
Chapter 19


When a pack is under another pack, such a pack is called a gamma pack.

Gamma pack members are usually smaller in number than the alpha pack itself, so for a gamma pack to be twenty in number must mean the Stockholmien must be even larger in number especially considering the fact that they have two gamma packs under them.

Only four members of Astro’s pack knows this fact; Aubrey, Nike, Jacobi and Alicia.

Learning the gamma pack were twenty in number put a cold chill in Jacobi’s spine, but he swallowed his fear as he remembered his role was one where fear had no room to stay.

He thought of informing Astro of the bigger threat of how large the Stockholmien pack really is through the link Astro uses to see through them and communicate with them, but he doubted if it will really work of even change the course they were currently on.