Follow the life of a young wolf to adulthood in this world of magic. His life of tragedy shapes the way he views the world, trying to change it the way he sees fit.
Thomas places his hand on the paper and creates a two-dimensional intricate circular pattern of magical aura. This plane's complexity level would take a college semester to explain the basics.
The words on the note rearrange themselves in accordance with the magic spell's command. The letters shift by themselves and form a cohesive paragraph explaining how to unlock the wolves' full potential. As Thomas reads these words, he's confused by them. What Mel is proposing here is nothing short of barbaric. 'They're just kids.' He says in his mind with disgust. 'We can't subject them to this.' He rips the paper as many times as he can and throws them on the ground. He kicks his desk in anger, toppling it over. Angry at the fact that he risked his life just for his heart to be torn into pieces just like that note.
"There has to be another way." He says out loud. "I don't get it. Why would that trigger their magical powers? Is it only different for humans?" Thomas paces back and forth while trying to rip his hair out. "This is what I was trying to avoid. FUCK." He kicks the toppled-over desk again.
Thomas reaches for the door handle after making a decision. He grabs it, but he does not turn it. He rests his head on the wall and stays there for several minutes. His mind goes back and forth, he can't make up his mind. He doesn't know what to do.
He spins around, his back facing the door. Leaning back against it, he slides down to sit on the floor. He hangs his head low, thinking. "Nikki. She might know what to do." He rubs his face.
Thomas heads out of his room and runs down the hall to find her. However, on the way, he runs into Donavan. He stares at Thomas for a second before speaking. "The army is close. I heard rumors that they'd be here tomorrow morning."
Thomas drops to his knees. "Please, don't do it. They're just children. No one should experience those things." Tears run down his face as he pleads their case.
"It's up to them how much they suffer. I don't like torturing kids either, but if we do this, everything we have been working so hard for all these years will come true." There is a slight smile that creeps over Donavan's face. If it's from the thrill of torturing kids or accomplishing his goals, Thomas cannot tell. "They just need to experience enough traumatic events to trigger their hidden powers."
"They almost burned to death. If their powers didn't trigger after that, then nothing would."
Donavan kneels down to his level. "There is one thing. I thank god we found a criminal to do it. Because I couldn't. No one here could do it either."
"No." Thomas shakes his head. "No, no, no." That's way too far." Thomas stands up to confront him. "I was willing to cross the line once. But this is a line that you never cross." Thomas raises his voice.
"That's why we're getting someone else who went to jail for it, then we kill that criminal. Or rather, they will."
"FUCK, YOU." Thomas pulls a dagger on Donavan. "You're dead to me. I should kill you right now."
Donavan lifts up his hand to show him the flames of Kentra. "Have you forgotten about this?"
"No-I-" Thomas slaps himself in the face and screams through his teeth. "I won't let you touch them." The anger in Thomas's eyes tells Donavan everything he needs to know.
"It's a normal reaction to this. So I won't hold your outburst against you. However, these are not normal times we find ourselves in. History can call me a devil at the end of the day. But at least I will save this kingdom from destruction."
"You're worse than the devil. The devil has a special place for you in hell. Hellhounds will feast on your genitals. Your eyes will be gouged out and fed to you."
"I'm fine with that," Donavan says. "Because I'm doing this for the greater good."
"Only a sick fuck would have that kind of mindset." Thomas spits in his face. "There has to be a less fucked up way. You ca-You can't resort to rape as one of your first options. Especially when it comes to children." Thomas' voice cracks as he tries to plead with him.
"I wouldn't be doing this if we had more time," Donavan explains. "Sacrifices need to b-"
"You have no idea what sacrifices feel like." Thomas cuts him off. "I have sacrifices these past few years to try and free my family. Everything that I have done for you was to save them." Donavan wants to respond, but he is lost for words. "A sacrifice isn't letting kids get diddled by an adult and feeling bad about it later. A sacrifice would be doing the right thing despite the harm it causes you. Save those kids, even if it costs you your life. That's what I'm trying to do here. I'm willing to throw my life away so you can't harm them."
"You're right," Donavan says as he falls to his knees. "What have I become." He wipes the tears from his eyes. "The old me would never do something so fucked up."
"Stop feeling sorry for yourself." Thomas raises his voice. "We don't have time for this. As you said, the army is near. We need to find another solution."
"I'll put you in charge," Donavan says. "Clearly, my mind is corrupted. If you can find a way to save us all, I promise I will do everything in my power to free your family."
Thomas gives Donavan a big smile and runs off to the training grounds. When Thomas reaches it, he sees Fenrir, Skoll, and Nikki hard at work. He looks around for Luna, confused by her lack of presence. He walks up to them asking where Luna had gone. Nikki tells him that a guard under the order of Donavan had taken her away to speak to her privately. Thomas' heart drops when he realizes everything Donavan had said was a lie. Donavan was stalling him this entire time.
"How long- how long ago was she taken?" Thomas' voice shakes.
Nikki can sense something is off. "About half an hour ago. Why? Is something wrong."
"There still's time," Thomas shouts. "Donavan is trying to hurt her to speed up progress. I found out that trauma is the trigger for these extraordinary abilities. We need to hurry before it's too late. Do you know where they took her?"
"No." Nikki shakes her head in disbelief. "Donavan would never harm her."
Thomas doesn't have time to get through to her. He turns to Fenrir and Skoll who are physically strong enough to hold their own against adults. "Find her, quick. Follow her scent."
Fenrir and Skoll take off without asking any questions about the situation. Seeing how freaked out Thomas is enough for them to act. Rushing down the tunnels, Skoll is the first one to pick up her scent. "This way." He says to Fenrir who is right behind him. "We're getting close."
They run up to a door that stands out from the others. This one is a steel door, reinforced with magic. They can tell from Luna's scent that she's on the other side. Skoll turns to Fenrir to ask if he has an idea to get in. Fenrir checks the stone that surrounds this room. Realizing that it's reinforced as well, he sits on the floor trying to come up with another solution.
"We don't have time for this." Skoll spits out. He starts clawing at the door vigorously like a wild animal. However, he is unable to make a dent in the steel.
A bulb lights up in Fenrir's head. He stands up and looks at Skoll who is the only one capable of opening this door. He has to unlock Skoll's magical ability, there's no other way they can produce enough power to break through. "Remember Skoll, this is your chance to save the princess like you did so many times before."
Skoll takes a step back, he's confused at first, but he knows what Fenrir is trying to do. "That was only in my imagination. I just can't will myself to have magic."
"Stop being so pessimistic," Fenrir yells. "You are the only one who can break through that thing to save her. Stop overthinking it and just do it."
"Alright." Skoll takes a deep breath. "I'm a strong magic-wielding knight on a quest to save the princess from the evil-" Skoll's mind becomes blank as he tries to think on the spot.
"Warlock, Veldar." Fenrir makes up something on the spot.
"That's it," Skoll says as he starts to feel something inside surging through his body. A cascade of electricity flows through him. Snapping, and cracking as a visible layer of electric charge courses over his fur. Feeling this immense power rushing through him, he knows he can knock down any barrier that stands in his way. "I can do this."
Ten minutes earlier. Thomas and Nikki try catching up to the wolves, however, they are too fast for them to keep up with. "I can't keep running," Thomas says as he tries to catch his breath. "Go on without me."
As Nikki is about to respond to him, she sees Donavan walking towards them from down the hall. When he sees them, he starts running away. "After him," Nikki shouts to Thomas. "We can't let him get away."
Thomas watches Nikki run after him while he's still trying to catch his breath. "Wait." He shouts at her. "Why would he be scared of us? He's strong enough to take us out." His words don't reach her.
Nikki chases after him, chasing him around a corner. Donavan slips into a room and shuts a metal door behind him. Nikki rushes up to the door and inspects it. "Magic barrier? Do you really think that's going to keep me out? Stop hiding you fucking coward." Nikki conjures up a water projectile to pierce the door. However, as she's about to shoot it, she hears Thomas yell stop.
"Don't do it." Thomas runs up to her as he's still trying to catch his breath. "Reinforcement magic is only one of the spells they put on here to protect what's inside."
"What do you mean?" Nikki asks.
"They use counter spells. Meaning, that all magic you through at it will be shot back twofold."
"Wait, are you saying I would die if I tried breaking the door down?"
"That's why I stopped you," Thomas says. "You have to figure out a way to disable that spell first." He walks up to the door to inspect the magic that protects it. When he places his hand on it, the door reveals a magic arcane circle with ancient symbols and intricate geometry. Its glowing green hue reflects off nearby surfaces with a pulsating luminescence.
"What is that?" Nikki asks. "I've never seen anything like this before."
"That's because you don't need these to cast magic on yourself," Thomas explains. "Your body acts like the arcane symbol you are seeing now. If you want to cast and store magic on another object, you need one of these."
A loud thunderous shockwave reverberates and shakes the entire underground tunnel system. Thomas and Nikki cover their ears to protect them from the roaring boom. A flood of possibilities flood Thomas' mind. He sorts through each and every one, trashing the one's that are implosable. His eyes widen, and his jaw opens when he realizes what it might have been.