

After being subjected to secret experiments, a man finds himself transformed into a vampire, thrust into the hidden and complex society of his new kind. Struggling with clouded memories of his past life, he must navigate the treacherous waters of vampire politics, alliances, and betrayals. As he tries to find his place within this unfamiliar world, he grapples with an intense blood lust that threatens to consume him. To make matters worse, he becomes the target of vampire hunters determined to eradicate his kind. Amidst these challenges, he must uncover the truth about his transformation, confront his inner demons, and fight for survival in a world where trust is scarce and danger lurks at every turn.

Liam_Rashi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter One: AWAKENING

The wreckage of the van smoulders behind you, casting flickering shadows on the abandoned industrial landscape. Your senses are heightened, and the thirst consumes you. The scent of human blood hangs thick in the air as you follow the trail to a dimly lit warehouse where a group of homeless people huddle together for warmth. 

As you approach, your predatory instincts take over. The darkness conceals your form until you're mere steps away. The homeless, oblivious to your presence, shiver in their tattered blankets, unaware of the impending terror. 

The first victim, a frail man with sunken eyes, is the closest. Without a sound, you seize him, your newly elongated claws sinking into his flesh. His eyes widen in terror as he realizes the danger too late. Blood spurts from the wounds, staining the concrete floor in a gruesome display.


The others, paralyzed by fear, watch in horror as you drain the life from the first victim. His body convulses in your grip, blood spraying from the torn arteries with each beat of his fading heart. The metallic smell of blood intensifies, mingling with the sickening scent of fear. 

With a savage hunger, you turn to the next victim, a woman with matted hair and tear-streaked cheeks. Her attempts to crawl away are futile as you pounce, tearing into her throat with a guttural growl. The blood gushes forth, drenching your face and hands in a macabre baptism. 

The scene becomes a symphony of terror and gore. Limbs are severed, and screams are silenced as you move with relentless brutality. The homeless, once seeking refuge, are now caught in a nightmare of their own making. The warehouse floor becomes a grotesque canvas painted in the dark hues of death. 

As the last victim falls, the warehouse is silent, save for your own laboured breaths. The once-huddled group now lies scattered, their lifeless bodies mutilated beyond recognition. The fear that lingers in the air is not just a memory; it's an indelible mark of the monster you've become. 

The city ahead beckons, its lights a distant promise of answers. The thirst may be momentarily sated, but the echoes of that brutal feeding will resonate within you as you navigate the dark and treacherous path that lies ahead. The journey into the vampire underworld has begun, painted with the gore of your first victims. 

City of Shadows 

The city's neon lights flicker like distant stars as you navigate the maze of alleyways, the gnawing hunger within you growing more insistent. The echoes of your previous feeding linger, a relentless reminder that survival now means preying on the living. You find yourself wandering into a dimly lit alley, later discovering it's known as "Lovers Alley" due to its association with amorous encounters from the nearby bar. Unbeknownst to the unwitting lovers, it has also become a feeding ground for vampires. 

As you traverse the shadows of Lovers Alley, you feel an unsettling mix of emotions. The scent of human desire and intimacy hangs thick in the air, a stark contrast to the predatory instincts clawing at your conscience. The dim light casts eerie shadows on the brick walls, amplifying the inner turmoil that accompanies your newfound existence.


The encounter with the lone drunk stumbles upon you, his presence an unwitting beacon for the hunger within you. The visceral need to feed clashes with the remnants of your humanity, leaving you grappling with the moral implications of your actions. As his oblivious figure comes into view, you battle with conflicting thoughts – the marine who once fought for a cause now wrestles with the predatory nature of the undead. 

The allure of fresh blood becomes an irresistible force, pulling you toward the man like a moth to a flame. The darkness within you hungers, demanding satisfaction, while your inner struggle intensifies. With a surge of feral instinct, your fangs pierce his neck, and the man's muffled screams are met with the sickening symphony of desperate gulps. 

The crimson ecstasy of feeding momentarily numbs the torment in your mind. The alley, shrouded in shadows, becomes a witness to the macabre dance between predator and prey. Unbeknownst to you, the intimate atmosphere is a façade for the dark ballet that unfolds as you quench the relentless thirst within. 

The realization of your intrusion disrupts the eerie quietude. As the lovers' alley transforms into a nightmarish battleground, the vampires, cloaked in the semblance of humanity, turn their predatory gazes toward you. The struggle within you becomes externalized, manifesting in the brutal clash of claws and fangs. 

The first encounter is a visceral display of power, both from you and the more human-like vampires. The grotesque scene, heightened by the scents of desire and spilled blood, becomes a poignant reminder of the duality that now defines your existence. 

As you break free from the violent dance, retreating into the shadows, the alley remains stained with the echoes of your inner turmoil. The city's pulse quickens with the aftermath of the brutal encounter, and the hunger within you persists, an insatiable force that pushes you deeper into the dark recesses of the vampire underworld. The battle with your own nature has only just begun. 

30 minutes later 

The air in the dimly lit bar is thick with the scent of spilled alcohol and hushed conversations. Mary, a vampire with raven-black hair cascading down her shoulders, occupies a shadowy corner booth. Opposite her, Khan, an enforcer known for his ruthless efficiency, sits with an air of quiet authority. The dim light casts solemn shadows across their faces as Mary recounts the events in Lovers Alley. 

Mary's crimson eyes meet Khan's steely gaze as she leans forward, her voice cutting through the ambient murmur of the bar. "Khan, it was unlike anything I've encountered before. Lovers Alley, our feeding ground, became a battleground. Chaos unfolded in the shadows." 

Khan's expression remains stern, his demeanor unwavering. "Elaborate, Mary. I need precise details." 

"As I was indulging in my meal, a creature stumbled in, I am not sure if it was due to the scent of blood that lured the creature or something else, but all I know is that, It was frenzied, Khan, like a beast unchained. Claws elongated, eyes ablaze with an unholy fire. It fought with a savage strength, more than any ordinary vampire. The alley became a gruesome theatre of primal brutality, and I had to retreat before the situation escalated further." 

Khan's brow furrows slightly as he absorbs the information. The weight of the revelation hangs in the air. "Frenzied and powerful. This is not a matter to be taken lightly. Tell me more, Mary. We need to understand the nature of this threat." 

Mary takes a sip of her blood-red drink, her gaze unwavering. "Its form was grotesque and imposing, Khan. Claws like daggers, eyes glowing with an unnatural light. It fought with an almost primal ferocity, as if it couldn't control its own hunger. The others in the alley were mesmerized by the frenzy, thinking it was part of some twisted dance." 

Khan rises from the booth, his movements deliberate and calculated. The bar's dim lighting casts shadows across its sharp features, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. "This is indeed troubling, Mary. We can't let a creature like that roam freely. It jeopardizes the Fallacia and the fragile balance we maintain." 

Mary nods in agreement, her tone serious. "That's why I contacted you, Khan. This creature is a threat to our existence. I didn't recognize its scent or its abilities. We need to act swiftly before it wreaks further havoc." 

Khan's eyes narrow with determination. "I will personally investigate this matter. We can't afford any breaches in the Fallacia. Keep a low profile, Mary, and ensure the others do the same. Unnecessary attention could be detrimental to us all." 

Mary acknowledges his words with a solemn nod, watching as Khan leaves the bar. The gravity of the situation permeates the air, and the city's underworld braces itself for the impending darkness that threatens to unfold. 

Khan rises from the shadowy booth, leaving the dimly lit bar behind. The atmosphere within the establishment still carries the weight of Mary's report, and Khan, the towering enforcer, steps into the night with a sense of purpose. His silhouette melds with the urban darkness as he embarks on a journey to investigate the disturbances that threaten the delicate balance of the vampire underworld.


As Khan navigates through the labyrinthine alleyways, his enforcer instincts guide him to the scene of the fierce confrontation. The evidence of the supernatural clash is apparent – bloodstains, broken concrete, and lingering traces of an otherworldly struggle. His keen eyes scrutinize every detail, seeking insights into the nature of the mysterious entity that had caused such chaos. 

His tracker, skilled in retracing the steps of the supernatural, begins the meticulous task of unravelling the trail. The journey leads them through the city's underbelly, backtracking to the initial incident – the murder of the homeless man. The tracker's ability, honed through years of service to the vampire clans, reveals a sequence of events that point towards a sinister force at play. 

On the rooftop overlooking the scene of the murder, Khan taps into his own formidable abilities. With preternatural agility, he scales the heights of the buildings, moving with a grace that belies his imposing stature. From this vantage point, he surveys the city, a vigilant sentinel seeking answers in the sea of shadows. 

A message arrives, transmitted through the secure channel. The words unfold before him, detailing the extent of the night's horrors – the murders, the mayhem, and the undeniable threat that looms. The urgency in the message triggers a shift within Khan's stoic demeanour. 

The enigmatic enforcer, perched on the rooftop like a guardian of the night, absorbs the gravity of the situation. The investigation unveils a narrative that transcends mere isolated incidents, painting a portrait of impending chaos that demands swift and decisive action. 

Khan's piercing gaze remains fixed on the city sprawled beneath him as his subordinate, a figure of lesser stature, stands beside him. The message received through the secure channel demands a decisive response. The subordinate, awaiting Khan's command, prompts with a question: "What code should we issue, sir?" 

As Khan contemplates the severity of the situation, his internal monologue begins. "Green," he wishes he could consider this, a mere fleeting thought that the danger has passed or is under control, is he going mad a slight chuckle escapes him. It's clear from the signs and deeper intuition honed from years of experience warns against premature optimism. The gravity of the incident suggests otherwise. 

"Amber," he contemplates next, acknowledging that an incident has occurred, but could it be considered minimal? he asks himself, no this goes beyond it. 

"Red," he finally declares, his voice resonating with authority. "Issue a Code Red. Multiple breaches have occurred, and intense harm has been done. However, it seems confined to a certain region of the city. We must be vigilant, and preparations need to be made. The threat is localized, but we cannot afford complacency." 

The subordinate nods, acknowledging Khan's directive. "Understood, sir. Issuing a Code Red." His fingers dance across the communication device, relaying the enforcer's decision to the vampire clans and individuals scattered across the city. 

As the message echoes through the night, Khan adds one final thought. "And prepare for the worst. If the situation escalates further, be ready to declare a Code Black. The highest level of caution. This incident may have consequences that reach beyond what we can currently perceive. We cannot afford to underestimate the potential fallout." 

The gravity of the impending darkness hangs in the air. The enigmatic enforcer, with a stoic expression, understands that even in the shadows, the code serves as a beacon, guiding the undead through the tumultuous night that lies ahead. 

As Khan delves into the shadows of the city, orchestrating the response to the unfolding chaos, the perspective shifts to you – still ensconced in the twisted labyrinth of the city's sewers. The battle in the alley has left you in your beastly form, hunger gnawing at your insides, and wounds from the clash throbbing with each step through the murky tunnels. 

The stench of decay and the unsettling echoes of distant drips surround you as you navigate the subterranean world. Your elongated claws scrape against the damp walls, creating an eerie symphony in the darkness. The flickering glow of distant lights casts dancing shadows, amplifying the sense of solitude. 

Hungry and wounded, you move through the labyrinthine passages, your senses heightened in your beastly form. Every footstep, every shuffle of movement, reverberates through the claustrophobic tunnels. The inky blackness seems to close in on you as you struggle to discern friend from foe in the damp silence. 

Yet, an eerie awareness pervades your instincts. Unseen eyes seem to track your every move, a silent audience to your journey through the shadows. You feel the weight of an unseen presence, just beyond the periphery of your heightened vision. A rustle of movement, the faintest echo of breath – the invisible observer remains elusive. 

As you press on, the air thickens with an unsettling tension. You sense the unseen watcher drawing closer, footsteps echoing in the dim confines of the sewer. The hairs on the back of your neck prickle, and an icy shiver runs down your spine. The hunger within you intensifies, not just for blood, but for answers in this cryptic dance with the unknown. 

The dim light flickers ahead, revealing a junction in the tunnels. Your instincts scream at you to be cautious. The eyes that linger in the shadows, the footsteps that follow your every move – they hint at a sinister presence that inches closer with each passing moment. 

With a predatory grace, you take a turn into a narrower passage, the darkness swallowing you whole. The eerie stillness of the sewers amplifies the sensation of being hunted, your every breath echoing against the damp walls. The unseen observer persists, a phantom presence in the abyss. 

The tension builds an ominous prelude to an encounter that looms on the precipice of the shadows. In the sewers' depths, where darkness reigns supreme, you move forward – a creature of the night, hungry, wounded, and acutely aware that the real battle may be just around the corner. 

The pursuit through the dark, winding tunnels becomes increasingly wearisome. Every step you take reverberates through your wounded body, and the hunger that claws at your insides is only matched by the eerie feeling that you are being relentlessly trailed. Exhaustion sets in, and in a moment of desperate intuition, you hunch down against the cold, damp wall, surrendering to the guise of succumbing to your injuries. 

Time in the sewers becomes an elusive concept as you lie there, slowed breathing echoing in the oppressive silence. Hours stretch into an eternity as you maintain the facade of vulnerability, an injured creature seeking refuge in the shadows. The unseen watcher, the entity that had been silently tracking your every move, seems momentarily deceived by your subterfuge. 

And then, an unexpected intrusion disrupts the eerie stillness. A swarm of rats, their tiny claws skittering against the wet ground, surrounds you. Unfazed, you remain motionless, your senses heightened to the whispers of their movements. The rats, seemingly under the influence of an unseen force, approach you with an unnatural determination. 

As the swarm converges upon you, there's a peculiar calmness in the air. You feel the nibbles, the gentle scraping of rodent teeth against your flesh. Instead of reacting in pain, you sense a curious sensation – a subtle intoxication that emanates from each bite. The rats, overwhelmed by an unspoken will, appear to succumb to a state of paralysis with every taste of your blood. 

In this bizarre communion, you become aware of a greater will that directs the swarm. It is the same force that had tracked you through the sewers, a spectral puppeteer orchestrating this macabre ballet. The rats, once a potential threat, now serve as both guardians and spies, their movements dictated by the enigmatic presence that hovers in the shadows. 

With each nibble that sends the rodents into a state of paralysis, you gain a momentary reprieve. The unseen watcher, momentarily satisfied by the twisted performance playing out in the sewer tunnels, remains an elusive enigma. In the stillness that follows, you continue to bide your time, navigating the delicate balance between prey and predator in the labyrinthine darkness of the underworld. 

In the aftermath of the peculiar encounter with the swarm of rats, as the creatures disperse into the shadows, a figure materializes before you. From the nothingness emerges an unsettling presence – a hairless, bald entity with pointed ears and long, bony fingers that culminate in claw-like nails. Its features strike a grotesque balance between the predatory and the macabre. 

Sunken eyes, deathly pale and translucent skin, and sharp, elongated teeth define the creature's visage. It stands before you, an embodiment of darkness, its form seemingly untouched by the conventional rules of reality. Dressed in modern hipster-like clothing, an incongruity that adds a surreal edge to the encounter, and sporting an earpiece in its left ear, the entity emanates an air of otherworldly intelligence. 

As the enigmatic being locks eyes with you, a chill runs down your spine. It regards you with an intensity that transcends the physical, a gaze that seems to pierce through the layers of your very essence. The creature's claw-like fingers twitch with an eerie anticipation, and the stillness in the sewer tunnels is punctuated by an unspoken understanding – a communion between predator and prey, darkness and the damned. 

As the grotesque entity assumes your demise, it speaks into the earpiece, relaying the information to someone identified as V on the other side. You, lying there with bated breath, manage to listen in on the cryptic conversation. The creature, now referred to as V, informs the other side that it has discovered the cause of the Code Red and your apparent demise. It mentions something called the "rat treatment" that it used to confirm your demise. 

Your senses keenly grasp fragments of the conversation. The other voice on the earpiece, an enigmatic figure guiding V, suggests caution in keeping you hidden. V, however, expresses an interest in studying you first before handing you over to the enforcer. The reasoning becomes clearer – hiding you may incur the wrath of the enforcer, and the plan is to extract any useful knowledge from your remains. 

The conversation abruptly concludes, leaving you in the stillness of the sewer tunnels. Seizing an opportunity, the entity before you lean in, seemingly unaware that you still possess a sliver of consciousness. In a burst of primal instinct, you bare your fangs into its neck. The taste is vile, yet with each gulp, an unexpected phenomenon occurs. 

As the creature struggles, memories and knowledge flood your consciousness. Bits and pieces of its understanding of vampiric abilities merge with yours. You gain insights into navigating the sewer system, clarity in your senses, and a profound understanding of the darkness that surrounds you. 

However, the creature breaks free, stumbling away with newfound fear in its sunken eyes. It flees into the shadows, leaving you momentarily weakened but armed with a wealth of knowledge. As you regain your composure, you sense the entity's presence in the darkness, a contrast to your initial encounter. Though weakened, you can now clearly perceive its movements. 

Choosing not to pursue in your weakened state, you decide to seek refuge above ground. The sewers, it seems, are the domain of others who wield the shadows with greater finesse. With newfound knowledge and a heightened sense of your surroundings, you emerge from the subterranean depths, navigating the city above as you weigh your next steps in this intricate dance with darkness. 

In the abandoned building, you harness your newfound abilities, commanding the rats in a manner like that orchestrated by V. A few handfuls gather, offering sustenance to replenish your weakened state. The rest scatter through the building, acting as vigilant sentries, their tiny eyes and sharp instincts attuned to any potential intruder. 

In this eerie, dimly lit space, you find yourself drawn to a metal beam that stretches across the ceiling. Instinctively, you ascend, hanging from it with a grace that feels both foreign and strangely natural. Your wings wrap around you like a protective shroud, concealing you in the shadows. The sensation of being suspended in the darkness brings inexplicable comfort. 

As you contemplate your surroundings, the rats become an extension of your awareness, their senses merging with yours. They comb the building, their squeaks and movements serving as a haunting symphony in the stillness. You, draped in shadows, await the unfolding of events. 

In the sewers V, hidden and wounded, urgently speaking into his earpiece. Frantically, he relays a message to those on the other side, urging them to inform the enforcers that the creature, once assumed dead, still lives. V implores for help, his words laden with a sense of desperation. He mentions the need for blood packs to quell his injuries, the weight of his predicament evident in the urgency of his voice. 

In the abandoned building, the air pulses with an electric charge as Khan, the enforcer, hurtles towards your location with breathtaking speed. The rats, your vigilant sentinels, sense his approach and alert you with a cacophony of squeaks, their tiny eyes reflecting the imminent clash of titans. 

You, not fully rested but fueled by the primal hunger that courses through your veins, brace yourself for the impending confrontation. Khan crashes into the scene, broadsword in hand, an embodiment of lethal intent. Khan, the enforcer, charged toward you with the speed of a supernaturally enhanced predator. 

As Khan closed the distance, his Vampiric instincts at the forefront, you braced yourself for the impending confrontation. The first clash was a blur, a symphony of movements and instincts colliding. Khan's broadsword cleaved through the air with deadly precision, but you, drawing upon your military training and newfound vampiric agility, moved with a grace that defied the limitations of mere mortals. 

The sound of steel meeting air filled the abandoned building. Swiftly, you sidestepped Khan's first swing, the sword whistling past your ear. The rats, sensing danger, scattered in all directions, their squeaks merging with the discordant harmony of the battle. 

The ensuing exchange was a display of sheer athleticism and predatory prowess. You evaded each of Khan's strikes with a dancer's finesse, anticipating his every move. The environment seemed to blur as the two of you engaged in a lethal ballet, the echoes of footsteps and the occasional grunt punctuating the intensity of the struggle.


A surge of adrenaline coursed through your vampiric veins, heightening your senses and reflexes. In response, Khan, drawing upon his Vampiric heritage, tapped into his supernatural abilities. His form blurred, melding with the shadows as if becoming one with the darkness itself. The sound of his movements became elusive, a phantom whisper that kept you on edge. 

As the fight progressed, Khan, using his Vampiric powers, summoned the very shadows around you. Dark tendrils materialized, reaching out to ensnare you. The building itself seemed to come alive, the shadows transforming into tendrils of inky blackness. You dodged and weaved through this supernatural assault, the whispers of the shadows taunting you as Khan utilized his command over them. 

In a moment of eerie calm, Khan vanished into the darkness, becoming an unseen force in the vast expanse of the abandoned building. The occasional rustle of displaced air and the faint echo of his footsteps were the only indications of his presence. The building itself seemed to pulse with malevolence as if it were a living entity participating in the deadly dance. 

Suddenly, Khan reappeared from the shadows, launching a surprise attack. His movements were a blur, a predatory force that seemed to defy the laws of physics. The broadsword swung with deadly accuracy, but your reflexes, heightened by vampiric powers, allowed you to narrowly evade the strikes. The sword grazed your shoulder, leaving a shallow gash that dripped with dark vitae. 

As the fight intensified, Khan unleashed another aspect of his Vampiric abilities. The environment responded to his command. Inanimate objects came to life, levitating and hurtling toward you with alarming speed. Chairs, debris, and shards of glass became projectiles in this supernatural assault. 

You maneuvered with a dancer's precision, avoiding the incoming projectiles. However, the relentless assault took its toll. A piece of shattered glass grazed your cheek, leaving a trail of crimson. The hunger within you intensified, fueled by the taste of your own vitae. 

Despite the odds, you pressed on, determined to meet Khan's onslaught head-on. The building's architecture became an ally in this deadly dance. You vaulted off walls, executed acrobatic flips, and used every inch of the environment to your advantage. The very shadows seemed to respond to your vampiric essence, cloaking you in darkness as you evaded Khan's strikes. 

With a burst of supernatural strength, you closed the distance, disarming Khan with a swift and calculated move. The broadsword clattered to the ground, and for a moment, the building echoed with the sound of the confrontation reaching a pivotal juncture. 

The fight transitioned to hand-to-hand combat, your military training serving as a valuable asset. However, Khan, a veteran of vampiric battles, began to channel his innate powers with increasing finesse. In a display of supernatural prowess, he manipulated the very air around you, using telekinesis to hurl objects toward you at breakneck speeds. 

The fight became a chaotic symphony, the clash of fists, the shattering of glass, and the distant rumble of inanimate objects in flight. The echoes of the confrontation reverberated through the abandoned building, a testament to the titanic struggle unfolding in the hidden corners of the supernatural underworld. 

Fatigue set in as the battle wore on. The lingering wounds from previous encounters, the relentless hunger, and the overwhelming display of Khan's vampiric powers began to take their toll. Each dodge and counter required more effort, and the hunger within you became an insistent force, a primal voice urging you to feed. 

In a moment of vulnerability, Khan seized the opportunity. A surge of telekinetic force sent you sprawling to the ground. As you struggled to regain your footing, Khan, with supernatural speed, closed the distance once again. A powerful blow connected with your side, and the world seemed to tilt on its axis. 

The fight reached its climax as Khan, with a final, devastating strike, incapacitated you. Your vision blurred, the edges of consciousness fading into an inky abyss. In the waning moments, your vampiric form began to yield to the onslaught, reverting back to your human self. 

As you drifted into unconsciousness, the echoes of the battle subsided, leaving only the sound of your labored breaths. The building, once a battleground, returned to its silent, desolate state. Khan stood over you, a stoic sentinel in the aftermath of a clash that transcended the boundaries of the supernatural. 

The darkness enveloped you, and the world descended into blackness. The echoes of the fight lingered in the air, a haunting testament to the clash of vampiric titans, a cinematic spectacle etched into the hidden annals of the night.