
Feral Instinct

Raised in a lab, Mai is forced to live and work as an enforcer of Freeze City. However, as a deadly pathogen spreads through her facility, Mai and the last surviving canines are forced to wander the lands for survival. She then hears of a fabled place called "Paradise" where all wolves and canines can be free from the nightmares of this world and will do everything in her power to make sure she finds it; but doing so makes her pack a target by those who believe them to be a threat and others who want to spill their blood.

Dhdgan · Anime & Comics
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Frozen Hell

It was one of the coldest winters Freeze City has ever gotten. The snow froze over the environment that became too harsh to inhabit and vegetation was scarce. The only thing that kept Freeze City alive was its borders that separated humanity from the rest of the world. Food was distributed in small amounts by the government as crime and poverty increased in numbers. Soon, there were riots and raids that went against the government for their poor decisions. Lives were lost, but in the end, the government managed to control the population by the one thing they had access to: wolves. Of course because of how small their numbers were, they were forced to breed until they had wolves of their own to train and patrol there streets.

In order to properly contain their instincts, scientists built shock collars to stabilize their behavior so they wouldn't turn against them. It wasn't long before they grabbed dogs from nearby stores, shelters and alleyways. Some of them were normal. most were part machine and other became an entirely new species of canine. Unbalanced as the world was, wolves and dogs were used as tools to revive the city, but at the cost of their lives through harsh labor and removing those who didn't fit into Freeze City's rules. Many wolves have heard of place hidden from the Earth that only they can access, an eternal paradise surrounded by meadow-like plains with lakes, flourished trees and snow-topped mountains. Thousands of wolves who heard of this place journey through the cold to find it, only to be left in the freezing cold left for dead. There are so few who believed of such fantasy world and later gave in to the looming oppression, but there are also those who would stop at nothing to be freed by despair and live their own lives, or die trying.