

{WARNING:MATURE CONTENT] #EXCERPT# Madison walked through the dark corridor as she held the wall to avoid crashing into something. She turned towards the direction of the kitchen where she heard strange sounds coming from. On reaching the kitchen, she instantly turned on the light when she saw something that would scar her forever. Her aunt Marie lay cold and still on the kitchen floor, but that was never all. She could see the hollow in her heart region that was ferrociously created and raised her head to see the person who she had shared a bed with hours ago holding a still pumping heart in his hand that had blood dripping from it. His eyes where bloody red and his two teeths lengthened. He looked like the creature she had always seen in her dreams and read about. Madison took 3 steps backwards in utter shock. Her eyes held confusion and fright in them.She couldn't tell what to do...run?...scream?...cry?....she couldn't tell what to do and her thought was a complete mess and she wished this wasn't real....she wished it was a dream that she could wake up from but sadly it wasn't. Daemon looked at the girl who had withdrawn from him staying still like a statue. He wished he could explain things to her but with the situation ongoing, she wouldn't be able to listen. "D..daemon what are you?" she asked in tears. Tears of seeing the person she had laughed and talked with at dinner, laying dead on the floor and tears of knowing that the person she loved wasn't human. "Madison i can explain but you have to listen ro me. Don't freak out please" said Daemon as he dropped the heart on the floor while his inhuman looks disappeared but she shook her head as tears dripped down uncontrollable. He was the blood sucking creature she had read about in fictional books.He was a vampire. . . . . . Credits to the owner of the cover photo Author sparkle

Seaofstars · Fantasy
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2 Chs



Madison walked through the dark corridor as she held the wall to avoid crashing into something and falling down. She turned towards the kitchen where she heard strange noises coming from. She walked to the kitchen instantly turning on the lights, when she saw something that would scare her forever.

Her aunt Marie laid cold and still on the floor, but that was never all. She could see the hollow in her heart region that had been ferociously made and she raised her head to see the person whom she had shared a bed with hours ago holding a still pumping heart in his hand that had blood dripping from it. His eyes were red and two of his teeth had lengthened and he looked exactly like the creature she usually saw in her dreams and read about. Madison took three step back in utter shock.

Her eyes held confusion and fright in them. She couldn't tell what to do.. ..scream?.....run?....cry?...her thought was a complete mess and she wished this wasn't real...she wished it was a dream she could wake up from but sadly it wasn't. Daemon looked at the girl that had withdrawn from him standing frozen like a statue. He wished he could explain things to her but with the state she was in right now, he couldn't.

"D.....Daemon what are you?" she asked in tears. Tears of seeing the person that she had laughed and talked with at dinner laying lifeless on the floor and tears of knowing that the person she was in love with wasn't human.

"Madison I can explain but you have to listen to me. Don't freak out please" said Daemon as he dropped the heart he had in his hand and the inhuman looks on him had disappeared but she shook her head with tears dripping down uncontrollably. He was the blood sucking creature she had read about in fictional books and had always been scared of. He was a vampire.



Feral obsessions is my first book on the webnovel app which covers the fantasy romance genre and is freshly ongoing. It is a normal-paced novel and will be updated daily.


Author sparkle ✨