Furthermore, The festival begin with the announcement of it by the supreme ruler "THE KING" Before the day of the festival the king will pass a message to the people through the town crier, and made an announcement that no dog should be seen out on the day of the festival.More over, the chief priest who is the servant of the oracle and the king will make some prayer to the god of iron which is (OGUN) to preserve the day for them and they also carry out some sacrifices. So on the specific day of the festival children, adult including male and female will already be assembled and well sitted at the king palace for the celebration. There are also some significant thing that happen the day, the people will rub one another with a powder of color" blue and white"which symbolize the ogun festival. At the king's palace, before commencement of the it, The chief priest pray to the" god of iron " for the the protection of the people and the day, then day make sacfrices with a dog which is symbolic for the celebration of the festival. There are also different type of activities that hold on the day e.g Dancing of the women, wrestling by the able bodied men and Dancing by the virgin and so on. In conclusion there are also indigenous and well respected people invited to the festival like king from other town villages, region and overseas, so after it as be done and all the rituals and sacrifice as been made, the celebration is shifted to individual home and arena, where there are varieties of food cook. Thank God for sparing their life for seeing this year festival and many more. It is a festival that is enjoyed and look up to by all sundry