
Feral Monster

A young man forgotten by the world. Trained by an intelligent monster on how to survive. His surrogate father dies and the young man is forced back into the real world

Isekaiwriter · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Adventure Guild

The city was well defended. Two massive inner gates led to the commons area where shops, restaurants, and merchants were. Large open streets lined with white brick buildings. Horses were trotting in every direction while people talked over each other. The inner city was guarded by another thick wall. One entryway sat in the center of the wall. Residences lie behind those walls, the homes of the citizens of Typhoon city. Wealthy and poor were separated by halves. While in the center of the city lies the mayor's mansion. Large home with twenty bedrooms. How do I know this? Derek loves to talk, in fact, he never shuts up. I knew he meant well but my trust was hard-earned. His wife and child talked about a shopping trip they were excited about. Torches had begun being placed in the streets by the time we arrived at the adventurers guild. A large impressive building, at the front, stood two ornate pillars. Each depicts adventurers fighting off demon beast hordes. Two large oak doors with golden handles stood imposingly.

"Well this is your stop young man, what did you say your name was?" Derek asked as he helped me out of the carriage.

"Rudy," I replied without looking back.

He said something but I wasn't paying attention. I pushed the heavy doors open, and the smell of tobacco and alcohol hit me. Everyone was talking at once. The large entryway was packed full of people. Some looking for party members while others looking for jobs. A large desk with a set of slots in the wall behind it took up a large corner of the room. A thin pale woman sat behind it. Her long, dark red hair hung at her shoulder blades. A thin elongated ear poked through the hair on each side. She wore a dark green and blue uniform.

"Hi is this your first time here?" Her voice cut through the crowd of people.

I struggled my way to the desk, finally reaching it after wading through the sea of people.

"Yes, it is," I replied.

"Ok let me go grab the registration forms." She said turning around on her stool.

She flicked through some of the slots and pulled out a few sheets of paper.

"Can you write your name?" She asked.

"No," I replied.

"Can You read?" She asked.

"No," I answered again.

"Ok, I'll read it for you. This first paper is about how the city funds us, so every once in a while, we must commit to patrols and demon beast subjugation on behalf of the city. Prick your finger and sign in blood here please." She said handing me a thin needle.

I nodded and pricked my thumb, placing it down on the parchment. She then took the paper and did the same underneath my thumbprint.

"There's some magic that can detect whose blood is who's." She explained as I looked confused.

"This paper states that you understand adventuring is a dangerous job, thus you agree that the city isn't responsible for any injury or death that occurs while performing your job." She explains.

I nodded and repeated the process. She scurried off to a room upstairs. Five minutes later she hands me a metal necklace. On it said rank one.

"There's a total of ten ranks per badge. Right now you are at the bottom of the totem pole. The more you contribute, the more you can earn. We don't restrict you from taking any kind of demon beast hunting jobs, If you can complete it then the bounty is yours. You can form parties as you please, everyone gets an equal split of any loot found. All parties must be registered before dungeon diving." She explained as I put the necklace on.

I nodded and looked around.

"What kind of jobs do you have?" I asked.

"We have a few were-rabbit hunts open, A basilisk is in the sewers, and a pack of dire wolves is terrorizing a farm nearby. Which one would you like?" She asked.

"I'll hunt the wolves. I have a grudge against them anyways." I said taking the rolled parchment from her hands.

"Ok be safe, The guilds open till midnight then open again at ten in the morning." She said as I left.

The city was quiet at night, except for several guards. Some are drunk after a day's shift, and others just starting their day. I walked the quiet streets, feeling eyes on me from the moment I left the guild. I took a left down a dark alleyway. I hid behind some crates. Someone walked past me. I reached out and grabbed the stalker's neck.

"Quickly now, why are you following me?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Your not someone from town. I'm one of the intelligence officers for the city. I was assigned to gather information on you for the guild and the mayor." A female voice said meekly.

"So your job is just to follow not interfere with my job?" I asked.

"Just watch I swear!" She stuttered.

I released her, walking away. She kept stride with me as I exited the city. We set up camp to the west of the city. The fire crackles in the night air. She sat on a log opposite me. Her black hair was pulled right into a bun. Her red eyes scanned the dark tree line behind me.

"Why are you taking the dire wolf case alone?" She asked.

"Because I am alone," I replied.

That seemed to stem her questions.

"My name is Artia. What's yours?" Did she ask.

"Rudy. Get some rest. if you fall behind, I will leave you" I replied laying down in the dirt.

I watched her pull out a small black book and began writing stuff down. She did so for about an hour before she laid down. Soon her soft snores filled the air. I sighed, looking up at the night sky, and began counting. I got up to a hundred before passing out. Songbirds woke me up as the sun.