
Feral Fury

Set in a modern-day Earth, in the bustling city of Boston, Adam's life takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious System arrives on the planet. Adam, a dedicated martial artist, had been eagerly preparing to participate in the world-open martial arts championship tournament. However, with the arrival of the System, his plans are diverted, and he finds himself thrust into a world filled with unknown possibilities and hidden mysteries. As Adam embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of the newly arrived System, he must navigate through a world that has been forever changed. Along the way, he encounters strange phenomena, powerful beings, and unexpected allies, each with their own connection to the System. With his martial arts skills as his foundation, Adam must harness the newfound abilities granted by the System and explore the depths of its mysteries. As he ventures further into this unknown realm, Adam discovers that the System holds the key to unlocking extraordinary powers and abilities. He must face formidable challenges, engage in intense battles, and make crucial choices to shape his destiny. With each step forward, Adam becomes more entwined in a web of conspiracies, otherworldy beings, and a change that could jeopardize his existence and the world's fate. Join Adam on an exhilarating journey as he embraces his role as a martial artist within this evolving world, unravels the secrets of the System, and discovers his true purpose in a reality teetering on the edge of chaos.

Zedakos · Fantasy
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67 Chs

The Third Trial - Part III

As Adam surveyed the scene of the goblin village, he realized that most goblins were still engrossed in their perverse gathering at the center. The debauchery continued unabated, their twisted desires leaving them vulnerable and oblivious to their surroundings.

A shrewd plan formed in Adam's mind. He decided to capitalize on their distraction and use their own revelry against them. Stealthily, he made his way toward the outskirts of the village, seeking a vantage point that would allow him to exploit their vulnerable position. Spotting a small tree with sturdy branches overlooking the gathering, Adam skillfully climbed up, his movements as silent as a whisper.

Adam prepared himself for the task at hand, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He knew he needed to strike swiftly and silently, using his surroundings to his advantage. He clearly viewed the goblin orgy below from this elevated position. Carefully, he assessed the goblins, identifying those who seemed most engrossed in the spectacle. He carefully marked their positions and movements, searching for patterns or opportunities. Adam's plan involved creating a diversion that would lure some of the goblins away from the center, allowing him to eliminate them one by one without alerting the entire village. He reached into his storage gauntlet and retrieved a small object - a rock.

With precise aim, Adam threw the rock towards a distant corner of the village, away from the orgy. The rock struck a hut, producing a loud thud that echoed through the air. The goblins, momentarily startled, shifted their attention away from their depraved activities and towards the disturbance.

As the goblins cautiously investigated the noise, Adam seized the opportunity. Swift as a shadow, he descended from his perch and moved with calculated stealth toward the outskirts of the village. He hid behind a hut, patiently awaiting his moment.

A party of five curious goblins ventured away from the center, drawn to the source of the disturbance. They approached cautiously, their senses alert but their guard lowered by their own primal desires.

It was the perfect opening for Adam. He silently dispatched the goblins with expert precision, his strikes quick and lethal. He swiftly hid the bodies in the empty huts, ensuring no evidence of his presence remained. Surprisingly, although these goblins were level 10, they had meager defenses, letting him kill them easily.

Adam returned to his vantage point, silently observing the goblins' reaction. To his relief, they seemed to have returned to their previous debauchery, unaware of the missing members of their group. However, just before the ten-minute mark, a female goblin's voice pierced through the air, expressing concern over the absence of the five goblins who had gone to investigate the noise.

Without wasting any time, Adam swiftly descended from the tree and made his way to an empty hut to take cover. He knew that the goblins would soon discover the bodies of their fallen kin and start searching for him. This presented an opportunity for him to further thin their numbers.

The thought of facing more than five to ten goblins in an open battle sent a shiver down Adam's spine. Their weapons, contaminated with rust and feces, posed a severe threat. One scratch from those weapons could potentially transmit a deadly disease, and even his regenerative powers might not be enough to counteract it.

As Adam hid in the hut, he listened intently. Soon enough, the door creaked open, and two goblins cautiously entered. They were on edge, adopting defensive postures, but they looked no more formidable than three-and-a-half-foot babies wielding swords caked in filth.

Using their distraction, Adam threw a pebble to the other side of the room, diverting their attention away from him. In a swift motion, he beheaded the goblins, their lifeless bodies dropping to the ground. He glanced outside, ensuring the coast was clear, and then quickly changed his location.

Adam realized that the goblins were searching the huts in groups of two or three. He continued dispatching them one by one, moving stealthily and leaving no trace of his presence. However, his luck ran out as he was discovered, prompting the goblins to raise the alarm and give chase.

The village erupted with the shouts of enraged goblins as they closed in on Adam's location. He sprinted towards the village entrance, deftly evading their attacks. Along the way, he encountered a couple more goblins trying to block his path but swiftly dispatched them to clear his way forward.

Adam aimed to lure the goblins into an open area, away from the cramped huts and potential ambush points. He wanted to face them head-on, avoiding surprise attacks from goblins hiding behind huts or leaping from the rooftops.

As Adam reached the open space, a pack of ten goblins closed in on him, their low intelligence evident in their snarls and wild gestures. Towering over them at nearly 6 feet tall, Adam exuded a commanding presence as the battle was about to unfold.

The first goblin lunged forward, swinging its crude weapon with reckless abandon. Adam swiftly sidestepped the attack, taking advantage of the goblin's lack of coordination. In one fluid motion, he incapacitated the goblin with a precise strike, sending it crashing to the ground.

Undeterred by their fallen comrade, the remaining goblins rushed at Adam, their movements clumsy and uncoordinated. With a calculated mix of agility and skill, Adam evaded their desperate strikes, dispatching them one by one. His blows landed expertly, exploiting their limited intelligence and slow reflexes.

As the battle reached its midpoint, Adam's caution remained steadfast. He never allowed himself to be caught off guard, always maintaining a defensive stance while skillfully countering his opponents' feeble attacks. The goblins' predictable movements became his advantage, as he swiftly incapacitated them without sustaining a single injury.

However, just as Adam seemed to have the upper hand, the ground trembled beneath him, signaling the arrival of the war chief. Standing taller than the other goblins but still significantly shorter than Adam, the war chief brandished his crude axe with a feral grin.

[Goblin Warchief (Level 12) - Boss Monster]

The war chief, a formidable sight to behold, stood taller than the other goblins, his hulking frame reaching a height of 4.5 feet. His grotesque visage was marred by a large, bulbous nose reminiscent of a rotting turnip. A wild, unkempt mane of greasy black hair framed his round face, accentuating his beady, malevolent eyes. His stature, although imposing, was offset by a sizable belly that protruded over a crude leather loincloth. Despite his crude appearance, an undeniable strength radiated from him, as if his brawn surpassed his physical form. He wielded a massive, rusty axe in his hand, its jagged blade tarnished with the stains of countless battles.

As Adam surveyed the battlefield, his eyes locked onto the remaining three goblins, their crude weapons held tightly in their hands. With his towering presence and menacing grin, the war chief taunted Adam, proclaiming his impending doom and intentions to consume him.

War Chief: "You've made big mistake, puny human! You food now!"

Adam, unfazed by the war chief's threats, chuckled sarcastically.

Adam: "Oh, I'm trembling in fear! You must be the legendary goblin chef, serving up seconds of disappointment!"

Undeterred by the war chief's taunts, Adam prepared himself for the fight ahead. His mind raced, formulating a strategy to overcome the war chief's strength and the combined assault of the other goblins. He knew he had to take them down one by one, with precision and speed.

The goblins lunged at Adam; their attacks were coordinated and vicious. Adam moved with grace and agility, dodging their strikes and countering with calculated precision. His strikes landed true, exploiting their limited intelligence and slow reflexes.

Goblin 1: "Die now, little human!"

Adam: "Oh, bless your pointy little head! Do you need a stepping stool to reach me?"

As the battle intensified, Adam found himself engaged in a deadly dance with the three goblins. With each strike, he incapacitated them with swift and lethal efficiency. He expertly parried their blows, using his superior height and reach to his advantage.

The war chief, growing impatient, charged at Adam with his crude axe held high. Adam anticipated the attack, sidestepping at the last moment and delivering a powerful counterstrike. The goblin chief staggered backward, momentarily stunned by the force of Adam's blow.

War Chief: "You no escape me! I crush you!"

Adam: "Oh, look who's got a way with words! I'm shaking in my boots... or should I say, my oversized goblin loafers?"

Seizing the opportunity, Adam unleashed a series of rapid strikes on the remaining goblins, dispatching them with lethal efficiency. With each fallen goblin, his confidence grew, fueled by his unwavering determination to prevail.

Now, it was time to face the war chief head-on. The war chief swung his axe with brutal force, aiming to crush Adam under its weight. Adam locked eyes with the goblin chief, their gazes filled with fierce determination.

Adam skillfully evaded the war chief's powerful swings, deftly moving around him with calculated precision. He patiently waited for the perfect moment to strike, carefully analyzing the war chief's movements and exploiting any opening.

Adam: "You swing like a drunk orc at a tavern brawl! Is that the best you've got, Fatty?"

With a surge of strength, Adam unleashed a devastating power strike, aiming directly for the war chief's weakened side. The blow landed with resounding force, causing the war chief to stumble and drop his axe. Sensing victory within his grasp, Adam swiftly followed up with a series of swift strikes, each one delivering a deadly blow.

Finally, with a final, decisive strike, Adam delivered a finishing blow that sent the war chief crashing to the ground. The battle was won. Adam stood victorious amidst the lifeless bodies of his fallen enemies.

Adam: "Well, that's one way to put a goblin on a diet!"