
Secrets Revealed

"How do you know my name?!" Luna stood up, she was only a couple of inches taller than the girl but Luna sense there was something really uncomfortable. There was a faint of Grim blood inside of this girl. Just who is this girl?

"Hush Luna, I can't tell you now," the girl spoke, her voice was precise and soft. A voice that was once forgotten to Luna. "But if you let me talk to you somewhere private then I will tell you my name."

"No, I don't believe you," Luna completely denied the girl's request, she doesn't even know when she met a person like her. "Stay away from me and my sister."

Luna immediately regretted saying those words, her face sunk and the girl saw. Luna started to twirl her finger with each other, she was so dumb to bring Celestia into this conversation.

"Celestia, right?" the girl spoke, although the girl's face was covered, her face was sad. Luna doesn't remember who she was, she was always there for Luna yet she has forgotten who helped her in the dark.

Luna didn't say a word, she only made a grim expression. The girl noticed this look and frown.

'Why doesn't she remember me? Not even my voice is recognized,' the girl thought to herself, she was annoyed at the fact that Luna wouldn't remember her but at the same time, she understands why.

"Luna...can I tell you something," the girl spoke with a voice of honesty, trust deep inside.

"Mm?" Luna didn't reply with words but sound, she wasn't gonna fall for this girl's tricks.

"Remember a young girl named Neo?" the girl spoke.

Luna shot her eyes onto the girl, she didn't believe that this cloak, shady girl would actually know her lost sister. She started to feel her blood boil.

"How dare you speak of her!" Luna's voice wasn't loud but it was strong enough for the cloaked girl and some of the surrounding people to look at the two.

"Calm down Luna, please, can we go somewhere else?" the girl pleaded.

Luna looked around, she couldn't do anything this a situation like this. She made a small growl before nodding slightly.

--- ---

Celestia arrived back to the waiting room, she was unfortunately greeted by Leviathan and Professor Vic. Just what she needed, to be interrogated by two higher-ups. Celestia sighed and ignored them before finding a table all alone, she sat down crossed legged and her arms folded. She looked up and said, "Are you joining the fight?"

Leviathan shook her head while Professor Vic started to break into laughter.

"What? I'm serious," Celestia spoke into a more stern voice but she was blatantly joking around with the two.

"Like we would participate in student activity," Leviathan respond, she didn't have the right impression of Celestia, more or less, she didn't believe that Celestia could get what they wanted to be done. "Even if we did, we would probably alienate all the students."

"Levy, calm down, she's only joking," Professor Vic placed her hand on Leviathan's shoulder, she could tell that Leviathan wasn't enjoying this. "Celestia, remember our...promise?"

"You mean the promise about what happened to this place?" Celestia clarified. "Yeah, I remembered."

"Well, I would tell you if we were in my office but we aren't," Professor Vis said. "Come, let's go to my place."

Leviathan tried to protest but no word escaped her mouth, it was as if her mouth was being forced to shut. She looked at Celestia with suspicious eyes but only got a "What are you looking" glare, she then looked at Professor Vic but couldn't see her face.

'Damn it, darling, I wanted to teach her a lesson of respect,' Leviathan's mind was flustered, she really didn't like how Professor Vic was treating Celestia like some royal person. Then an idea came to mind, what if she blackmailed Celestia into doing what they want.

'Hehe, let's see how you fare with that,' Leviathan smirked in her mind as she followed Professor Vic.

Celestia sighed as she could tell from Leviathan's attitude towards her and that she was just standing still for a few seconds. She shook her head, she couldn't believe that after so many years, humans are always the same.

Their ambitions were too high, only gods or immortals would be able to obtain what humans can't.