
15. Chapter 15




Warm. Comfortable. Relaxed.

This is how I felt when my body began to awaken, when my dreams were interrupted by the dim light that filled the room and the sound of rain against the window that somehow tranquilized me even more. I opened my eyes and along with them a big smile when I realized that I had Carina pressed against my body as I held her close to me, her back firmly pressed against my front as my face sank into the curve of her shoulder.

That morning I didn't want to jump out of bed, put on my running clothes and go out into the streets of Seattle, I didn't even want a quiet ride on the ferry while enjoying the scenery and a nice cup of coffee. That morning all I wanted was to stay there, clinging to Carina, feeling her chest rise and fall as she lightly snored.

I could hardly believe the night we had had, it could have been a dream, but the light burning in my ass confirmed that it had been real.

Sex had always been a practical thing for me, spreading my legs and trying to get a little pleasure, an orgasm to reward myself for surviving a tough week or a self-care Wednesday, and Carina was changing every single one of my conceptions on the subject. Yesterday was a real proof of that. When she told me that enjoying the ride was much more worthwhile than going straight to the orgasm I questioned her - that's not how I used to think - but in every moment that she brought me to the edge and kept me from cumming I found a new nuance of pleasure that I just didn't know existed.

She made me want more. Want it all. To try everything. To experience every fantasy and possibility. Knowing that Carina loved sex and would be willing to do all of this with me was enough to make me happy and slightly aroused already in these first moments of the morning.

I kissed her shoulder a few times, my mouth delighting in the warm, soft skin, as I moved my lips to the curve of her neck before moving back down to the back of her shoulder. I brushed my teeth across the area when I felt a familiar pressure between my legs - last night didn't appease the fire burning inside me, it just showed me that feeding the flames was much more pleasurable - and I pressed my arm tighter against her stomach to pull her even closer to me.

-Good morning. - I murmured against her skin as soon as I felt Carina move inside my arms.

-Baby. - She murmured back; her voice thick with sleep.

-What? - I asked, still kissing her shoulder.

-Good morning, baby. - She spoke, wriggling so that her bottom was pressed against my front. - That's what you should say after calling me "baby" so many times last night.

-I... - I creased my forehead at her words and then the memories came flooding back and she was right, I really had done that. I felt my cheeks heat up immediately and stopped my kisses against her skin to hide my face against her back. - You call me "bambina" all the time.

-I'm not accusing you of anything, it's not a bad thing. - She laughed. - I love it when you call me "baby".

-Good. - I whispered, still hiding from Carina and then I realized something. - Hey, I'm holding you!

-What? - It was her turn to be confused.

-We went to sleep last night, and I was holding you and we woke up the same way, I'm definitely getting better at being the big spoon. - The words came out of my mouth quickly and Carina laughed along with me.

-Practice makes perfect. - She said and turned around in my embrace, facing me. - Buongiorno, bambina!

-Buongiorno. - I repeated the word and she raised her eyebrows.

-That wasn't bad at all. - Carina's smile was wide on her face, but I couldn't say anything more because her lips were soon pressed against mine.

-It's unfair to all the women in the world that you wake up so beautiful. - That's what I said when we pulled apart and she rolled her eyes at me. - I'm serious! You are always so beautiful.

-I'm glad you think so. - Carina ran her hand over my face as I brought one of my hands up to her back and brushed my fingers down her spine.

Peace was all I felt at that moment.

-How are you? - She asked.

-What do you mean? - I asked back, smiling sideways.

-Are you sore? - Now her words made sense and looking into her eyes at that moment I saw nothing but concern.

-Yes, but the good kind of sore. - I spoke back. - Like when we work out and our muscles are sore the next day, but better than that because I remember very well what made me sore and it was much better than exercise.

-Was that okay? - Carina looked a little nervous, her eyes were no longer on mine, she looked down, but I knew she wasn't looking for my cleavage but rather for a way to avoid my eyes. - Is it something that turns you on or gives you pleasure?

-Yes. - I whispered back, with a courage I didn't know where it came from. - No one ever spanked me in bed, I did it a few times to a few women and it was something that turned me on too. I didn't know that I enjoyed being on the other side of the spanking session.

I couldn't help laughing at the end of my sentence and I could breathe easy again when Carina laughed along with me, looking at my face again.

-And you? - I asked. - Would that be okay with you? Being on the receiving end?

-Yes. - She was quick to respond, and I arched my eyebrows, Carina nibbled her lower lip. - I like rough sex.  My pain tolerance is high, and I'm used to having sex this way, I know some things are new with you and it's exciting for me to take things slow and show you new ways to have pleasure, but you can be rough with me whenever you want, I like it.

-Yes? - My mind filled with possibilities while my heart filled with more affection for Carina as I noticed that even when we were talking about rough sex, she was concerned about my boundaries and new experiences.

-Yes. - She slid closer to me, our breasts now touching under the covers, my nipples tingling and hardening with each breath that provided some friction against her skin. - And I...  I had never allowed this kind of interaction before, but I...

-Yes? - I asked when she stopped in mid-sentence, and I looked up into her face and realized that the brown that had warmed me so much now held a lustful gaze.

-I like it when you put me in my place. When you dominate me and are authoritative in bed. - The words came out in a sensual whisper that made me close my eyes as a shiver ran down my spine. - I like it when you use your strength on me, I can't wait to feel your hard slaps against my ass as you fuck me.

-How about I do this now? - I asked but didn't expect an answer. My mouth took hold of hers with an indescribable hunger, my tongue seeking hers as I pulled the covers off our bodies, the heat rising and the desire to see her too.

It wasn't hard for me to impose my strength on Carina, I leaned my torso against her and made her lie underneath me, partially supporting my body with one of my elbows as my free hand moved up and down her flank, squeezing her waist and then her hips, feeling her body undulating underneath mine wanting more of my skin.

The loud noise of my cell phone ringing was heard coming from some corner of the room, but it wasn't important, whoever it was could call me later on my day off, nothing was more important than eliciting moans from Carina at that moment.

I moved my kisses down her neck, nibbling hard enough to make her stir beneath me and start letting out low moans near my ear. Her hands went to my back, her short nails scraping against my skin and an arousing burning sensation spreading through the area. I opened her legs a little wider with the knee that had previously rested on her thighs and part of my body weight was supported by it; as I perfectly positioned myself over her body and leaned my torso forward wanting to kiss her neck some more I felt her hot and already so wet slit against my thigh.

-Maya... - She sighed my name, undulating her hips up and down, rubbing her center against my leg, seeking her own pleasure.

-Did I say you could do this? - I asked, the words a little muffled as I refused to move my lips from her body. I moved my kisses down to one of her nipples and bit down hard on the bud, pulling her breast taut and earning a loud moan in response. I released the skin and ran my tongue over the region before sucking it into my mouth.

Carina stirred further beneath me, her sex moving up and down my leg, her moans and breaths becoming more audible, so I brought one of my hands up to her hip and pressed my fingers against her skin as I pushed her down, keeping her still on the bed despite her attempt to continue the movements.

-I didn't say you could do that. - I pulled my face away from her breast and looked intensely into her eyes, watching as she swallowed hard. - As long as I'm here, like this, on top of you, your pleasure is mine. You do what I allow you to do. And I didn't say you could do that.

-Please. - She was quick to speak and she knew the reactions the word triggered inside me, incited the fire that burned in my chest and between my legs, but she wouldn't get what she wanted that easily.

-No. -That was all I said before I resumed sucking her breast, and the nipple that had once been inside my mouth was now being squeezed and pinched by my fingers. My tongue and fingers working in sync, teasing both nipples at the same time.

Once again my cell phone rang behind me, but it was still not a priority. My priority was moaning under me, arching her back with her eyes closed and her mouth ajar letting all the sounds that were born in her throat echo through the room.

I sucked the nipple a little harder, Carina moaned a little louder, I ground my teeth against the sensitive skin and pulled it out a little before sucking hard and her hips grinded against my thigh again.

I stopped my movements and pulled away.

-Maya! - Carina shouted her complaint, but I was already getting out of bed. - Maya, get back here right now!

Her words came out like an order and the fire in between my legs went up to my chest, I would be an excellent bottom when I had to be, but Carina wouldn't challenge me while I was dominating her. I moved back closer to the bed, standing beside her body, and pressed her cheeks with one hand, my thumb and forefinger on either side of her cheek, as I pulled her face toward mine.

-You will not speak to me like this while your pleasure is mine. - I hissed through my teeth. - I'll always find a way to punish you if you give me this attitude. I told you that you weren't allowed to rub yourself against my leg, you disobeyed me and you're not deserving my touch now. You don't give orders here, not at this moment.

Carina's eyes were wide open, her mouth slightly open because of my grip, and it closed when she bit down hard on her lower lip. I let go of her face, and when I did so, Carina continued to stare at me with so much arousal evident on her face that I wondered if having snapped at her hadn't had the opposite effect to the one I had intended - instead of frustrating her, I probably turned her on even more.

-I'm sorry, Captain. - She kept her eyes glued to my face, her eyes glittering and holding a fierce look, but her voice came out as a gentle whisper. - I'll behave myself.

-That's better. - I mumbled before turning on my back and reaching for my phone, which was now ringing for the third time.

I grunted when I saw Andy's name on the screen.

-What? - I said as soon as I answered it, standing in the middle of the room with my back to Carina.

-What are you doing? I called you ten times; I sent a million texts! - My friend quickly said on the other end of the line. - Didn't you check your notifications?

-I was busy.

-There's a four-alarm fire downtown, it's one apartment away from becoming a five-alarm. I'm at the station, Vic is here, and the guys are on their way, I need you here now Maya! - Andy was clearly nervous on the other end of the line and with every word I heard, my heart squeezed, and nervousness and anxiety rose up my throat.

-I'll be there as soon as possible. - I pulled the phone away from my ear and hung up, already walking across the room in search of my clothes.

-What happened? - Carina asked, getting up and coming to me.

-A big fire downtown. - I mumbled, pulling up my panties and then the pants I had been wearing the night before. - Damn, where's my shirt.

-Calm down, hey, breathe. - Carina held both sides of my face, causing me to stop for a second and look into her eyes. - I'll get you to work and you'll make it to work on time.

I nodded once, her words having a small effect on me.

-Your shirt is by the bathroom door. - She said before letting go of me and going to the closet.

After she was fully dressed, Carina grabbed her car keys and the two of us practically ran to the vehicle.

-I'm so sorry. - I said on the way. - It's a five-alarm fire, it means all hands on deck, even though it's our day off.

-I know that unpredictable things happen, Maya. - She spoke with her eyes fixed on the road.

-You look disappointed.

-I am, it doesn't mean that I don't understand that these things happen. - Carina shrugged and I ran a hand over her shoulder, brushing her hair out of place before leaning over as far as the seat belt would allow and planting a kiss on the side of her neck.

-I'll make it up to you. - I spoke softly, planting a kiss on her cheek before sitting up straight in my seat. I could already see the station. - I hope you know better than to touch yourself while I'm gone. I am still in charge.

The brakes sounded loud when Carina stopped abruptly in front of the station.

-It's not fair. - She murmured, turning to me.

-These things happen. - I repeated her words and shrugged.

-You'll come back to my place after the fire is under control, yes? - Carina asked as I opened the car door and jumped out.

-Yes, I'll meet you at your place. - I ducked down far enough so that she could see my face through the window.

-Take care, Maya, be safe for me. - She spoke and I nodded once, giving her a smile before turning and running toward the entrance.



-I definitely need a drink! - Travis muttered, letting out a frustrated grunt.

-I've showered three times and I can still smell smoke on my skin! - Andy shouted from inside one of the showers and I let out a giggle as I waited for Vic's signature on one of the protocols about today's fire.

-We should be glad we didn't stay there overnight. - Travis added. - That scumbag Beckett would have made us stay if the Chief hadn't intervened. I mean, he's been captain of his station for what, two years? Why does he think he has any say over us?

-Because he's a sexist scumbag piece of shit. - I shrugged. - And he can’t accept that I'm a better captain than he is.

-Amen to that! - Andy shouted from the shower.

-Will you have a drink with us, Maya? - Vic asked, drying her hair.

-No, I was supposed to meet Carina as soon as I was out of the fire. - I explained.

-Oh, so that's why you arrived in the same clothes you were wearing yesterday? - Travis asked, arching his eyebrows. - Are you two having sex now?

-That's none of your business! - I spoke back quickly, pointing a threatening finger in his direction, but the man just laughed.

-Come on, call her up, ask her to join us for a drink! - Vic asked.

-It's been years since I've seen the Italian goddess! Come on, share her with us for a little while, have a few drinks, and then go have all the hot sex you guys do. - Travis insisted.

-Ugh! - I rolled my eyes but reached into the back pocket of my uniform because part of me was desperate for a drink.

I pressed a few buttons and waited until the call connected.

-Are you okay? - It was the first thing Carina said.

-Uh, yes. - I could hear in her voice that she was worried, so I turned my back to the audience that was waiting anxiously for an answer to their invitation and turned away from their curious ears before continuing. - I had to go in, but everything went well.

-I was worried, I saw the fire on the news, and it looked very dangerous. - She spoke quickly. - Are you sure you're alright?

-Yes, you can rest assured. - I smiled at her concern knowing that it was her way of showing that she liked me and cared about me. My heart was a little faster in my chest after realizing that. - Actually, I'm calling to extend an invitation. I know we agreed that I would come to your place as soon as I was free, but Travis, Vic, and Andy asked me to invite you to Joe's for a drink. Are you up for it? We can just stay in if you prefer.

-Yes... I mean, no. - She sighed heavily on the other side. - I want to go and I also want to stay home so you can finish what you started this morning.

-Carina DeLuca, I was risking my life in a fire, and you were wondering whether or not I would live to give you the orgasm that yourself interrupted? - I laughed at the end of my sentence and heard Carina snort on the other end of the line.

-Of course not. - She laughed softly too. - That's not all I was thinking about, but that doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to you going through with your word.

-We can have a few drinks and then I'll make sure I go through with my word. - I whispered the words so that Travis and Vic, and apparently Andy who had just stepped out of the shower, would not hear the teasing. - I promise it will be worth it.

-It's always worth it with you. - She spoke back, and I felt my cheeks heat up as the blush took over my face. - See you in thirty minutes.

-Wear something sexy for me, will you baby? - Carina's comment had not gone unnoticed by me and knowing that she liked it when I used her pet name only motivated me to let the word flow out of my mouth without restraint.

-Maya... - My name came out in a low, teasing tone, I knew I was doing things for her at that moment, and I cracked a wide smile.

-See you in thirty minutes. - I said and disconnected the call.

-Well? - Andy asked, Vic and Travis already dressed and just waiting for the lieutenant.

-She's in. I'll go change and meet you out front. - I smiled at the crew as Travis did a victory dance with Vic.

Inside my quarters I grabbed a spare change of clothes that I always left there because I refused to wear the same piece of clothing - and panties - for the third time, and once I was ready, I waited for my friends at the entrance.  They didn't take long and soon we were walking to Joe's bar.

-What's up? Are you two serious now? - Vic asked, pushing her shoulder against mine as soon as we sat down at one of the tables.

-Oh no, Carina is Maya's "not-girlfriend"! - Andy snorted.

-But she's really not my girlfriend. - I shrugged. - Not yet anyway.

-Uh! -Travis hummed and laughed. - As if you needed an official statement. Everyone at this table, including you, knows that Carina has you wrapped around her little finger.

-I second that. - Vic points at me.

-You're head over heels for her, Maya, there's no denying it. - Andy then agreed. - And to that, I'll toast tonight. Vic, come with me, let's get some beers.

-White wine for Carina. - I said before the two of them left the table.

-My point exactly! - Andy laughed pointing at me and I didn't even try to argue.

There was no point. They were right.

Carina had me at her complete mercy and all these big feelings inside me only confirmed that I wasn't built to fall in love, but it was happening anyway, and I couldn't help it. I didn't know how to organize my feelings, they were all over the place inside me, but they were true and real, and they weren't going anywhere.

This didn't mean that my friends would have to hear a confirmation coming from my mouth.

-You like her, don't you? - Travis asked, turning to me and I arched my eyebrows when I realized that he wasn't asking me this to make fun of me, he was being there for me, being a good friend.

-Yes. -The word came out in a whisper, but a smile appeared on the firefighter's lips. - And it's intense and weird and I feel like I'm going to throw up and pass out every time I see her, like my stomach and brain are doing flips.

-It just means that you're falling in love. - He reached out and squeezed my shoulder gently. - And I'm happy for you because Carina is a good person, she cares about you and she'll be there for you whenever you need her and you deserve to have that someone, Maya, you deserve to be happy with someone who appreciates and values you like that Italian goddess does.

-Thank you. - I wasn't used to talking about feelings with my friends, maybe with Andy, but Travis was that nice guy who made us laugh, and it was a little weird to be vulnerable around him, but at the same time, it was kind of nice. - That means a lot to me.

-Not as much as the goddess who's walking through the door right now. - He pointed with his chin, and the sound of the bell at the entrance made me turn my head quickly.

Carina was entering the bar, and this could very well be a scene from a movie. Her hair flying at her back with the oncoming wind, the warm smile on her face as she nodded to someone she probably knew from the hospital, the way she walked as if she were crossing a catwalk, everything about Carina looked like it came off a movie screen.

-Don't throw up and don't pass out. - Travis whispered to me before pushing my shoulder so that I could stand up and walk over to the woman in front of me.

Before Carina could get close enough for me to hug her, she opened the beige overcoat she was dressed in and let me see the tight navy-blue dress she was wearing. The piece hugged her body as if it had been made especially for Carina, the subtle curve of her waist had been enhanced as well as her breasts that now almost popped out of the dress. She looked beautiful. Sexy and beautiful.

-Ciao, bambina. - She smiled openly at me, folding her coat over her forearm before extending an arm for a hug.

My hands went to her waist, and I gave it a firm squeeze before pulling her even closer to me, her front clinging to mine as I placed a kiss on her cheek and then brushed my nose against it, pushed her hair back with the gesture, and pressed my mouth against her ear.

-Ciao. - I whispered. - You look wonderful, baby girl. You'll be well rewarded for your choice of dress.

-I'm glad you liked it. - She spoke in the same tone. - I picked it out with you in mind.

Carina knew that she stirred up my possessive side when she said this kind of thing, when she told me that she was dressing for me the little devil on my left shoulder whispered in my ear that she was mine.

-Hello, my favorite Italian goddess! - Travis spoke up, jumping out of his seat and coming over to the two of us.

-I hope there isn't another Italian goddess in your life, Travis. - Carina laughed as she hugged my friend.

-Like anyone could ever live up to you! Please! - Even I had to laugh at Travis's comment.

The girls returned soon after and more hugs and kisses were shared before we sat down at the table and began sipping from our drinks.

-Well? What was the most unusual thing that ever happened during a call? - Carina asked my friends before sipping from her wine.

-Oh God, so many things. I don't even know where to start. - Vic laughed.

-Maybe Travis almost having a heart attack inside a house he swore was haunted? - Andy spoke between laughs.

-What about when we got a call to cut the handcuffs that bound a woman in a very compromising position because her partner simply let the keys fall into the kitchen drain? - Vic spoke up next and the memory flooded my mind quickly as I let a loud laugh escape my chest.

-Oh God, I remember that day! She was chained to the refrigerator! - I spoke holding my stomach to try to calm my laughter.

-Who chains someone to the refrigerator? - Carina laughed too.

-I know, right? - Travis sipped from his beer. - I've lost count of how many calls I've had to handle on account of poorly executed fetishes.

-And it usually involves the EMT. - Andy added and we all nodded.

-And you Carina? Any interesting cases? - Vic asked and I turned to the woman next to me.

I brought a hand under the table to her thigh as I waited for her answer, Carina gave me a quick sideways glance warning me not to do any funny business and - as tempting as it was - I restrained myself.

-In my first week here, a woman came to the emergency room telling me that she had put an inappropriate object inside her. - Carina laughed lightly as she told the story, and I could spend all night listening to that laughter. - I was ready for sex toys, even vegetables because people are reckless and stupid, what I wasn't ready for was a gun.

-No! - Andy and Vic shouted at the same time as Travis and I both widened our eyes.

-What? - My friend asked.

-Sì, gungina! - Carina nodded sharply a few times and we all burst out laughing.

-A gun in a vagina. - Travis was about to lose his breath between laughs.

-How did she manage to make it fit? - Andy was still shocked.

-Well, that's not really the problem there, Andy! Babies, a whole human being, go through a vagina! - Vic answered the lieutenant. - The real question is: why?

-Take a guess - Carina rolled her eyes.

-Boyfriend in prison? - It was my turn to speak, and Carina nodded. - Oh God!

-People do crazy things for love. - Carina laughed, and although I knew she wasn't wrong, it was hard to think that people would do something so stupid for a boyfriend.

-After all that, I need another beer.  - I said as I got up from my chair. - Anyone else?

-Another glass of wine for me, please. - Carina asked and I nodded, looked at the rest of the people and they all shook their heads.

I went to the bar and gave the order to Joe who was trying to deal with all the orders on that strangely busy Wednesday.

-Give me a second. - The man said to me.

-Take your time. - I reassured him as I propped my elbows on the counter and leaned slightly over them.

There were a few orders before mine, I knew it would take a while and I was determined to grab this last beer and call it a night - at least here at the bar, the night was far from over when it came to what we would do when we got to Carina's house.

-Maya? - I heard my name being called and turned toward the vaguely familiar voice. - Hello!

-Hello? - The greeting sounded like a question, and it took me a few seconds to recognize the redhead in front of me, but a glance at the birthmark she had on her shoulder was enough to remind me of a random Wednesday when I had taken her home. Okay, more than one random Wednesday, maybe two or three. That's it, at most three Wednesdays a long time ago.  - Oh, hello Jane!

-I haven't seen you in a while, how are you? - I was just glad to realize that I hadn't gotten the woman's name wrong, it would have been quite embarrassing.

-Yes, I've been busy. - I spoke back, returning my gaze to the bar, wishing with all my might that the drinks would be ready soon.

-I can see that some of this time you've been busy at the gym. - She spoke and then brought a hand up to one of my arms, her fingers flexing against my biceps. - As strong as ever.

-Well, it's part of the job. - I said, taking a step back as an excuse to disengage myself from her touch.

-Oh, yes. How could I forget the hottest firefighter in all of Seattle? - She smiled and her flirtation would have worked on any other Wednesday before reuniting with Carina, but at that moment I just wanted to go back to my table, drink my beer and leave with the Italian by my side.

-Maya? - The Italian accent that came up behind me, noticeable even though she was only speaking my name, made my whole body stiffen a little.

-I'm sorry, but I got here first. - Jane turned to Carina and as soon as I turned to the Italian woman, I saw her eyebrows arch. - Maybe next Wednesday you'll have better luck.

-I'm not interested, Jane. I thought I made that clear. - I spoke quickly, trying to end this disastrous interaction.

-But today is Wednesday, Maya. - The woman stepped forward and then I stepped back, moving away from the redhead. - Don't waste the evening with her, you know I do everything you like best; why take a shot with her when you know you'll have a good time with me?

-She said she's not interested, Jane. - It was Carina who spoke this time, the redhead's name practically spat out of her mouth with clear irritation in her tone, and the Italian woman stepped forward, standing partially in front of my body before crossing her arms against her chest. - I'm sure you were an interesting Wednesday girl, but Maya has company tonight, and she told you she's not interested.

-Are you dating her? - Jane's eyes widened as they locked on my face.

-I have company tonight, Jane. And I'm not interested. - I deflected the question by repeating Carina's same words. - I hope you find someone to have a good time with tonight.

-Well, what a waste. - The redhead shrugged, gave me a wink, and turned to go back to her table.

Carina turned slowly toward me, and I waited for her to say something, yell at me, but she didn't. She just stood there, right in front of me, with a creased brow before she leaned against the counter the same way I had done minutes ago.

Well, that was awkward.

-She... - I started to speak but was interrupted by Joe.

-Here, a beer and a glass of white wine. I'll put it on your tab, Captain. - He slid the glass and cup across the counter, and Carina quickly picked up the glass and took a big gulp.

-Are you upset? - I asked softly. - I was trying to make it clear to her that I was not interested in a polite way, but I guess she is a pushy girl by nature.

-I'm sure she didn't have to be too pushy to get you to fuck her the other times. - The bitter tone in Carina's voice made me nibble my lower lip.

-That was months ago. - I muttered. - Before you even came back.

-She doesn't seem to be over it.

-It's not a matter of getting over it, she was taking her shot. Like it was any other Wednesday. - I shrugged. - If it had been any other Wednesday before you came back, she would have been lucky.

-Is this supposed to make me feel better, Maya? - She asked, turning to me before taking another big gulp of her wine and I could see that her face was getting redder from the conversation.

-What I mean is that it doesn't matter to me anymore. As you said yourself, I have company tonight. - I drank from my beer to keep myself from talking more than I should. To keep me from telling her that no other woman could stand up to her and that I had no eyes for anyone else. That all I wanted was to have her for myself. That I wanted to be her girlfriend and that I wanted to be able to call her mine.

-And if I hadn't been here, if you had not been accompanied tonight, would she have been lucky? - The question came out as a mixture of irritation and sadness.

-Probably not. - I answered.

-Probably. - Carina sneered at the word, rolled her eyes, and walked away from the table.

I had screwed up.